
In Love with a Serial Killer

Charlotte Reeves, a wealthy middle aged painter must face the reality of raising a troublesome 8 year old son alone after the divorce from her husband, Detective Jon. All efforts from her best friend Sheila to talk her into a new relationship proves futile until one day. Charlotte is invited to her son's school after he is involved in a fight and there she meets a thrilling young man who later introduces himself to her as "Smile". They start talking and in no time a lonely Charlotte is drawn into his dark secretive world. Just then, women begin to die in the small town of Manhattan and as investigation goes deeper, Charlotte fears that she may have fallen in love with a serial killer.

Wekpe_Efe · Urbain
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129 Chs


"Oh my God!" Jacobi exclaimed, his hand on his head. "This is what you wanted to tell Charlotte? Thank God I took the phone from her. Are you out of your mind?"

"She's not close friends with Luke," Smile complained. "I don't think she would take it to heart."

Jacobi shook his head. "I would tell you what Charlotte would think. She would think that the serial killer was the one that got the bomb into that plane. This news would make her more tensed than she is already and that is the last thing that we want."

"So we should keep this as a secret from her?" Smile asked.

"Exactly," Jacobi nodded. "For now. That also means that you have to find something doing there by yourself. You are not going to be coming back here in a long time."

"I don't understand," Smile frowned. "Why is that?"

"Think about it," Jacobi grunted. "If you come back here without Luke, she would suspect that Luke is dead."