
Im A Wizard Book

Finding youve reincated is great, but finding out your not human is bad. Waking about finding out that hes become a book. follow the story of ren on his journey in a new world. ------- Rewrite

AllMightySpeed · Fantaisie
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2 Chs


Floating in a weird space, Ren couldn't help but go into a daze of how he arrived where he was.

It was supposed to be a normal day...

As a college student, his life mainly revolved around school and working his part-time job.

The only times he got to relax were Sundays, and on this particular. Sunday, he decided to go out and have fun.

Only to be struck by lighting and appearing in this blank space.

As for how long he was here, he quickly lost count after counting to 89136 secs.

"I really didn't do anything,"

That was the only thought going through his mind.

As an orphan, he was released around 16 to go living on his own, luckily he had a great job and was able to find a nice place to stay.

The fact that he didn't have many friends also made him more focused on school, which luckily let him have enough requirements for a nice college.

Just like most people at the age of 18, he didn't really have anything he really wanted to do, so he ended up just choosing to study engineering.

Since he wasn't passionate about it or anything much for that matter, he ended up spending his first two years at college, just drifting about and being mediocre.

If it were up to him again, he would have just studied film with all the movies he watched.


As he was in his thoughts, Ren thought he heard a noise.

Looking around, it was still the same blank space.

'I must be going crazy after being her for so long' was the only thing he could think.

[A host has been found!]



As soon as he heard the voice again, Ren started shouting for help.

After being alone for so long, it had been so long since he heard another voice besides his own.

[Would you like to bind?!]

"Bind? bind with what?"

[You have five minutes to choose]

"Choose what?"

[Your Wizard]

"What wizard can you at least explain?"

[You have 4:30 minutes left to chose]

"Fuckin Hell, might as well nothing left to lose."


In the testing field, all sorts of people watched a figure on a stage holding a blank book.

You could make out traces of sympathy in some of their eyes as they saw nothing happened for almost two minutes.

While some had had sympathy, other had looks of mockery and disdain. To them, this was the best outcome for this person.

"I'm sorry, princess, it looks you have no magic," An examiner said after almost three minutes of waiting.

But the figure on stage didn't listen and stayed out holding the blank book.

Just as the examiner was bout to repeat it again, he could sense something was wrong with the mana around him.

He wasn't the only one who noticed, and eventually, they all looked up.

"Get off the stage, your trashing the reputation of the royal family,"

A voice said.

"Yea, Your embarrassing all the nobles again you half-blood,"

"What should we expect from her anyway."

"Just an embarrassment"

More voices said.

Slowly more and more voices filled with contempt came out directed at the girl on stage.

At the same time, more and more people noticed the weather changing from sunny to quickly becoming cloudy.

At the front of this stage, the examiner finally had a look of understanding and immediately deployed a barrier to cover the audience.

As the princess was bout to let go of the book, she could finally sense something from her hands.


A short chapter just to get things started

Just going to try to Re-Write this

AllMightySpeedcreators' thoughts