
In a New Mixed World (AU)

(Photo from web) Reincarnated in a new world with some cheats! A story within a story! Defying fate yet living it at same time. Harem: Irene Belserion (The Great Red), Reina (Trihexa),... Cheats: Minato's Body, Library of Heaven's Path, Knowledge of Naruto world Some characters from other anime will be featured. . . . . . . . . . You can read extra chapters at P@treon. https://www.p@treon.com/Logical_Dot Of course, replace the @ with a.

Logical_Dot · Anime et bandes dessinées
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22 Chs

At School IX

Souna's expression changed as she heard my whisper. With a shocked expression, she looked up and she met with eyes.

"Shizuka Sensei, Can you call Irina Sensei here? Also, Can you ask someone to send Rias too?" Souna asked while looking at them and hearing this, Shizuka looked at me and Souna for a moment and nodded.

"Minato, Are you also part of the Supernatural world?" Kirisu directly asked the question and hearing this, my expression changed and a moment later, I nodded.

The reason why I decided to release my identity about being part of Supernatural is because that way, I won't have to worry about Devils attacking me in Kuoh.

I remembered the fact that Sona and Rias tend to spy on others related to the supernatural world, and I know that sooner or later, I will be known by them.

So, instead of them asking first, wouldn't it be better if I told them before and told them that I have no ill intentions for them, not to mention the fact that Tsubaki and Souna had asked me the same question?

Seeing my nod, Kirisu's expression changed and she clicked her tongue, while Shizuka just smiled at it.

"I already had a feeling that you were part of Supernatural when you said you had selective amnesia. After all, the way you are acting now is much better than the way you were before, well except the mask you have been wearing."

"Shizuka Sensei, Can you stop talking about that? Are you still salty that I rejected your confession?" I said with a smile on my face and hearing me, Souna and Kirisu looked at Shizuka, who now had an irked expression on her face.

"Not only that, I am shocked by the fact that you two also know about Supernatural, even though you two are normal humans."

Shizuka and Kirisu looked at Souna at this question and I sighed.

"Just what did you do last year?"

A few minutes later, Irina and Rias entered the room and looking at me, Irina smiled and I just nodded in return. As for Rias, she looked at Souna, who shook her head and asked her to sit at her side with Rias sitting in front of Irina.

"What happened? Why did you ask me to come here?" Irina asked as she looked at Kirisu, who looked at me and said, "Minato is part of the Supernatural world."

"Huh? So? I already knew about it." Irina said as she looked at me and I raised my brows hearing this. Seeing this, Irina chuckled and said, "Even though you are suppressing and trying to hide the energy you use, you aren't proficient enough. Tell me, can you sense something from me?"

She asked as I focused my senses on her but I didn't sense anything.

"What about now?" She said and now, my expression changed as I sensed her Ki and a shocked look appeared on my face.

"Ahaha! How Cute! I had been thinking of a moment to confront you about this. But now, I guess I will just say it.


"Minato, You live alone, right?"

I nodded as I heard this and when I heard her next words, my expression changed.

"Then, do you want to live with me? Not only I will train you, but I will also help you in becoming stronger."

"But?" I asked as I heard her offer and hearing this, she looked at me and then at Souna and Rias.

"You won't join their Peerage or any Devils Peerage for whatsoever reason, because you have one of the purest energy I have ever felt and.."


"I will tell you later." Irina said with a laugh and hearing her, I thought for a moment and said, "I am not sure if I should accept your request, but I will tell you that I won't be joining any Devil's Peerage."

I said while looking at Rias and Sona, and hearing me answer they just shook their head.

"We didn't plan on inviting you because of the same reason as Irina Sensei," Rias said and Sona nodded at her.

"But why did you call me here?"

"He said he will withdraw from the school," Shizuka said and the newcomer's expression changed as they heard this.

Irina looked at Shizuka and asked, "What did you do? Are you really that desperate to get married that you made a move on a student?"

"Huh? What did you say? Do you think I am like you who loves Younger Boys and wants to be dominated by them?"

"Ahaha! Shizuka, Do you want me to speak about what happened during the last blind date?"

"Irina, I am warning you! If you do, I will release all the chats that I have and you will be done."

"Heh! Do you think I am afraid of this? I can just change my identity but what about you, Miss Shizuka Hiratsuka of 1994."

"Enough!" Kirisu shouted in between as she looked at the two with a glare and said, "Why are acting like kids here? Did you forget that your students are sitting in front of you? Why are you..."

"Tch! She started!" Shizuka said while looking at her, and hearing this, Irina just smirked and she didn't say anything.

Seeing what happened in the place, I didn't know what to say and when I looked at the nonchalant expressions of Rias and Souna, I understood that they were used to it.

"Why do you want to leave the school?" Irina asked me and I kept on looking at her.

"Huh? Why are you staring at me? Am I the reason why you are thinking of leaving the school?"

"Yeah, one of the reasons, but the most important reason is about the secrecy! I don't know what they did in past and how you know about the supernatural, but because of this, I also have to suffer in the class."

"Looking at Shizuka Sensei, I now know that she is a Slave Driver. As for Kirisu Sensei, she is too cold and acts as if she knows what is best for the students, and then you have some unusual interest in me. Not to mention that we have Devils studying the school."

"Even though I don't care about any race and have no opinions on others, if these two have some important identity, which I feel is true as Rias's surname is Gremory, which is one of the 72 Pillar houses, and for Souna Shitori! Ah! I have nothing to say."

"I mean just by saying this, I can understand that she is Souna Sitri, a member of Sitri House in the Underworld."

"If something happens to them in the school, wouldn't I be implicated just because I am part of Supernatural too?"

I said as I looked at everyone in the room and hearing this, Kirisu sighed and said, "Do you think we wanted to get involved with something like this? In the past year, I have been attacked six times, and the reason is because I have signed a contract with Devils."

"Not to mention that I can't become a magician because I have low talent in it and can't protect myself," Kirisu said and hearing this, Souna and Rias had a guilty expression on their face.

Shizuka at the side, also sighed and said, "Isn't that the reason why I also distanced myself from everyone? Just because I have a contract with Devils, I am also a heretic and I should be purged? What a load of shit that those fucking pieces of shits speak"

"It's fucking annoying that I can't even leave this city and go to the next one without telling them and asking for a guard! Fucking shit! Instead of a man, I have to leave and move with Irina."

Shizuka cursed with an irked expression on her face and hearing this, Irina's eye twitched.

"Do you have a problem with me moving with you? Even though I have protected you thrice from the attacks?"

"Two of them were from the enemies you made in past," Shizuka said while glaring at Irina, and she shrugged at it.


Read 15 extra chapters at P@treon: p@treon.com/Logical_Dot