
I woke up to raise little buns

(the book cover don't belong to me credit goes to original owner) Sana was simple girl who dream to became great actress but the reality was cruel in order to get chance in a movie the producer try to force her in that struggle her head hit the cupboard of the bed and she died even before she can show her talent. when she woke up she find herself in the body of a seven year old girl who has beaten to death by her cruel aunt. when she open her eyes and help her mother who was in difficult labour. she look at the tiny buns around her and decide to pave her way to the peak.

Bhoomi_Mehra · Histoire
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56 Chs

stranger help...

when hailin woke up again it already has been ten days since she has faint away opening her eyes she look around and realise that she is still beside the lake but she is inside a mysterious barrier she know some knowledge about barriers and array but she don't know how to create them.

she become confuse she don't know how to create barrier then how did this barrier appear here she get up from the ground and realise that all of the wound on her body has been healed her fair smooth skin has become more smooth just like that of newborn child.

she was shock to know that she is in 7th stage of ascension realm she smile at her achievement walking toward the barrier she look at it carefully those various complicated ruin on the barrier is out of her understanding she touch the barrier but weirdly as soon as she touch the barrier.

the barrier suddenly shatter and turn into wisp of smoke vanishing without any trace she was dumbfounded before she can think what just happen a loud and a clear voice shout in her mind.

"master you has finally woke up you don't know how much worried we all were" alight flash toward her she catch the thing which has jump in her embrace her lips twitch when she saw little venom crying in her arms.

"Stop crying like a child tell me how's Zheng" little venom put on aggrieved look on his face as he refuse to spoke but after receiving glare from her he unwilling tell her "Zheng, sixu and that eagle they all are alright they has been staying in inn in the city master you don't knoe but when the tribulation process ended lot of people came to kill you but cause if the barrier no one was able to enter"

but soon both of their face change "it seem like those people has not give up on killing me since that the case let's deal with them" little venom also has receive benefit in those ten days he has also promote to mid 6tier her strength is enough to deal with few flies but lot of people are going someone to deal with.

"well master who has create the barrier at that time I has gone to send everyone out when I return you were already in the barrier I try to enter but was bounce back by a very powerful aura" she frown when she heard his word her thought were interrupt by little venom "master you has become more beautiful"

only then she notice the changes in her body she walk toward the lake and look at her reflection her fair smooth white skin is glowing her mismatch eyes are shining more brightly moreover her hair which were silver in colour previously now has turn into bluish silver like her wings she pause for a sec before closing her eyes.

suddenly pair of bluish silver wings similar to her hair appear on her back she gather some courage inside her body and try to fly the wings seem to sence her thought of flying as they directly take her in sky scaring her she tightly close her eyes but even after sometime nothing happen cold wind hit her face slowly opening her eyes she tealise that she is in sky.

a wide smile on her face the feeling of flying in air without any obstacles is simple wishful thinking she never has thought she will be able to fly in air like a bird she look at cloud that are passing by and the birds flying in the sky she felt like she is different world the feeling is flying is very beautiful.

but this happiness was only for few minutes before she sense lot of powerful aura coming toward her direction she head back on the land "little venom let's go in central region" theirs difference between inner and central region this place is in innermost area of the forest akthought these people seem to be not feared from breasts dealing with lot of beasts are still very hard.

she didn't use her wings to fly their but walk toward the central region she quickly take out her cloak when she was about to open her cloth she realise that she is wearing man robe this is not her clothes at all but she don't have much time to think about it she quickly wear her cloak and hide her hair and face.

she slowly walk with little venom hiding in her cloak she can sense the powerful aura passing above her head she raise her head to look at the people flying in the sky using their spiritual weapon she felt little jealous about the fact that these people can fly without any trouble but it's totally different matter when it's come to her.

her jealousy filled eyes attrack the attention of people in the sky "hey stop their what are you doing in this forest" she cup her fist as greeting "senior I'm here to gather experience" her voice is sweet with the hint of immaturity which show that she is a young women.

"hey old man why are you creating trouble for a junior moreover she seem to have no cultivation she is not the person whom we are searching now let's go quickly before we lost the person"

"yes he is right rather then creating trouble for this little girl we better hurry up" those people from there leaving dumbfounded hailin their she blink her eyes not understanding what does the man mean with having no cultivation realm.

"master this is true you have no trace of qi in your body if irs not the fact that I'm connext to you through contract I can't also sence your cultivation it seem like something is stopping me from seeing your true realm"

hailin frown then she suddenly thought of something after checking her whole body she found a bracelet on her wrist the bracelet seem to be made up of wood curved in beautiful flower pattern the bracelet seem to be normal object just for decoration but there something weird about the bracelet.

"I don't know but it seem like someone is helping me from behind the scene at first the barrier then the cloth now this bracelet they don't look like coincidental incident"