

A woman stared at a spot om the sidewalk where someone had once stood. The clothes of the person had fallen to the floor as well as the groceries he was holding. Her eyes were still recovering from the bright flash of light that had overcome her vision. She looked away and began walking away while speaking to herself. "I am definitely going insane." She murmured, considering seeing a psychiatrist.

In another place, if a place was what you could call it, a man floated around in an inconceivable place. He couldn't find the right words to describe it immediately. Bright lights flashed all around him as it felt as though he were rising and falling at the same time.

This was until, he felt something tug at him. Not like a physical tug, but deep in his soul. He felt almost unable to resist, but with an iron will he held out anyways. He started to feel what was happening around him start to fade. Was this the consequence of doing this unprepared? He couldn't tell, it was all happening so fast that his mind felt rattled.

Finally after a few moments of his entire vision going dark, he saw a light in the abyss. It looked like a woman. She floated towards him slowly. She seemed to be trying to give off an aura of soothing, but his mind wouldn't let him fall victim to it. She reached out her hands and touched his face.

The woman stared into the mans eyes and he stared back. As he kept staring he started to be able to see her features more clearly. She was what looked like a glowing wisp before, but now she was forming. He delicate lips then parted.

"Hm... It seems during your ascension your soul was led astray. Don't see this as a loss, but a new opportunity" She said in a seductively soothing voice.

[Much Time Later...]

Inside of a seemingly random cave was empty space. Or so as one would think. It was still dark outside, but the sun would soon rise.

One second passed. Then a minute. This then turned into an hour. Finally as the sun set it's shining light upon the world, a presence had awakened. Suddenly the ground from the giant cave started to cave in itself. From it a gigantic body rose. It was at least sixty feet tall. The rumbling from the shaking cave continued for a while until it finally calmed down and the dust cleared. Sitting on it's bottom in the cave was a large creature. From head to toe it seemed like the skin of it's body was a thick and ridged armor, far too rough to be called a carapace. It's fingers ended with sharp claw like tips, as well as it's toes.

It's head swiveled very slowly from side to side, observing it's surrounding. It's face seemed to only consist of eyes which had a deep purple glow which seemed to originate from inside the head. On top of it's head was two pair of horns, one that laid just above the temple and went around the head horizontally, ending just before reaching the back of the head with a sharp tip. The other pair started at the upper part of the fore head and went above the head pointing upwards, ending just before reaching the back of the head.

"This is strange" The creature spoke, it's voice deep and booming. It's mouth only slightly moved revealing that it had one, a purple glow that slightly came out.

It spoke! It really spoke! English no less! But how could this be? How could a creature this foreign to Earth speak English? That was because it was the same man who had disappeared before!

"When I chose my body... I didn't expect this" He said while holding his hands out. "Right, I remember still. I was ascending until something went wrong. It caused my body to... disappear I think it was." He said to himself as he observed his body. He ran a finger across his arm, having full feeling. It startled him a bit, being able to feel through this sort of armor.

"Then I had to choose a new body, so I chose 'this' race. Though I added some things." He said noting how his body had the armor, which in fact was not very normal for this race.

"Argh! I thought I was dreaming or on some kind of trip!" He said while bring up his hands and covering his face. It was an interesting scene to watch, a gigantic figure moving like someone who had just embarrassed themselves.

After a moment he then stopped and glanced around. "Wait... so that means I should have been unawakened here for about 50 to avoid the complications." He said while trying to recall all that he was told.

"Argh! This is so much to wrap my head around! I haven't even gotten to the way my voice sounds yet!" He said a bit louder than before, then acknowledging his monstrous voice. He slumped onto his back causing a slight rumble in the cave.

'I would go out into the world right away, but I'm far too big to be considered normal in the slightest, I'd stand out.' He thought this time, thinking in the voice he had as a human.

"System" He said moments before a screen popped up in front of him. Right now it looks more like a scroll with burning tips then a screen. This was the reason he was here. For ten straight years this had been around in his life. He hadn't touched it though because of the fact that he thought he was probably crazy.

Not until he was the age of 27 did the system finally appear again after he ignored it.

'Requirements fulfilled ascension. Proceed?'

He remembered it saying. At the time he had decided to humor it since it was a quiet night at the time. Little did he know it would actually happen.

He sighed for a moment before studying it's contents.

Name: Unnamed

Race: Titan(Godling)

Abilities: Avatar Creation, Soul Control, Anima Blade, Anima Armor, Vast Presence...

He read a few of the skills before he decided quickly that it was dragging on. He remembered now that the race he picked had several abilities, including Anima Blade and Anima Armor that were listed. The other two were a given of his ascension as explained to him. Though he did get Avatar creation as an extra.

"System, can you execute abilities for me?"

'Abilities and skills can be executed according to the Host's mastery over selected ability or skill' A scroll said as it popped up.

"Perfect" He said as he went to crack his knuckles. He was a bit dissapointed to be reminded these were in fact not his old fingers. He shrugged his shoulders.

"Avatar Creation" He said as he held a hand out. A moment later saw a scroll pop up that said 'Ability Executing' and a purple glow came from his hand. He then started feeling like he was losing energy, like was doing labor. Finallt after what felt like half an hour he could feel that the skill he finished. He pulled his hand back and laid back a bit.

He then looked down at the avatar. It looked remarkably human! No, it was human! He had used his power to make sure that this came out as human.

He theb leaned forward to look at the Avatar closer. It was a caramel brown skinned male with curly hair that start dark at the roots but got lighter at the tips. He looked like he stood around 5'5 with a body that was skinny enough to make his ribs show.

"Nice" He said to himself happy with his creation. There was one thing though. This Avatar was technically a seperate being. The only power that he reallt had over it was to absorb it back into himself. Otherwise, it was more or less a human clone made with a piece of his soul. Basically it was him but human. Well that kind of is what an Avatar is but he had no control over this one.

He was well aware of this though, this was on purpose. He wanted to be able to do two things at once. One was to experience life as a Godling, and the other a human. If that made any sense at least.

It doesn't matter if that makes sense to you! Wanna know why? Because it'll make for a hell of an adventure!

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