
Immortal Saga

Xiao Chen wants to protect his parents from their enemies and in order to do that he started to cultivate madly. but he finds that he is unable to cultivate. until he encounters an opportunity that allows him to cultivate a mysterious technic. As he starts his journey to become a hegemon with his loved ones.

Firoz_Mansoori_5921 · Fantaisie
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11 Chs

3. Awakening Ceremony

The sun casts its warm glow upon the wooden house as Xiao Chen, now 7 years old, and his mother Ye Yue prepare for his long-awaited spiritual root awakening ceremony. An air of anticipation fills the room, mingling with nervous energy. Both mother and son exchange glances, their hearts fluttering with a mix of excitement and anxiety.

Xiao Zan, observing the nervousness etched across their faces, approached them with a reassuring smile. He placed a comforting hand on Ye Yue's shoulder and spoke with a gentle tone, "There's no need to worry, my dear. Xiao Chen has grown strong and resilient. Today is a celebration of his potential, an important step in his cultivation path."

Ye Yue glanced at Xiao Zan, her eyes filled with a mixture of hope and concern. "I know, but what if his spiritual root doesn't awaken?

Xiao Zan's voice carried a soothing conviction as he reassured them, "My love, we cannot control the outcome, but we can trust in Xiao Chen's inherent strength. Remember, Essence cultivation is just one of the ways of cultivation.

Many years ago I met an old man. People used to call him soul king Mo. I think he is the strongest person I met in my life because he killed thirty spirit realm cultivators with a single wave of his hand. You know he wasn't an essence cultivator but a soul cultivator. when he was seven years old, He was unable to awaken his spiritual root. But he was determined to cultivate so he left his home to find a different way to become a powerful person. After several years he found a way to cultivate his soul. "

Xiao Zan takes a deep breath," all I am trying to say is that there is always a way. There is always hope. No matter what you face ."

Xiao Chen, sensing the tension between his parents, looked up at them with a determined gaze. "Father, Mother, I will do my best. I understand that the awakening of my spiritual root is just the beginning. No matter what happens, I will work hard and persevere on this path."

Ye Yue's eyes softened with pride as she hugged Xiao Chen tightly. "You are wise beyond your years, my son. We believe in you, and we will always be here to support and guide you."

Xiao Chen nodded his gaze resolute. With a deep breath, he steeled himself for the ceremony that would shape his future. Together, they made their way to the sacred space prepared for the spiritual root awakening.

As Ye Yue sat facing Xiao Chen, a solemn determination etched on her face, she placed her hand gently on his chest. Closing her eyes, she tapped into the depths of her own spirit energy, channeling it through her hand and into Xiao Chen's meridians, seeking to awaken his spiritual root.

A hushed silence filled the room as Ye Yue concentrated, her brows furrowed with unwavering focus. With each breath, she carefully guided her spirit energy, attempting to unlock the dormant potential within Xiao Chen.

Time seemed to stretch on as they continued the process, breath after breath, the room filled with an air of anticipation and hope. However, despite their efforts, Xiao Chen's spiritual root remained unawakened.

Ye Yue's hand trembled slightly, a mixture of disappointment and concern flashing across her face. She glanced at Xiao Chen, her eyes filled with a mother's love and determination. "Chen'er, my dear, do not lose heart. Sometimes, the awakening of one's spiritual root takes time and patience. We will not give up on you."

Xiao Chen, his youthful face a mix of frustration and determination, nodded in understanding. "I will keep trying, Mother. I won't give up. "

Ye Yue smiled softly, her voice filled with unwavering support. "My son. Remember, true strength lies not only in the awakening of one's spiritual root but also in the resilience and determination to overcome any challenge. We will find another way, together."

Suddenly Xiao Chen started to kneel in front of his mother and asked." If there comes a day when I am still unable to cultivate will you still love me as much you love me today?"

As Xiao Chen knelt before his mother, his eyes filled with vulnerability and fear, Ye Yue's heart ached. She knelt down in front of him, cupping his face in her hands, and looked deep into his eyes with an unwavering gaze.

"Chen'er ," Ye Yue whispered, her voice filled with love and tenderness, "never doubt the depth of my love for you. Whether or not your spiritual root awakens, it will never change the love I hold in my heart. You are my son, and that bond is unbreakable."

Tears welled up in Xiao Chen's eyes as he listened to his mother's words. "But Mother, What if... what if I disappoint you and Father?"

Ye Yue gently wiped away his tears, her voice filled with reassurance. "Your worth and value as a person extend far beyond your cultivation potential. You possess kindness, resilience, and a spirit that shines bright. Those qualities are what make you truly remarkable, my dear. Your worth is not defined solely by your cultivation abilities."

She continued, her voice steady and unwavering. "No matter what path your cultivation journey takes, I will always be there for you, supporting you, and loving you. Our bond transcends any external achievements. I am proud of the person you are today and will be tomorrow, regardless of your cultivation progress."

Xiao Chen's eyes widened as he absorbed his mother's words, a mix of relief and gratitude washing over him. He embraced her tightly, feeling her warmth and love enveloping him.

"Thank you, Mother," he whispered, his voice filled with a newfound sense of peace. "I am blessed to have you by my side. With your love and support, I will continue to strive for my dreams, knowing that your love will always be there, guiding me."

Ye Yue held him close, her embrace conveying a sense of unwavering devotion. "You are my greatest treasure, Xiao Chen. Your happiness and well-being will always be my priority. No matter the challenges you face, we will face them together, as a family."

Xiao Zan comes near them and lightly knocked on Xiao Chen's head in a joking manner, "You little brat, are you trying to steal my wife?"

Xiao Zan's playful comment brought lightness to the atmosphere, causing Xiao Chen and Ye Yue to break into smiles amid their lingering tears. Xiao Chen chuckled and started to scratch his head. He looked up at his father, his eyes shining with affection.

"Father, you know I could never steal your wife," he replied, his tone filled with warmth and a touch of mischief. "I'm just lucky to have such an amazing mother."

Ye Yue joined in the lighthearted banter, playfully nudging Xiao Zan's shoulder. "Oh, Xiao Zan, you know you're stuck with me forever. Our love is unshakable."

Xiao Zan feigned a look of mock exasperation, rubbing his head as if deep in thought. "I suppose I can tolerate you two, as long as you promise not to forget about your dear old husband."

Their laughter echoed through the room, creating an atmosphere of joy and love that washed away the lingering tension. In that moment, the strength of their bond as a family became even more evident, as they found solace and comfort in each other's presence.

As the laughter subsided, Xiao Chen glanced at his parents, his heart brimming with gratitude. "Thank you, Mother and Father, for always being there for me. Your love and support mean the world to me."

Ye Yue and Xiao Zan shared a knowing look, their eyes reflecting the depth of their love for their son. "We are here for you, Chen'er," Ye Yue said, her voice filled with warmth. "Through every challenge, every triumph, and every moment of uncertainty, our love for you remains unwavering."

Xiao Zan nodded in agreement. "You are our greatest joy, Xiao Chen. We will always stand by your side, cheering you on and offering guidance when needed."

At that moment, their hearts were filled with a profound sense of gratitude and the knowledge that their love, laughter, and support would continue to shape their journey as a family.