

That morning it felt different at Mariel's house, there was something in the air that was not like a normal morning. The previous night a fierce fight broke out in Mariel's house, leaving her in the middle of it, and of course it wasn't just an exchange of words, it was mixed with the blows, screams and scratches from her parents. That morning she was noticeably nervous, playing with her bracelet as she walked in circles, she was so strange that day that she didn't realize how long she had been in her room, it was getting late, she got into mom's car and started her route to school, she is lucky to attend the most prestigious and famous high school, one of the most expensive, Le Rosey High School, She is a little strange in the eyes of the others, mainly she is not interested in being in that institute, something a little ironic since she is the best of the class, but we are going too far out of the topic. When she enters this ridiculous place everyone stops everything they were doing to watch her, nothing matters as what everyone expects, her favorite toy to make fun of him is here, the mockery and laughter is not long in coming, the comments are ironic but she learned to ignore them, knowing what it feels like to humiliate and now be humiliated by those who considered her friends. - BITCH  - STUPID   - IDIOT  - PIECE OF SHIT  - FUCKING  - TRICKY - FUCK YOU - YOU ARE A NUISANCE - GET THE FUCK OUT OF HERE YOU FUCKING CUNT. The comments continued as she passed the corridors in search of the drama class she really loved that teacher she was so kind and fair she sat as always at the end of the class when the bell rang and began to take notes. Teacher - The important thing is to act with your heart feel what your character feels be one with the character that's what makes the play a success, guys this year will be performed the play of Romeo and Juliet so we will start with the auditions what happens .... Principal - I'm sorry, it's urgent, I need student Mariel Daris to come with me. In silence they walked for a few minutes until they reached the director's office, apparently the director was very nervous and Mariel was not feeling much better, she had a lot of ideas about what she was talking about. Principal - I heard that you applied to go to Canada as an exchange student and I got the answer and they said yes but you will have to fulfill some requirements that I made sure you fulfill all of them, I only have 2 bad news for you, you will have to spend all your stay in Canada with a boy I don't know his name but you will meet him on the plane and the second news that is not so bad is that you will leave tomorrow to the airport, you can go home and pack your things, I am really happy for you. They didn't finish the conversation because he ran out to get all his things and pack them, he would only take the most essential things after all, clothes, books, shoes, toothpaste, books, a toothbrush, books, etc..  The only thing left to do is to wait for the next day and think that it can't be a disaster, I mean her parents don't know about the exchange, she is going to Canada with a guy who doesn't know her name, I mean what could go wrong if this is the formula for disaster, it's true what her grandmother said when she was alive ''life can change in just 24 hours''' we will see how this whole story goes on.

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