

About a ghost

Lasisi_Mariam_7368 · Sports, voyage et activités
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(Is this Faith or Joke?).

Episode 1&2


"Come in"

Dave said as the door to his office flipped open as his secretary walked in holding some files in his hands, he was wearing a nice suit as Dave observed him though he was busy with his laptop

"Good morning sir" his greeted but got know response from the man because he was so focused on his laptop,in which his secretary isn't bothered about it...because the man is always like that, he got to be done with what he has in his hand before facing another...that is Dave Edwards policy, before facing another stuff first get the one you already have in hand done.

"Good morning Steve, what do you want?" Dave asked the man before him since he was now done with what he was so focused doing in his laptop

"Is about champs company, they have signed the documents we sent to them and these are the ones from them for us to sign before the deal will be done" Steve said as he placed the files he had in his hands on the table as Dave flipped them open studying them so quietly and careful, because the deal is worth billions of dollars so know mistake has to be done on it or else they are doomed.

"This is good, hope mr Mike cross check ours well, because know mistake has to be made on this deal for future reference, and also this is worth a lot of money, I mean alot of money Steve" Dave said as he picks his pen and signed through the documents

"Yes sir he did a well cross-checking, don't worry sir this deal won't fail you" Steve said as he picks the documents from the table as Dave is done signing them

"I pray so, you can go"

"Thank you sir" Steve replied and was about to leave when Dave said

"Steve hope the stuff I told you to arrange is done, you know is today"

"Yes sir, is done...you can check it out now" Steve replied

"Perfect" Dave said with a smile as Steve nods his head and left


Dave's phone started ringing as he picks it up with a smile on his face

"Hello my angel" Dave said immediately he picks the call as he twirls his chair around

"Hello handsome, how is my love doing"

"Am more than fine now hearing your sweet voice" Dave replied with a romantic smirk

"Awww, you are making me blush now"

"How I wish am there now to see that your beautiful reddish face in other place soft kisses on it Steph" Dave said as he was imagining how it will be if he was truely there, because the kisses will eventually lands to something so romantic

"Happy birthday once again sweetheart, I can't wait to see you blow out those candles with your hot lips" Dave added with a smirk

"Ouch!... You are making me blush even the more, see you in the evening love, and better don't be late" Steph warned

"Of course I won't dear, bye" Dave said as he disconnected the call. He took his car keys as he left the office, why driving along the road he was imagining how happy Steph will be to see the gift he arranged for her, the gift she always wanted

"Gosh Steph I can't wait to see you" Dave said as he speed off. He later arrived at Steph's house and went inside directly, he wanted to surprise her, Steph didn't know he was coming

"Steph" Dave called but didn't get any reply he decided to check her inside the room,' maybe she is doing something' Dave thought

Opening the door Dave saw the shock of his life, something he never imagined that will happen, he stood their holding the door with a trembling hands, the woman he ever cherished was romancing and kissing another man naked, Dave's heart crushed into many pieces as he shut his eyes and opened them again in other to confirm what he saw, but it was still staring at him

"Da...Dave" Steph called with shock and shame as she covered herself with the duvet, she and the man with her noticed that there was an intruder, but the Intruder was a great shock to them

Dave didn't say anything as he slamps the door and left in a hurry with so much pain, he couldn't believe Steph could do that, He drove so roughly that he nearly got into an accident, he wasn't in his right frame of mind so he decided to drink, because that is the only solution to his problem now, he drove to a particular bar and ordered some drinks, he started drinking uncontrollably as tears found its way to his eyes


"Oh my God am starving, I have to find something to eat today before hunger kills me, gosh what are saying Cara, you already dead"A girl said to herself rubbing her stomach...she continues talking as she sniffs the aroma of food coming from a bar/food store

"I can't believe ghost can get hungry and eat, other ghost I met don't use to eat, why is my own different, look at me going all hungry, gosh!"

Just then a car drove pass her with a speed, and packed infront of the store she wanted to steal food from. Hi ome on+233544142683 to be added to story headquarters room for more stories. A tall man came out of the car and shut the door with a bang and walked into the bar immediately

"Damn, he is so good looking, I haven't seen someone like him before, let me follow him, this guy really got my attention, he is so breathtaking...gosh! Cara he can't even see you. You are a ghost get that in your head" Cara said hitting her head

"Whatever let me just take a full glance of him" Cara said as she step into the bar but was held back by someone, she signed and turned back

"Gosh!, When will you stop stalking me little ghost" Cara said to the little thing looking up at her

"Untill you start having sense, he can't even see you Cara" the little girl said rolling her eyes at Cara

"Stay away from my business little ghost" Cara warned

"Stop calling me little ghost"

"Then what is your name" Cara asked folding her arms around her chest waiting for an answer

"I don't know" the little ghost said looking down been defeated, cara just rolled her eyes and walked into the bar.

She saw the handsome man that just walked side few minutes ago with alot of bottles of liquoron his table

'He seems broken and sad' Cara thought to her self as she continues looking at the man with sadness written all over her face, wondering what is wrong with the man that will make him to be drinking so much. Cara walked closer to him, and bend down... bringing her face closer to him she asked

"What is wrong Mr handsome, why are you drinking so much" but she got know response, she was just looking at his face...and the man was just drinking nonstop

"He can't hear or feel you miss Naive"

Cara stands up immediately with anger been interrupted with her survey, she knows who the interrupter is

"Just shut up little ghost and stop calling me miss Naive" Cara warns pointing her index finger at the little ghost...who was not even bothered.

"I will stop calling you that if you stop calling me little ghost" the little ghost trilled off but got know reply, she continues"He seems sad Cara, what do you think is wrong with him" the little ghost observed looking intently at the helpless and sad Dave

"I don't know, I have to do something to stop him from drinking much" cara said as she thinks of what to do

"Don't do anything stupid,that will bring the grim ripper here miss Naive" the little ghost warned, Cara just shut her a shut-up glare




Dave was about to open the fourth bottle of his liquor, when Cara used the tip of her finger to touch the bottle making it to fall on the ground and break into many pieces, those at the bar looked at Dave's position in surprised...Dave showed them his apologiztic face, the bar attendant ran towards Dave with worry in his face

"Are you okay sir" he asked

"Yes am fine thanks"

"Okay, i will bring something to clean this up" the bar attendant said and immediately

"Have you see what you have caused" the little ghost said holding her jaw with her palms watching Cara

"Am just trying to help the handsome man" Cara replied watching Dave intently who was wondering what just happened

"Miss Naive when do you start finding guys handsome, since I knew you I have not even seen you look at a guys face" the little ghost said surprised at how Cara finds this guy interesting, but Cara didn't reply because she was about to fall Dave's bottle of liquor again, the one he wanted to open again

"Cara no..." Little ghost scolded but it was too late because the bottle has fall down again breaking into many pieces.

Dave stood up immediately

"Seems today is really a bad day for me" Dave said as he paid for his drinks and left.

"Am going with him little ghost,and don't even follow me" Cara said as she followed Dave

"What do you think you are doing Cara" little ghost asked exhausted at cara's stubbornness

"Just go away" Cara said and disappeared... appearing inside Dave's car who was driving with so much speed with anger and frustration burning on his face.

"O.M.G, Mr handsome do you want to kill yourself, look am already dead, am not dying the second time" Cara warned

Dave got home to his big mansion, he went inside immediately, Cara followed him gasping at the big house

"Wow he is so rich" Cara muttered looking around the house

Dave went inside his room and dropped everything he was holding, he removed his suit like it was suffocating him.

"Easy Mr handsome" Cara said watching him

He unbuttoned his shirt revealing his nice abs, Cara gasps without looking away... something she doesn't understand

"Am I a pervert or something, why can't I look away...Cara look away now" she muttered to herself looking away

Dave walked towards his bathroom door, in which Cara followed him, just then he halted, Cara also halted

'Did he forget something or what' Cara thought to her self, Dave turned around towards her

"Do you want to also follow me inside the bathroom miss Naive!" Dave shouted with anger zooming out of him

Cara eyes widened in shock...