2 New School

(Crystal's P.O.V)

The best part about waking up is feeling the sun's light warm you're body as you wake up. If I have to be honest this is the only thing I find enjoyable about waking up.

The rest is ok but could be better. Though who am I to judge I bet there are people who have a rougher morning than I do, so I should be grateful I don't have to do much.

Most people don't even get food on the table or have a nanna to take care of them like I do. I'm just grateful to know I have these wonderful things in my life.

Oh crap! Did I really think all of this in my head just now?! I really need to stop. I can't help but do this every time I wake up.

I supposed I'm excited, a new start is headed my way. I'm going to be enrolling in a new school starting today.

My last school got taken down because our Lord has decided that it was a waste of money to have multiple schools for the poor.

He told construction workers to dismantle my old school and rebuild it with a new expansion added on to it. The parents were very upset about his decision, but nobody could really say "no" to our lord.

If you say anything to oppose him, it practically means you're asking for death.

This is how our society is controlled. We have at the very top, the Vampires who are viewed as immortal beings that dominate over the humans like me. I don't know much about them but all I know is that there are the King and his council and underneath them are lords and below them are just normal vampires but regardless of their status you must respect no matter what.

For us humans, some of us are lucky and for others not so much. It really all depends on your social status and wealth.

That's where I come in. At the very bottom of the hierarchy.

"Crystal, breakfast is ready!" My sweet Nanna calls. If it hasn't been for her yelling I'm pretty sure I'd still be in my pajamas by now zoning out. "Hello there little Bitzy." That's the name of my pet baby kitten.

"Always rubbing  up against my leg to catch my attention are we now?" All she does is purr back in response, assuming that was a "yes."

Heading downstairs towards the dining room, the smell freshly made pancakes in the air hits my nose and causes my stomach to growl. "This is incredible Nanna thank you so much for making them."

"No worries dear. Now, hurry up and eat or you'll be late for school. You can't miss orientation." She replies while setting my breakfast on the table.

I'm very happy to know my Nanna worries about me, but I can assure her there is nothing to worry about.

She's looked after me my whole life and the least I can do for her is make sure I go to school and work hard on my education.

Growing up it was just us two. Not my parents, they died when I was very little and I can't remember what they looked like anyway.

The only thing I have to remember them by is a family portrait with me in my father's arms and my mother sitting down next to him holding her belly.

She was pregnant at the time with my younger sibling. I don't know whether it was supposed to be another girl but all I can say is that I would make a great big sister. No question about it.

I don't really know what happened to them. I asked my grandma many times. All that comes out of her mouth is that the Lord was not pleased with their actions.

They got taken away one night when I was asleep in my room.

They were never heard from again. Wherever they are now, I hope they are happy and that I miss them.

I hope they miss me too!

"Goodbye, Nanna," I say as I finish tying my shoes and fixing my school uniform.

The walk to my new school isn't that horrible but it isn't that good either. Occasionally they'll be vampires walking around and if they catch you they'll ask you to feed them.

And I definitely don't feel like losing blood today. I can't afford to be dizzy or late on my first day.

So far my walk to school has been calm. There are not many people out but at least there isn't anybody. Most people where I live hide in their houses because of the vampires.

That's why it's very important not to be alone. Though I don't see the difference because nobody can help you anyway.

It's just the sad truth of it.

I squint my eyes to see further up ahead and to my surprise, I see a girl. She's wearing the exact same uniform as me.

Her back's facing me,  so I can't see her face. I can only see her long black hair flowing in the distance.

It's so weird it's like she's just standing there waiting for something or someone? She's not even moving a muscle. I'm too scared to walk up to her because I wouldn't know what to say.

Before I could even move one inch of my own body she quickly turns the side her head, eyes facing my direction looking right at me. With a poker face expression.

Out of panic I hide behind a bush and poke my head out from behind to see if she's still there.

But she wasn't anymore? It's like she vanished out of thin air.

I'm not even at school yet weird things have already started happening to me.

The time on my watch says 8:47 and school starts at 9:00. I should pick up my pace fast if I want to make it on time.

By the time I got to school, there were so many kids. Some I've never even seen before since our school sort of got merged with theirs.

"Hello everyone, many of you have probably noticed by now that changes have been made to our school system. Well, we're all just going to have to learn how to adjust and get used to it and you will all have a fine year at Dan Moore high."

Hearing that just made me even more nervous because the woman announcing it didn't seem confidant at all unlike the speech she just gave out.

"Oh and also just giving you children a heads up that the Lord's advisor will be coming in today so make sure to be on you're best behavior."

I can't believe what just came out of her mouth. I can't come to understand why the Lord's advisors would even bother coming to this place anyway.

Something tells me it's not going to be an easy welcome here.

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