
In Love with the Dragon

There were assassination plots against the two most powerful men in the country. They were shapeshifters, the dragon and the werewolf, who were childhood friends but sworn enemies when adults... Spike Pendragon was the owner of Pendragon Group of Companies. The hitman had shot him at close range but failed. He was saved by Qila Arrow. He suspected his close rival, Due Seawolf, the head of the largest underground group. But Due Seawolf was almost killed, too. The executioner planned to impale him with a wakizashi, a short samurai sword. Qila Arrow shielded him from the assault. He deduced Spike Pendragon as the agitator of all the misfortunes happening in his businesses. They both realized one thing... They had only one savior...

ecmendoza · Fantaisie
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20 Chs

In Love with the Dragon - Chapter 3

Qila woke up with a start. One moment, she was witnessing the slaughter of a dragon by werewolves. The next moment, she was in her attic flat and lying on her bed.

'Her dragon won...'

She had a mild hang-over. Her head was pulsing. She forced herself to get up.

The sun was up. It was noon. Her stomach grumbled.

"I didn't eat anything since yesterday! Bad!" she muttered while opening the refrigerator. It was the only appliance that was a high-end inverter. She liked her food to stay fresh as long as possible.

Qila got herself a carton of milk and cereal in a bowl. She was pushing the plug of her kettle when her movement was arrested.

There was a picture of a dragon on the kitchen wall!

'Was that why her dream had a dragon?' she asked herself while sitting at a dining chair. She stared hard at the winged serpent.

Qila did not remember buying that poster nor pasting it on the wall.

Or maybe, she had bought it...

The dragon was painted realistically. He was bathing in the smoke and red flames. His scales shone like they were real.

'Just like in my dream...'

"Or nightmare!" she whispered aloud. Qila remembered the sharp fangs of the attacking werewolves. The ferocious eyes, the pointed ears, the glinting claws...

She shivered with remembered terror.

After her quick breakfast, Qila picked up the hamper and went out. She would load her dirty clothes to the laundromat at the corner street then would zip a visit at the supermarket. By the time she finished her shopping, her clothes were done.

Qila was on her way home when a car honked at her.

"Dollie," she sighed her guilt. "Hey, Dollie! What's up?" she greeted when the window glided down. Her smile was forced.

"About last night. I'm sorry I fell asleep on you. Shall we resume today?" Dollie batted her false eyelashes at Qila.

"I'm sorry, Dollie. Um, I changed my mind about, er, us," she cringed mentally.

"Why?" Dollie's tender expression changed into a vicious one. "Did you find a new girlfriend already?" she attacked suddenly.

"No, I--" Qila took a step backward then stopped abruptly because she bumped into a wall.

'No, a man's wide chest!'

When she turned around, her soft lips were on the same level of his firm mouth. The bag of groceries and hamper of clean clothes were released from her hold.

"Sorry!" The man murmured as he took her arms to steady her.

Qila lost her balance and leaned on him heavily. Together, they fell in slow motion. At least, that was her impression because she closed her eyes.

Her fall was made light because his body laid beneath her.

"Miss, are you alright?" The man shook her shoulder gently.

"Yes. Yes, I'm alright..." Qila was dizzy so she closed her eyes once again.

"Can you get up?"

"Yes, I..."

"Qila? Let me help you!" Dollie's strident voice interrupted rudely. "Let go of her!"

"No!" Qila looked at Dollie dazedly. "I don't need your help!" she refused loudly.

"You heard the lady," the man's deep voice intervened unhurriedly. "C'mon, Qila." His arms went around her when he got up. He kept her close to his body. Her knees were shaking weakly.

Two men picked up the groceries and the clothes scattered around. Each one carried the bag and the basket.

"Don't worry, sweetheart. They are my companion." He wiped the dirt on her cheek with a white towel. "What took you so long?" he whispered huskily.

Qila was staring at his face with something akin to fascination. His lips and chin in particular were familiar.

Thin lips but because they were firmly closed.

And the slight cleft on the strong chin...

Her unsteady gaze traced his aristocratic nose, his high cheekbones, and the deep-set eyes. He was staring at her. His one brow raised questioningly.

"Qila?" Dollie called her insistently. "We're going home and then we'll talk!"

"No, Dollie. I--" Qila instinctively moved closer to the man.

"If I were you, Dollie, I'll drive my car and go away. Qila is with me," he stated quietly.

Dollie assessed the situation. Three men surrounded Qila.

"I'll see you tomorrow in the office!" Dollie said threateningly before returning to her car.

"T-thank you..." Qila said faintly. "I'll get my things now." She moved away from the man reluctantly.

"No. You haven't recovered from the fall. Join me for a late lunch?"


"Just to show your gratitude?" he murmured persuasively.

"O-okay..." Qila was self-conscious. She was wearing an old pair of faded blue jogging pants, a loose grey sweatshirt, and an old pair of pink sneakers. Her hair was tied back with a rubber band. Her face was bare.

They entered an exclusive restaurant. Qila hesitated doubtfully.

"Let's go, Qila." He guided her with his hand on her lower back. His body heat seducing her to go with him.

Qila noticed his attire. He wore casual clothes like herself. White rubber shoes, white jogging pants, and a white shirt. He looked expensive though.

The two men followed silently. They wore identical grey shorts and white t-shirts. They sat at a table two meters away from him and Qila.

"How do you know my name?"

"Dollie called you Qila."

"I don't know you..."

"The name's Spike." He extended his hand towards her. "Hi, Qila!"

"Spike... What kind of a name is that?" His palm was soft and warm. His fingers fondled the center of her palm. She snatched her hand away.

Spike smiled provocatively. Qila suspected he was laughing at her. She ignored his mirth.

"It's a childish nickname. Someone gave it to me and it stuck with me." He shrugged negligently. "What do you want to eat?"

"Um, a burger and a glass of iced tea," she replied hesitantly. They entered an exclusive restaurant.

"I doubt if they served burger here." Spike signaled the waiter. "Bring me two steaks--well done--and a bottle of champagne."

"I said--"

"I can afford the food. Humor me..., please," he interrupted her protest. His voice was deep and rich.

"O-okay..." Qila discerned that Spike rarely said 'please.' She was also distracted by the accent in his voice.

While they were waiting for the food, Spike made a tete-a-tete with her.

"Where is your office?" Spike asked when they had a glass of champagne.

She noticed that he did not taste his own champagne. He just drank his water. The waiter always refilled the glass once Spike put it down. She observed that there were attentive waiters who took care of his every need. They stood a few feet away from their table.

Qila was forced to sip hers because he kept staring at her while eating.

She tried to emulate him but she had no glass of water. Just the wineglass, which Spike refilled himself. She did not touch her champagne after the first sip.

"It is the building with the a...," Qila stopped when she realized the word she was going to say. "A dragon..."

'Is it coincidental or intentional? It is rubbish, I know but--'

"The Pendragon place," Spike nodded knowingly.

"Yes." Qila frowned while she sliced the steak thinly. She forked a piece and put it inside her mouth absently.

"What is Dollie to you?" he asked casually. He sliced a tiny sliver of steak. He chewed it deliberately slow while watching her.

"Um, just an officemate..." Qila glanced at him.

"Dollie wants to be intimate with you?"

"Yes," she responded candidly.

"I see," Spike grinned. Qila blinked. She thought she saw the serrated teeth of the dragon.

She shook her head. Maybe, she still had her hang-over. She was suffering from hallucination.

"What? Did you see someone or something?" Spike looked around him seriously.

"Nothing." Qila stretched her lips into a semblance of a smile.

"But you changed your mind today?"


"You don't want Dollie anymore."

"I never said I wanted Dollie!" Qila was flustered. "We just had a date last night!"

"Ah! You don't want a fast player!"

"We didn't even kiss!" She was flushed with discomfiture.

'Why do I have to say that?' Qila scolded herself. She picked up her water glass and extended it to the waiter bluntly.

Her hackles hiked when the crew waited for Spike's slight nod before refilling the glass with water.

"What are your dark plans for me, Spike?" Her independent-self tried flapping her wings.

"Dark plans?" Spike chuckled softly. "But I do have a plan for us, Qila."

Qila bit her tongue to avoid replying to him. She made a mistake when she stared straight on to his eyes. She felt her backbone turned to jelly. She wanted to lie down and let him have his way with her...

"I thank someone from above because our paths had crossed today, Qila," he continued in a whisper. "Ask me why," he commanded when she remained silent.

"W-why?" She asked in an undertone.

"Because..." Spike tasted his water and savored it before he uttered his reply. "I want you for myself..."