

Another bored story of mine just to fill time. It's all start when a guy who love to train swordmanship in the modern world. Even there all kind of modern weapon he love to train with sword everyday he will train with his wooden sword that he obtain when he still a little boy. Unknown to him the sword stay with him all 20 year in his first life and follow him even in after life. Watch the guy who love sword life dead and life again to be together with his sword. please read support this bored me to create more story. MHA been my first experiance because there lot of fanfic that i can learn from. This fanfic not about Sakamaki izayoi from mondaiji i just use his name

MatrickRevenger · Anime et bandes dessinées
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The battle between Izayoi and Pro Heroes was discuss among UA teacher, It's because they want to have proper arrangement for Izayoi class.

Nezu : Everyone has seen that kid battle so anyone has any suggestion or objection for him to be a teacher.

Vlad : Are sure that kid can teach others, i know he strong but to be a teacher it's need more than strength.

Nezu : Yes thats why we do today battle. it's all to see what he capable of. Aizawa can you help discribe the battle from one o battle against that kid.

Aizawa : Yes. During the test he already show his raw strength but still not full power we don't know how strong he is but at the moment the fight begin he knockdown Pro Heroes easily with his speed and battle skill. When he knockdown me i feel nothing not hurt at all but fall without realise that he already chop my neck.

Nezu : To do what Izayoi has done you will need proper control over your strength and also you need to know human body to great extend.

Midnight : Who can teach that kid and make him strong like that. From my knowledge there's no Pro Heroes or any doctor from Sakamaki family.

Nezu : From the file we got about that izayoi his father left them because he show no awekening sign and when he go to doctor its show that his quirk enegy type and they thought he is useless so the father abandon them. He live with his mother but . All Might mind telling what you know about that kid.

All Might : I know that kid from someone i train. Izayoi and me train him. From the parent of his i know a bit about izayoi. Thet say his house was empty and he start going out of the house at age of 8. The mother of his my student say it has been 4 year that house has no one. Thats mean he has been livibg alone from age 4. In his Dimension theres lot of fruit and vegetable. There even some fish and chicken inside.

Nezu : From this information alone we know that he has been living alone and for 4 years he live in his dimension. Even he get proper meal and go to school at age of 12. He didn't go to junior high because he has no parent to make a proper arrangement.

The discussion goes by and two day later izayoi get his heroes license. when got his license he directly begin his preparation to save eri. He already know eri location because during 2 days waiting for his license he goes around to look for yakuza base.

Izayoi : Himiko i will go out first later i will bring Eri that i talk to you about.

Himiko : Okay darling be carefull and don't forget you promise me to bring me out later right.

Izayoi : I will never forget it dear

( A/N : Everyone must be wondering when did he meet with Himiko toga am i right? then lets do some fleshback )

" 5 Year's back "

Izayoi walk out of his house and look around in the city. He know a bit about musutafu from the anime but he still need to go out to get to know where he live. Then at that time he walk nearby a valley and he saw a girl was about to been asaault. At the moment he didn't reorganise that girl was Himiko Toga so save her from the guy who want to assault her.

Izayoi : Errr are you okay ??

Himiko : Yeah im okay.

Aikawa : Where did you live? I will walk you to your house.

Himiko : I don't have a house.

However inside her head she has been thinking when will Izayoi left her alone because she about to lose control of herself.

Izayoi : My name is Izayoi Sakamaki what yours ?

Himiko : Himiko Toga

Izayoi shocked because he didn't reorganise Himiko Toga at this moment because she still looking cute and small at this time. Then he think she might want to drink blood that why those two was here.

Izayoi : Himiko Toga oh now i know . Then will you come with me for a second .

Himiko : Im sorry but i have somewhere else to go.

Izayoi : Are you going to be what others say about you.

Himiko : What !! You you know about ? Then why didn't you run ?

Izayoi : Because i want to help you.

Because of his Yang physic Izayoi blood can cure Himiko carve for blood because his blood has purification effect.

Izayoi : My blood can help you but because of its special property but it will hurt you thats why we cannot do here. I will let yoy drink my Blood when we enter my Space Dimension

Himiko : Are you sure and why you didn't afraid of me they say im a villain.

Izayoi : Himiko chan you aren't a villain you just want to drink blood because of you vampire affect. So will you follow me.

Himiko blush when Izayoi call her Himiko chan and she just nod to follow him. Izayoi hold her hand and bring her into his space dimension.

Izayoi : Lets go i will bring you to my hotspring there we can reduce the pain prom purification and its might change your quirk because of my blood.

Himiko : Are we going inside naked both of use.

Himiko said while blushing.

Izayoi : Theres nothing to worry i will not do anything to you but because of it i might see everything.

Himiko : Than will you take care of me till the of life.

Izayoi : If you love me i will because i don't want to force you to do anything you didn't like

Himiko : Then lets go.

Thats how they meet and because of Izayoi blood and Hotspring Himiko quirk been purified and chang from vampire shapeshift into shapeshift only she didn't need to drink blood but she need to know her target.

" Back to current Timeline "

After saying goodbye to Himiko, Izayoi walk nearby Hassaikai to take Eri and their experiment product from them. He already found Eri and he prepare to open dimension gate from his place and Eri place. When he open the gate and walk through the gate he saw a little girl who was afraid of him .

Izayoi : Don't worry im here to save you come lets go out of this place .

Eri : Please go Im Curse i don't want to hurt anyone.

Said Eri while crying. When i saw that she is crying i go directly to her and hug her. When i hug her i seal her quirk using the technique i learn from the Cultivation Room. Don't worry there nothing will hurt you anymore. After i said that to her i enter My Space Dimension we arrive at my house inside My Space Dimension. At that time i protect her with my Qi so that she will be safe when walk into space gate.

Inside Himiko already waiting for us. When she saw Eri condition full of bandage she rage. because Eri still a child what's more She only 6 years old.

Himiko : Darling can i go destroy them.

Izayoi : Not for now we have to attend to her injuries first. Eri im sorry for not introducing myself my name is Izayoi Sakamaki and this girl is My Girlfriend Himiko Toga. There's nothing more for you to be afraid. I already contact a friend and we will destroy their base.

Yes when he arrive at Hassaikai base he contact All Might and told him that he want to destroy yakuza base because they abuse a child for her quirk. He inform All Might so that All Might can send his friend from police deparment Tsukauchi Naomasa. They already plan to meet at Hassaikai base in 2 hours. They can delay a bit because Izayoi told them he will enter alone to take her to safety first before they raid the base.

Eri : Are we really gonna be okay here. They will not find us right ?

Ask eri while she still afraid that she will be brought back.

Izayoi : There nothing to worry about currently you are inside my base which is My personal world here there's only the three of us, Himiko, you and me. You will go with Himiko to take a bath and i will prepare a new set of clothing for you.

Eri : Thank you Izayoi nii san.

Starting that's moment the three of them been a family and Eri as their daughter.



YEAH NOW OUR MC HAS A CUTE DAUGTHER. For those who oppose Himiko and Eri i will not care hahahaha both of them are cute.