
Threat for the pendragons

main charecter:Irtas pendragon

apparance: handsome with green hair blue left eye and red left eye with kind smile that almost never leace fase when in public (if you don't like it choose another)

living area: guardian harem palace that got forge, libertary, labs, alcemy, hanger, stewerd robot x1000 (weak in power but good at cleaning and have the palace goong) 1master bedroom and 100empresse room and 1000 guest room, big kitchin, game room, everyting get destroyed and remade when new guardian come to power so that guardian don't need to worry of all the shit the other did tgere

power: Emperor (naturell ruler)

power strenghting (everytime he sleep with somone he get a portion of their power and they get some of his, but the thing is they only get so much power from so much feeling they got for each other)

eye of purgytory (red) eye of healing (blue)

eldic memory and good prespiction

merits: kind, smart, compassion, good manupilation and never lie to women he loves

description: 5million years all 4 world was a colonized but a war brooke out and seperated them, and a person was choosen every 1million years to make sure they don't meet again and start the ancient war that was propified, but the agreed time for the fourth guardian is comming for him to step down and choose a succsesor.

but when doing the cermoney come he got a glimps of the future where the fifth universe destroyed everyting and was ruling them all.

but it was to late so only warning he could give was to make a big harem and amass power to become strongest before they come.

so he have to travel the 4 universe and collect power for the threat that comming and become the legendary emperor of universe every dreams of guardian

antogonist: the fifth universe and strongest no one knew exsisted (you are free to choose what universe you want it to be or create one)

anime worlds: (please read the lightnovel on some of them or read at the wiki becouse anime don't show all the good stuff)

Gundam 00

Gundam seed

inreguler at magic highschool

Crest of the Stars

couple of things: make the harem slowely so they can dvelivop their feeling for each other instead of instant love)

i know its alot of spelling error english is my second lanuage and my phone is to small to hit corectly keyboard 100%

going to go over and fix them when i'm at the computer, and i'm still dveluping it

this is one of many idea i have been thinking of in years but i'm a closed person so its hard to get my idea out so closest thing i could come up with was sharing my idea