
Immortal Saga

Xiao Chen wants to protect his parents from their enemies and in order to do that he started to cultivate madly. but he finds that he is unable to cultivate. until he encounters an opportunity that allows him to cultivate a mysterious technic. As he starts his journey to become a hegemon with his loved ones.

Firoz_Mansoori_5921 · Fantaisie
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11 Chs

5. A Black Bead

Restless and unable to find solace in sleep, Xiao Chen quietly slipped out of the house, the moonlight guiding his steps. The night air felt cool against his skin as he ventured into the stillness of the night, seeking comfort and clarity under the starlit sky.

The darkness held a certain serenity, broken only by the rustling of leaves and the distant hoot of an owl. Xiao Chen walked barefoot, feeling the earth beneath his feet, grounding him in the present moment. As he strolled through the quiet surroundings, his mind wandered, pondering the complexities of life and the challenges that lay ahead.

He found himself drawn to a nearby meadow, bathed in the soft glow of moonlight. The gentle swaying of grass and the whispering breeze beckoned him closer. Xiao Chen settled down on the dew-kissed ground, gazing up at the expanse of stars above him.

Suddenly he sees that one of the stars started to glow more than the others.

Startled by the sudden change in the night sky, Xiao Chen's eyes widened in awe and curiosity as he witnessed a star glowing brighter than all the others. He watched intently as the radiant light seemed to grow more intense, descending from its celestial abode.

Time seemed to slow as the star plummeted towards him, its descent graceful yet swift. Heart pounding with a mix of excitement and trepidation, Xiao Chen stood frozen, unable to tear his gaze away from the extraordinary spectacle unfolding before him.

Within moments, the falling star landed with a gentle thud just a short distance away. The surrounding grass shimmered with an otherworldly glow as Xiao Chen approached cautiously, the anticipation coursing through his veins.

As he drew closer, his eyes widened with wonder. The fallen star, now nestled amidst the blades of grass, transformed into a small, Black Bead — a Bead that seemed to pulsate with a mysterious energy.

Intrigued and guided by an unexplainable instinct, Xiao Chen reached out his hand, carefully picking up the Bead. It radiated warmth against his palm as if it held a secret waiting to be unveiled.

As Xiao Chen's fingers brushed against the smooth surface of the black bead, a sudden shift in the atmosphere was felt. The gentle breeze turned into a fierce gust, and dark clouds swiftly rolled in, obscuring the moon and stars. Within seconds, raindrops began to fall from the sky, gradually transforming into a torrential downpour.

The rain poured relentlessly as if the heavens themselves had opened up. The droplets cascaded from above, creating a rhythmic symphony as they collided with the earth. The sound of the rain drowned out all other noises, filling the air with its power and intensity.

Xiao Chen stood in awe, his gaze fixed on the deluge surrounding him. The rain soaked his clothes, drenching him from head to toe, but he remained rooted to the spot, captivated by the extraordinary display.

Startled by the ear-deafening sound of thunder, Xiao Chen snapped out of his reverie, the intensity of the moment propelling him into action. Realizing the need to seek shelter from the brewing storm, he swiftly secured the black bead in his pocket and broke into a run, his footsteps splashing through puddles as he made his way back home.

As Xiao Chen closed the doors behind him, shutting out the rain-soaked world outside, he took a moment to catch his breath. Water dripped from his clothes, pooling on the floor beneath him. Determined to rid himself of the dampness, he swiftly moved to brush away the water, his hands becoming makeshift tools in this impromptu task.

With a sense of purpose, Xiao Chen knelt down and began to run his hands along the wet surfaces, brushing away the droplets. He worked methodically, ensuring that no puddles remained to create a mess or bring discomfort. Each swipe of his hand was fueled by a desire to restore order and cleanliness to the familiar space he called home.

Startled by the sudden coughing sound emanating from his father's room, Xiao Chen's movements faltered. Droplets of water still clung to his hands as he turned his gaze towards the closed door, concern etching across his face.

Without hesitation, he abandoned his task of brushing away the water and swiftly made his way toward his father's room. Each step felt heavy with worry, his heart pounding in his chest as he approached the door.

When he reached his father's room. He saw his father lying on the floor and slightly black blood was gushing out of his father's mouth.

Shocked and filled with terror, Xiao Chen's heart skipped a beat as he beheld the distressing sight before him. Without a second thought, he dropped to his knees beside his father, his hands trembling as he reached out to touch Xiao Zan's unconscious form.

Fear gripped Xiao Chen's chest, his mind racing to comprehend the severity of the situation. Blood continued to flow from his father's mouth, staining the floor with a stark reminder of the urgency at hand.

"Father! Father!" Xiao Chen's voice quivered with desperation as he gently shook Xiao Zan, hoping to rouse him from his unconscious state. Panic surged through his veins, his thoughts swirling with worry and helplessness.

In that harrowing moment, Xiao Chen's instincts kicked in. He knew he had to act swiftly, to seek help and save his father's life. Clenching his fists, he steadied his breathing, forcing himself to remain calm amidst the chaos unfolding before him.

In a desperate frenzy, Xiao Chen rushed out of the room, his mind racing to find something, anything, that could aid his father. In his search for a solution, his eyes fell upon a large cloak hanging on a hook nearby. Without hesitation, he grabbed it, clutching it tightly in his trembling hands.

Determined to take action, Xiao Chen's gaze shifted to a sturdy rope coiled on a shelf nearby. Recognizing its potential usefulness, he swiftly snatched it up and raced back to his father's side, a glimmer of hope flickering in his eyes

With a surge of strength, Xiao Chen carefully placed the large cloak over his father's still form. He ensured that his father was enveloped in its protective embrace, shielding him from the elements and offering a sense of security.

Gently, he lifted his father's weakened body, cradling him with utmost care. Securing the rope tightly around himself and his father, Xiao Chen created a makeshift binding, ensuring that his father would remain securely attached to his back throughout their journey.

With the cloak securely draped over his father's body, Xiao Chen fastened it tightly, ensuring that his father would remain protected from the relentless downpour. The rain continued to pour, drenching the world around them, but Xiao Chen forged ahead with unwavering determination.

Step by step, he ventured out into the tempestuous night, his every movement purposeful and resolute. The rain beat down upon him, soaking his clothes and dampening his spirits, but he pressed on, his love for his father serving as an unyielding beacon of strength.

The weight of his father on his back was a constant reminder of the precious life he carried with him. With each step, Xiao Chen felt the burden, but he refused to let it break him. He trudged through the muddy terrain, determination etched upon his face, his footsteps leaving imprints in the sodden earth.

The path ahead was treacherous, with rain-soaked rocks and obscured trails, but Xiao Chen navigated through the darkness with unwavering resolve. His senses were heightened, his focus laser-sharp as he relied on his instincts to guide him toward the Green Ox village, seeking aid for his ailing father.