
Imperium Aureum

In a war torn medieval world young prince August Dane Davion fights to usher in the age of a new empire. But to bring about his envisioned empire he must struggle through the corruption of nobles, the Ire of his father the emperor, and the machinations of the secretive mage's guild.

Spookyyymann · Fantaisie
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14 Chs

Chapter Eight: News from the Capital

 Three Weeks later 

"Prince August the engineers report that all three trebuchets are complete. We have six ladders completed but sadly none of the siege ramps have been completed. With the trebuchets complete we can focus of the ramps and mantelet even so I estimate another month until they are all complete." 

That is within reason. 

Sieges were meant to be long bloody affairs that could take months or even years. The empire couldn't afford such a long bloody siege so August had ensured much of the army was made up of siege engineers. That was why their army lacked in size compared to what they could theoretically have fielded if they had not hired so many expensive engineers.

"Good. Has your rider returned from the capital Simon?" 

"Yes he returned earlier this morning." Simon unsealed a letter from the capital and handed it to August. The Seal was made of red circle of red wax stamped with the flag of Orpheus a yellow Sun being cut down the middle by a sword. Only a few people in the nation had access to the stamp the most important of which was his father the emperor. August unfolded the paper scroll and began to read

I Emperor Leo Dane Davion IV of the Empire Of Orpheus Hereby grant your request for reinforcement and aid. In recognition of Crown Prince August Dane Davion's exceptional Victories against the Kingdom of Valburgh and the seizure of a large portion of the Valburgh war chest Marshall Adrian Lokas will be dispatched with an army to aid in the conquest. A force of 5,500 have been mustered and will arrive with a month along with a full baggage train of supplies. Upon arrival Marshall Adrian Lokas is to take complete and full command of the army and send Prince August Davion back to the court in the imperial capital of Theodis. 

August frozen after reading the contents of the letter. 

"That bastard. That FUCKING BASTARD. Sending Adrian to take all the credit. He's trying to undermine my authority." The sudden outburst caught those in the room off guard. None had seen August in such an angered state before. To them he was always cool headed, calm, and calculation. Even Adonis shifted in his armor at the sight.



Simon and Balius both tried to figure out what happened. August tossed the scroll for them to read. Simon was the first to pick it up and read it before handing it to Balius

"It seems My father wishes to replace me as commander of the war." 

"That seems rash. Why would he replace you after you have made such good progress?" Simon was the first to ask.

"It's simple. The more renown I gain the harder it will be to replace me as heir to the throne. If I win this war he wouldn't be able to disinherit me without severe backlash." The answer shook those in the tent except Balius. Balius had been around August and the emperor his whole life so he knew the politics and situation well enough to not be surprised.

"Replace you as heir? You think he means to disinherit you? That is a bold claim August even for you." Simon was faithful to the oath he had taken to become a vassal so he wasn't too sure how to act. On one hadn't it was just a guess and therefore treason against the king. On the other It wasn't completely out of the question.

"The contents of this letter do not leave this room. Do you all understand me?" Everyone nodded. They could hear by the tone of his voice August had something planned.

"As you all know my late mother the previous queen was an elf. That makes me a half elf or if you would like a mongrel as everyone else seems to prefer. My father the Emperor hated my mother until the day she died when I was born. Now he hates me. He wishes the empire to go to my younger brother since he is a full human and also more like him in many ways. I refuse to let that happen. We will win this war before I have the opportunity to be replaced."

The air in the tent was sullen. The revelation of the infighting amongst the Ruling dynast made it clear that the future could be full of upheaval and possible a civil war should Leo decide to disinherit August. Now it made sense to everyone why August was trying to gain the loyalty of powerful or reliable figures.

"Lord Simon I need those trebuchets firing nonstop. Forget the siege ramps prioritize ladders and cover for them to move unimpeded by archers." Simon left quickly

"Sir Alexandros have the dwarves in the tunnels work overtime. Entice them with large rewards to the teams that get done first."

"Nikolas I need the laborers you hired to aid start building trenches. Everyone else I need drilling the soldiers for a large assault."

With that everyone took off to complete their orders.