
Comparing Talents

Never mind the comparison here. Linley needs to know how strong he is now.

"Melarue, could you tell me my rankings in this warrior and magician systems." Linley needs to know.

Past Linley didn't even know how strong he was. He didn't pay attention to rankings at all. He just went. 'I felt strong and now I felt stronger.' That Linley was using a general vague description of his power.

"That is simple. You are a Rank 7 Warrior. A Warrior Scholar. Young Master." Melarue responded as if it was an easy thing to explain.

"Really." Linley was kinda surprised about that. 'Normally reincarnated people start like barely above average people don't they?'

"Yes. Young Master, You need to know that reaching the title of Scholar is considered to be at least strong enough to defend oneself in general. Warrior Scholar can utilize Battle-Qi. While Magician Scholar can dual cast and instant cast spells." Melarue explained.

If Linley remembered correctly from past Linley's memories. Battle-Qi is kinda like HunterxHunter's nen or Dragon Ball's ki. Battle-Qi is merely internal life energy inside one's body being strong enough to become an aura that can enhance one's bodily might in terms of offense, defense, and speed.

"Then what Rank are you in the systems." Linley asked.

"Rank 7 Magician. Magician Scholar. But it is nothing special." Melarue spoke in modesty.

"Then how old are we again?" Truth be told, it is kinda sad that Past Linley didn't even know what year it was or how old he was? He was a very thorough training maniac. So Linley just wanted to know the age at the very least. He felt that Melarue and he were at least teenagers nearing adulthood just by looking at their height.

"We're both the same age. The age of 12 years old. Young Master." Melarue spoke bluntly.

"Are we a pair of genius?" Linley spoke subconsciously as he felt his ego rising.

"To commoners I suppose. I don't really know how strong nobles are in general?" Melarue spoke honestly. After all, she is a slave who became a maid in these lands.

Linley felt like he needed time to think to himself. Melarue, on the other hand, felt that enough questions have been asked and mealtime is over. So with a wave of her hand at her magic, she has casually cleaned up everything and then left Linley to his own private time.

Linley was now staring at the system.

'To draw or not to draw. Like there are no downsides to not use the random draw ticket. Past Linley was a Rank 7 Warrior already. That means... Linley already had a cover-up. So logically speaking, it's appropriate to at least begin training in another power system at the very least. But. but....'

But Linley's indecisiveness was really a hassle. Imagine drawing something terrible. Like having connected to a world of Hamtaro. Linley would be crying salt-filled tears and wish for medicine that can cure regret.

[Host, the System would like to remind you, that you can still access your status tab after all. It is a tab meant for oneself, to begin with.]

'Thanks, System. I kind of forgot about that.'


Name: Linley Arthur

Strength: 3 (10)

Vitality: 4 (10)

Agility: 2 (10)

Energy/Mana: 1

Soul/Spirit Energy: 1

Traits: None

Titles: None

[The System would like to tell Host that the numbers in the parentheses are the original figure when recovering back to full health from your current injuries.]

'Hey system what does the value figure of 1 represent?'

[Host, the value figure of 1 represent the limit of a normal value of a human being. For example, 1 point in strength would mean the lifting strength of 460 kilograms if using two arms.]

'Wait, then at the value of 10, I could lift over 4 tons with two arms. Even now at 3 points, I can lift 1 ton with two arms still while injured?! That's really absurd. And I can grow even more stronger than that.'

[Host, you're about to misunderstand again. Stemming from current analysis onto Battle-Qi. It seems to be a product from reaching the body's physical limits. So increasing one's physical stats seems improbable in the future. Perhaps the later path of Warrior relate to the development of one's Battle-Qi.]

'Oh. Neat. I'm surprised you would do this level of analysis.'

[The System usually do not do any type of analysis. The only reason these types of analysis exists is because of the host's desire to learn native power system of this world. Once the data has been compiled and is complete. The System would not do any more analysis unless at the Host's commands.]

'Are you basically confirming that you are non-sentient and lack free will whatsoever?"


Linley himself did not realize time passed by relatively quickly as he took a quick nap. After all, he was injured still.

As Linley woke up in the afternoon. Melarue, his elf maid appeared again but this time with a crystal orb in her hands.

"What's the purpose of the crystal orb?" Linley asked the obvious question.

"Young Master, I believe you might feel bored since you are currently unable to exercise. So I thought to test your aptitude for magic and see if you want to learn some basic meditation technique to substitute your physical needs." Melarue explained herself calmly and the purpose of the crystal orb.

"I'm interested." Linley said. After all who wouldn't want to learn magic anyways if it's possible.

This was the first Linley was going to be tested for his aptitude for magic. Past Linley went straight to body exercising and really pushed himself to the limit there.

Melarue held the crystal orb up high. And begin laying down foundations for the spell formation. That is used to test for one's spiritual aptitude. The reason why a spell formation, a complex form of a spell itself, is needed due to the very understanding of the nature of the soul is relatively difficult.

A Spell formation can be considered to be an overlay of layering of spells itself, normally used to amplify the effects of magic or used in a large area of effect manner.

The difficulty of understanding the soul increases if the soul is more powerful. Even a Grandmaster Magician would find it difficult to merely test a person's spiritual aptitude with a single use of a mere spell.

"Now then Young Master, all you have to do is look into the orb and concentrate into yourself. I'll handle the rest." Melarue instructed.

As Linley did so. He felt as if he was in a daze. Then slowly he felt like he was standing up.

And then he realizes...

The whole area around him was fog itself. In this misty fog, there was himself and himself. There were two of him.

"What is going on here?" Both of them asked each other the same question. Of course they both know what they wanted to do next.

"Are you the real me?!" Both of them yelled as they pointed their index finger in their dominant hand while clutching their fist in their other hand at each other.

Of course, as they begin to walk to each other. One of them step on a random brick. And then the brick started screaming loudly.


One of the Linley said: "What the heck?!"

The other Linley grabs the brick and threw it somewhere far from them. Instead of being merely thrown away.

The screaming brick that was thrown seems to have come back from the opposite direction it was thrown in. But the brick didn't fall. It kept flying through the air.

Until the sound of its screams blurs with its appearance. Becoming a shrieking red beam of light.

The Linley who thrown the brick begins running away in a random direction.

The Linley who had spoken earlier was curious and walked towards the shrieking red beam of light. And then without hesitation, he grabbed it.

Then that Linley flew with the red beam of light. Out of the foggy area and into outer space!

This Linley can see stars, solar systems, galaxies and the far depths of space itself. Later, the red beam of light stopped shrieking as it flew into a black hole. And this Linley soon followed into it as well.

Linley inside the black hole felt as if space was spiraling around him. His body was basically becoming noodles. At first his fingers, Linley was seeing the process of his fingers becoming long as pasta noodles. And later his limbs, his head, his torso, every part of his body. His vision was warping as well.

The colors of red, blue, yellow, and etc. were to begin mixing into one. A slur of rainbow radiance.

Until color, itself was no longer in view. It was only black and white. And the colors of black and white then flipped.

Suddenly Linley woke up back into the real world, his face dripping in sweat as he was still looking into the crystal orb.

The crystal orb was different from before. It was if there a beacon of light residing in the orb. But the light felt as if it was an illusion, something that can't be seen in reality.

"Your spiritual aptitude is very good, Young Master. It's grade 4." Melarue spoke excitedly. "Now it's a good time to test your elemental affinity as well."

"Is it going to be similar like this one?" Linley nervously asked since he didn't want another hallucination-like experience.

"No. The spirit aptitude test is merely to temporarily register your soul's imprint to the orb. Thus, you can just input mana into orb afterward to test for elemental affinity. Of course, my testing is merely a low-level type. So it's good to do a more accurate one in the future." Melarue explained.

Melarue then generated mana to the orb. Suddenly there were specks of lights in the orb. The colors of the specks of lights were green, blue, and purple.

"Red means fire, blue means water, green means wind, yellow means earth, purple means lightning, black means darkness, and white means light. Those are the seven elements." Melarue explained in-depth as in what color refer to what element. "Therefore Young Master's elemental affinity is mainly Wind, followed by water, and then lightning."

"I see." Linley had a face that was trying to hide his disappointment. He wanted earth and fire as well, after all, he wanted to at least be Linley Baruch 2.0.

"Young Master, you should feel great, a grade 4 spiritual aptitude is rare among humans. That means if you were to laze around for a century, then you'll become a Rank 10 Magician." Melarue said.

"What?" Linley felt that's some stupid-level amount of talent.

"It is true. Most pure-blooded elf possesses the same type of spiritual aptitude." Melarue explained.

"..." Now Linley doesn't feel special at all. If a whole magical race has basically the same talent.

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