
In MCU with The Lengendary Mechanic (Han Xiao) Cheat

So our MC William was sitting on his couch reading the ending of The Legendary Mechanic one of his most favourite novel. In the backgroung Avengers Endgame was being played on his laptop. By coincidence the moment when Han xiao tries to travel back to his world using information anchor point , Thanos also snaps his finger which due to some cosmic interference, interferes with his transfer. And our MC becomes the connecting point to it all. Han xiao sensing something bad, actively copies the information of our MC and combines with his own and tranfers it to the nearest plane he can find which happens to be the Marvel Universe. Author Note:- Just got the idea and the more i thought the more i am loving it. I don't know why no one else ever tried it. Of course i am just borrowing the characters and if anyone has any problem or copyright issues do tell me. I don't know much related to it.

nakshatra_sharma · Films
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10 Years to World War 2 !! (Part 1)

After a few days of rest, I was both physically and mentally healthy. In the past few days , I was refreshing my memory of the Marvel Universe , to find opportunities that I could benefit from. The most obvious one would be the establishment of S.H.I.E.L.D. To be the founding member of the future behemoth , I just have to participate in the events of the birth of Captain America. Have a good relation with Howard and Peggy and when they decide to establish S.H.I.E.L.D the chances of me being invited are very high considering my family background. Plus participating in the war in also one of my future goals. Firstly, I could watch the working of Super Soldier Serum up close and a chance to befriend Abraham Erskine the creator of serum. Secondly to gain war merits and prestige enough to be considered as a war hero. This will help me both politically and to gain reputation for our Black family and establish its stature. Plus this war is also a good opportunity for our Black family to increase its position and esteem as an arms manufacturer. As I continue to absorb the knowledge in my brain , the more useful weapons would I be able to create and thus giving us an edge over stark industries . Plus I would be able to gain prestige as the future heir of Black family and gain more authority in the family. Plus earn enough funds of my own to use without restrictions. These are necessary requirements so that I could be enough independent and have less restriction otherwise I would have to explain my every move to dad and gramps and that is just impossible. I can't tell them that i know the future, right!

Of course all this is in the future when the war starts. Before that I have to start from the bottom, learn mechanical knowledge and start learning how to fight. Like in the earlier stages of Han Xiao life, where he has learned Agent and Night Crawler Sub-Class to help him in earlier stages of mechanic I would also have to learn all combat related techniques whether it is armed or hand to hand. As i also love sniping so the combat experience of Han Xiao would shorten my learning time and i would be able to grasp the fighting techniques easier and quicker. It seems like I would have to bring this topic to my parents coz. only they can arrange mercenaries or instructor to train me though it will be tricky to convince them. Well let's start from the basic and start learning the basic Knowledge. There are 15 basic knowledges in the mechanics class tree, 5 each for Arms , Energy and Control category. My first order of business is to completely absorb these basic knowledges to build a strong foundation for my future. As the knowledge is just locked the more I learn the more easy it is for me to absorb it. It is as if I have photographic memory , the more i read the more i understand and once i understand i don't forget. I am definitely better that Tony and Howard, if they are genius level mechanic than i may as well be a monster level mechanic.

Thus started my busy life. Going to school daily though i was spellbound with all the knowledge in my brain, borrowing engineering books to supplement my knowledge and as an excuse as can't explain to others why i have day dreaming which it looks like when i am reading my locked knowledge. Enjoying my time with my family , teasing Anabelle and doing some normal exercises to keep my body fit. My parents were definitely happy seeing me so focused and for my interest in engineering. To see me acting responsible and definitely smart made my parents happy. Grandpa Sebastian was also happy that Black family has a qualified heir in the future.

As days go by , soon 3 years were over. I am now 13 years old and was an attractive, strong and tall boy. I was both athletic and intelligent. Many girls in my school had crush over me. Though i had little time for that as i was immersed in learning all the mechanic basic knowledge and to see myself improve day after day was such a satisfying experience. I finished my school earlier and was now preparing to go to college. This was a good opportunity for me to convince my parents to hire an instructor to learn self defense and he could be my bodyguard too as i have to leave town to go to MIT for my graduate and masters.

"So William have you decided which university you will be going to?" Asked my dad.

We were having dinner in the dining room. "I will be going to MIT to study Physics and Electronic Enginering for my bachelors and masters degree." I replied.

"William you are still young, why are you going to college so early? Who will take care of you there? You will be far from home!" My mother asked concerned.

"I will be fine mom. I am responsible and capable. In addition I will bring Anabelle with me to take care of my daily needs."

"Yes I will take care of Master" Anabelle said.

"William do you need me to care of anything?" My dad asked.

"Dad as i will be living in a different and new area , I was wondering if you could arrange a capable bodyguard for my safety. And i also want to learn self defense so if he could train me in both armed and unarmed combat so that i could protect myself better in the future."

"Hmm" My dad was a little hesitant." I will arrange the bodyguard for you but for training are you sure you will be able to handle it. It is not a child's play."

"Yes dad i am serious about training as i will be able to better protect myself and it will also keep my body healthy and in a good shape. And Black family is arms manufacturer, how can i learn about guns and weapons without using them."

"Well you convinced me. I will arrange the best instructor and bodyguard i could find."

" Sebastian you will see to it. I will leave it to you."

"Yes Master!"

"Thanks dad and thank you grandpa sebastian." Well this went better than i thought.