
The Ginyu Force

(A/N sorry for late update today. Was a little busy. Will post more chapters soon.)

As all this was happening on Namek, Goku was at home eating the food prepared by chichi after the workout they had last night in the bedroom. Raditz also came by after taking a bath. Bulma and chichi had put conditions on Raditz to take a shower every time after he trains. Otherwise he won't be allowed inside the mansion. Raditz had to oblige. So he came to eat after taking bath. He also sat at the table and while eating he spoke to Goku "Kakarot, my power is has stopped increasing no matter how much I trained. What should I do?"

Goku thought for a moment and said "Above Korin tower you will find a place called the lookout. Go there and find a Namekian called Kami and tell him that I sent you. He can help you progress." Raditz nodded and said "Ok. Thanks Kakarot. I'll leave now." Goku nodded and when Raditz was about to leave, he called "Oh! Raditz, also take Nappa with you. He must have been training with Master Roshi. Take him to the lookout and also ask Mr.Popo an assistant of Kami to train him as well." Raditz nodded saying "Ok. I'm going." Goku nodded at him and continued eating planning to go back to Namek after he eats. Unknown to him, Frieza has already been defeated on Namek.

At Namek, the group was returning back after the fight, but they sensed some more power levels approaching the planet. They stopped on their tracks and left to the location the powers would supposedly land to find out who it was. They were not worried at all as the powers approaching seemed much weaker compared to Frieza's and even Frieza was a pushover to them. Everyone there was strong enough to beat Frieza.

Five space pods entered Namek's atmosphere. The spacepods then flew over and crashed in some deserted land making five craters in the process. As they landed, Nail, piccolo, Mint & the kids also reached there. The five pods then opened after a while and five figures existed out of it. One was a purple alien with horns another was red alien which resembled humans then there was a burly alien with Mohawk hair and lastly was another purple alien. The five aliens got out of the crater and all of them did strange poses earning laughs from the viewers.

After performing their strange poses, they saw Nail, piccolo, mint and the kids. As they saw them, they clicked their scouter to check the power levels and grinned while they saw all of their power levels were low. Captain ginyu ordered his men "Men, seems like we have visitors. Let's finish up here and go to lord Frieza. We can't make Lord frieza wait for a long time. At this time, Recoome came forward saying "I'll take care of them". He said ready to fight and looking at his opponents he spoke "Oye, who wants to fight? Have you heard of the ginyu force?"

At this time Gohan stepped forward "I'll fight him. You fought the last one trunks." Trunks nodded.

Gohan then stepped forward and spoke "Never heard of the Ginyu thing. Who are you? W" He asked. Recoome replied "I'll show you what the ginyu force is" then he rushed towards Gohan and punched him. Gohan blocked the punch and said with disappointment "Ah! You are too weak. Can you transform like the last one that came here?" Recoome said "No." Gohan shook his head and punched Recoome in the stomach. Recoome flew back spitting blood and hit a rock falling unconscious. He then looked at the others and said "You guys are not strong. Come together".

Captain ginyu was watching intently at the fight. At the moment Gohan attacked, he imagined Gohan's power level to be at 80,000 as he could one shot Recoome. He then stepped up telling the others "This kid might have a power level of 80,000. Jece hearing this yelled surprised "What? 80,0000? How? Aren't they saiyans?" Ginyu didn't say anything and stepped forward facing Gohan. Jece, Burter and Guldo just watched. Captain ginyu spoke to Gohan "I know you are hiding your power. So am I." Gohan smiled hearing this thinking this guy must be strong. Then he motioned Ginyu to come. This the fight started.

Ginyu first attacked with holding back. Gohan just blocked all his attacks and got bored after some time. He then asked Ginyu "Is that all you got? If it is then t I say the last guy was a whole lot better than you." Ginyu frowned "Show me your power kid. I'll show you mine." Gohan nodded and powered up pushing Ginyu back due to the force. The scouter started beeping and burst at the reading of 400,000. Gohan was still powering up. Seeing this, the ginyu force got scared. Jece shouted "Captain, I think It's time to go get Frieza." Captain Ginyu didn't say anything. And was just watching Gohan.

Gohan hearing Jece spoke "Do you know that Frieza guy?" Ginyu nodded but Jece spoke "Yes. We work for lord Frieza." Gohan nodded in understanding "Oh! That guy is dead. You see, my brother killed him" he said pointing at trunks. Hearing Gohan speak, Burter said "No don't lie. How can some kids match Lord Frieza in power?" Gohan just said "That guy was weak. But not as weak as you guys though. He put up a good fight till my brother transformed". Ginyu now shocked asked "Transformed? Y-you are a super saiyan?" Gohan nodded. "Yes all of us can transform into super saiyans." He said. Ginyu gulped his saliva. He wanted to switch bodies with Gohan, but this was just a kid. He was contemplating. Jece, Burter and Guldo were scared as hell.

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