
I Will Shake The Multiverse!

The One Who Shake Will Shake The Multiverse A Homeless Kid Who Become The Most PowerFul Being In The Multiverse! Read The Journey Of Tatsuya Senko With His Harem!

Author_Chan · Anime et bandes dessinées
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4 Chs

Meeting Akeno And Shuri

as I see my skill I activated my unlimited Dimensional skill to teleport to a alleyway that have nobody walking and walking out of it and see a shrine as I go in I see a girl who was almost 6 year old that have a appearance of a black hair ponytail and wear a traditional shrine uniform as akeno see me akeno walking up to me and said "hi I never saw you here before what your name?" she look pretty happy to see a boy in her age here she doesn't have any friend so I say "I'm Tatsuya Senko nice to meet you and you are?" she replied "I'm akeno and why are you here at this afternoon" I answer "I'm going to make a wish here so can you show me how to make a wish?" akeno replied "yes you just out a coin on that box and clap two time then make a wish" I heard and her and go to the box and give it a coin and clap two time as i stated my wishes "my wishes is to become a harem king and all girl that I have will love me and.... doing inappropriate thing to me"I said faintly but akeno heard it and akeno face red and shout as she run to another house "Impurity Impurity Mom! Gonna Get That Impurity Out Of The Tatsuya" I run toward her and shout "why did you shout and why did you call me Impurity I just stated my wishes it will work right" she ignores me and open the door as I see akeno mother shuri she was Black hair like akeno ponytail and a traditional shrine uniform as she look at her daughter and me who is running Toward akeno and she smile and ask akeno "what do you mean akeno" akeno said while akeno face is still red "he make a wishes that he want to be a harem king and make inappropriate thing toward his lover" when shuri heard about this she smile and said "oh ya boy do you want my akeno to be your harem.." I replied "nope I only accept those who love me I am a gentleman after all" while I put a biggest smile I could do as I see akeno blush and hug shuri from behind and she said "it not like I want to be in your harem baka..."

short chapter sorry about that

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