
I woke up in body of five year old girl...

Qinlin open her eyes and find herself laying in the middle of forest she was confuse as for why she is laying here. she was well known for her talent of medicine and weapons not only that her talent in cultivation is also envies by other's. but she died while facing tribulations of ascending celestial king resulting in her death. the original owner was daughter of rich family her father was well preserved in medicine, her second uncle were merchant while her third uncle was martial art teacher. but everything was destroyed when someone put an eye on their secret medicine prescription resulting in there downfall. qinlin along with her four siblings roam in wilderness, running away from scammer but when she came over she help her siblings leave comfortable life. her eldest brother was well preserved in poision and medicine. she has art of both healing and killing. third sister know every single information about the place which she want to know. forth brother is expert in making weapons. her fifth sister take total diffrent path and become a scholar... but why a certain emperor nephew is sneaking around her house what does he want..

Bhoomi_Mehra · Fantaisie
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27 Chs

Elderly woman's...

Everyone were silent no one made any noise during the breakfast it was like no one is in the room seeing that everyone are done eating she gather the bowls and went to wash them.

Qinling saw this he quickly get up and block her way "you go and rest you have several broken bones if you didn't rest well it will be not good for your recovery leave these things to me"

She look at his stubborn face and decide to let him do it after all she reall has broken bones it's not good if she didn't recover well.

But the problem is that to be recover well she needed lot of herbs and medicine and they has no money on them right now.

She pause as she quickly take out the jewellery box and take out few pieces of jewellery from it she look at the jewellery and frown she follow the original owner memory.

She flip the box and press the bird eye on it a piece of wood fall of revealing another small hidden space inside it lay small egg made of pure gold.

The egg was size of child hand when the original owner was child she heard the story of golden goose who lay golden egg.

She get so obsessed with the story that she try to find it in order to stop her obsession her second uncle get the golden egg for her.

He lies to her that he got the egg from the golden goose but the goose run away so he can only bring the egg for her.

Her grandfather chase after secong uncle to beat him for getting such expensive thing for her but since she was called their lucky star no one take the egg away from her.

She look at her twin siblings who are looking at the golden egg with their shiny eyes she rub their hair they look at her then smile.

"Qinque, Qinye don't worry we will not always have empty stomach we will eat alot grow taller and become outstanding"

Both of them nodded their head although they are kids they are very sensible know that their sister is just cheering them up.

But infact she really meant what she had said "yeah linlin is right we will work hard and grow more strong" and kill those people who has killed our family.

She can tell what is going in his head but she didn't say it outloud cause that's also her plan she not letting those people get away.

"Big brother qinling why don't we sell this egg I'm sure this thing cost alot" he nodded his head the egg is very large and made up of pure gold it will surely sell in high price.

"Yeah you right we can sell it but we don't know right now where we are with people on our back we did something that attract people attention I'm sure we will be done"

"Don't worry big brother last tine we were ambush and totally catch off guard this time if they came we will not let them hurt us"

Qinye jump as he grit his teeth in anger but he receive a punch on head by qinque "are you an idiot we are just three year old we will be only creating burden for others"

"Don't fight be good and stay here we both are going to look around you need to take care of qinqin don't let anyone know that you are here"

"Yeah" both shout at same time "Linlin you also stay here your injury is not good at all going with will only worsen your injury"

"It will not don't worry big brother if you go alone I'm scared that someone will scan you off money or worse steal from you"

"Hey I'm not that useless if anyone dare to steal from me I will poison them" she shook her head.

"You can't do that if offical find their body and start investing it we will be in trouble" qinque spoke suddenly from the side.

"You only to take card of their bodies clearly

OUCH!!! Why did you hit me second sister" she hold her head and as she look at her.

"You are too young to talk about killing and all that stuff"

"but you also do that" she whisper herself but with her sense of hearing she easily hear it she give another knock on her head.

"OUCH!!! Second sister don't do that I'm sorry I will not talk about death and all" she run her forehead with a pout.

"Now listen make sure to close the door after we left okay"

"But the door is already broken"this time it was qinye who spoke she also knock on his head as punishment.

"Okay okay stop messing around, Linlin why are you going so harsh on them let them go" she sniff and look away.

"Don't be angry aren't you saying about going around this village lets go" a smile form on her face she did that so he can let her came with him.

"Okay let's go" she pat their head and look at qinqin who is still sleeping peacefully before leave the courtyard.

They had stroll around the village in the morning and has rough idea of this village it's not very big village only few houses.

Even though they has look around they still don't know if theirs any way to go town and what this village is called.

While walking they saw no one in their way probable cause it's already late in morning which mean everyone has head to field.

After walking for sometime they reach the enterance of the village where few elderly women are seating under the Willow tree and talking to each other.

When they saw them walking toward them these women were surprised after all they has never seen them in this village before.

Both of them reach the women and greet them in their cute voice everyone in their family are good looking so they and no one can resist against cute children those women face were full of smiles.