
12) Girl Talk, Small Fight.......

Allison and Lydia POV*

After leaving her house with Asher they picked up Allison who was quick to jump into the back since Lydia didn't move from the front seat. The ride to school was filled with Asher's singing since the other two could feel the tension between them, Asher was ignoring it.

Allison looked at Lydia in the front and thought back to what she talked to her aunt about this morning which just made her more resolute to get her talk done with Lydia. She could tell that Lydia had something to tell her too, cause although she was smiling her shoulders were tense, lets hope it goes well.

After the thirty minute ride they finally made it Asher was quick to leave throwing his keys to them and telling them to lock up, he couldn't get out of there fast enough. The two stood by the car and watched him leave, turning to each other they laughed a little which eased the tension that they had between each other.

"Well, I thought about what you messaged me last night.... I don't want you to date him--" Lydia couldn't continue since Allison cut her off.

"What do you mean you don't want me to date him? You can't just say that while you are still dating someone else. I like him and he has already told me how he feels about me, I thought..... I thought you would at least be happy for us." Allison said anger lacing her voice but towards the end it was sadness she didn't want to lose a friend over all this but she wouldn't give up on him.

Lydia giggled a little hearing Allison's rant making Allison look at her in shock, "Why can't you let me finish before speaking first huh? What I was going to say is you can't date him until I break up with Jackson."

"Really?!" Allison asked with excitement but also caution she didn't want to mishear anything.

"Of course, I thought long and hard about this and while I think that it might be hard to be in a three person relationship we just need to set up some ground rules before we do this, agreed?" Lydia said linking arms with her while they leaned on his car they didn't notice Scott and Stiles on the other side listening to their entire conversation.

"Agreed. So what first?" Allison wanted to hear what Lydia had to say before she spoke her mind.

"Well first, we are not lesbians so no three ways cause I will not be doing anything with a girl for anyone. Next we set up one day a week where one of us gets him to ourselves with the other not there, no calling or texting too unless it is an emergency. You have anything you want to add?" Lydia said, they still had twenty minutes before class so might as well get it over with now rather than later.

"Well I also think we shouldn't be jealous of the other, there is no reason to be jealous when we both get him so no in fighting. We should also stick together and make sure no other girls try to get with him cause that could cause problems if we add more, this isn't some weird anime. Though our deal isn't much different just less women." Allison added after thinking a moment she really couldn't think of anything else at the moment but she was sure they would add something else later.

"Okay deal, I can't really think of more but if we see a weird loophole somewhere or want to add something later then we will when that time comes until then, let's get him girl." Lydia smiled broadly pull Allison away of course they wouldn't say anything until she broke up with Jackson but she was doing that today when she saw him at lunch.

Walking into the school they were both shocked seeing the scene in front of them.....

-----------A Few Minutes Before They Joined Asher-------

Third Person POV*

Asher was putting away his book well pretending to since he had nothing better to do until he notice Vernon Boyd next to him, this made him realize he had no male friends other than Derek. While he was spending so much time with Lydia and Allison he had neglected the fact to make friends with anyone else, sighing he decided to talk to him.

"Hey I'm Asher." He said reaching out for a hand shake.

Boyd looked him up and down before reaching out and shaking his hand, "I know, we have been locker neighbors for a week but you were so focused on Lydia and the new girl Allison you didn't seem to notice. I'm Boyd by the way, real name is Vernon but I hate that."

Asher chuckled, "Yeah sorry about that sort of get tunnel vision when those two are around realized I only had one other male friend because of that, figured we could try it out."

Boyd actually looked shocked which wasn't surprising considering her was a loner, but it didn't make any sense why he didn't have friends considering there had to be at least on other loner in the school. He smiled before nodding, "I would be the same way if I had two beautiful girls talking to me every day too."

"Haha, I think anyone would right?" Asher agreed laughing with him.

The two then started talking a little bit and actually connected, though Asher wouldn't stop Derek if he decided to change him if he wanted to. While they were standing there laughing, Asher felt like bloodlust coming his way, looking over it was an angry Scott.

He didn't know why the guy was so angry but instead of trying to speak about it he threw out a fist when he got closer to Asher, of course Asher let him hit him. His face whipped to the side before he smirked slightly, when he faced Scott again he was already holding him by the collar and cocking back to swing again.

He would let someone hit him once for it to be legit self defense and since Boyd say it along with some people who were now crowding them. When his fist got closer he moved out the way making a dent in the locker from the impact of the Scott's fist hitting it. "Don't you think you should tell me why you are hitting me Scott?"

Of course he knew why though he just didn't want to say it out loud, no doubt Scott was listening on Allison and Lydia hearing something he didn't like, but it made him happy. Scott growled his wolf side taking over his actions since he couldn't fully control himself though he managed to keep his face from changing some his claws still dug into Asher's shirt.

Jackson who stood a little away from them could see the changes in Scott and finally realized what was so different about him, Stiles didn't try and stop this since he was mad too. Asher seeing him go for another hit didn't let that happen and caught his fist having to enhance his strength a little to stop it from hitting him.

Using the momentum from Scott's surprise he put a foot behind his and pushed Scott back, though he didn't want to fight Scott was asking for what came next. Asher wasn't really a nice guy that's why when Scott was falling his fist was already heading for the others stomach. though he could have went for the head it would have been avoided.

He put enough power of an alpha wolf behind the hit too which knocked the wind out of Scott making him grunt, now Asher wasn't a narcissist but his face was a no hit zone. Seeing Scott go to the ground he followed and started a ground and pound hitting his face over and over, everyone around them stood there in shock not breaking it up.

It wasn't until they heard a teacher yelling and making his way through the bodies that they snapped out of it, Boyd moved like the Flash and wrapped up Asher's arms. "Next time you come after me Scott, you better be stronger or I will end you, understood?" Asher said kicking him one last time, it was cheesy but they were suppose to be high schoolers.

"That's for the help Boyd. I would have kept going if you didn't pull me back." Asher said when Boyd released him giving him a smile.

"Don't mention it man, he attacked you first I can understand." He was grinning right back.

Looking back at Scott, Stiles stood there checking him over after lifting him up they both thought that it would be simple to put down Asher since he was human. It was obvious Derek didn't tell them not fight him or they wouldn't have been here in the first place to do so.

The principal finally made it on the scene and he took the two of them along with Boyd as a witness, this is the first thing Allison and Lydia saw as they walked into the building. Asher shot them a wink smiling mouthing he would tell them later but it was unneeded as everyone in the halls were talking about it.

When they got to the office and after the principal heard the entire thing he looked between the two, "Well McCall you are out of the next three games for fighting in school and have detention tonight. As for you Matthews you have detention tonight too, both of you need to go to the library to report after school. Three hours each."

The principal wouldn't say it out loud but he only made Asher's punishment light cause he was the type of guy who saw that if a fight was started only the loser was heavily punished. Scott would have gotten a lighter sentence if he could have finished what he started in the fight.


Lydia POV*

After her and Allison heard about the fight from passing people and Jackson who stood with them she sent Allison a look who nodded and said she needed to get to class. "Look Jackson we need to talk." she started.

"On no babe that is never a good sign. Am I being put in the dog house?" Jackson joked but seeing her serious his face got hard, "What is it just speak!"

"Well we need to break..." She said but he cut her off.

"Oh why is it because of you found someone richer than me? Wow I knew you were shallow and only cared about status but seriously... You know what it doesn't even matter you didn't mean anything anyway just another pretty girl on my arm." Jack growled at her, the halls were starting to clear for class so no one heard their conversation.

"You Asshole! No I'm not moving from one rich guy to the next but from a d*ckhead to someone who actually cares about me other than being a pretty girl on his arm. Qui quamvis non satiant amittor difficiles conatus (You loser who couldn't even satisfy me no matter how hard you tried)" She walked off not even looking back at him she was going to skip first period since she was fuming mad at the moment.

As she turned the corner she ran into the one person she would love nothing more to see than anyone else at the moment, Asher. He was laughing with someone she had never seen before but she quickly walked over to him and moved into his arms startling him a little but he hugged her back.

Being in his embrace she was already feeling better, "I'm skipping first period, care to join me?" She asked looking up hopeful.

"Boyd I'll catch you at lunch alright." He fist bumped the guy who agreed then took her hand leading her towards the doors that would take them to the Lacrosse field. Though instead of stopping there they went out to the woods not stopping until they found a large boulder and he sat down pulling her into his lap, "So tell me what is going on?" He resting his chin on her shoulder.

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