
I Will Be The Villain

-Read my new book Nightmare Mythos!! “I’ll get back to my world no matter what even if I had to kill everyone here just to achieve it. “If that’s how everything will turn out at the end of my miseries then… I will be the villain.” … Lander, a normal worker and novel writer, found himself in the body of one of his mid-level boss villains, Duke Mauberon after a peculiar circumstance occurred to him. Yet, three years have already passed since the very start of his work. “Sir Duke, we finished off our preparation. It’s finally time to wage war in the world.” Slapped with the refutable fact that he got transmigrated, Lander, or, the current Duke, had to find a way to return to his home, Earth. Yet as he searches for methods to do it, Duke encounters strings of mysteries, challenging crises, and tremendous obstacles that get him tangled up in his goal. … “I’m worried about myself… I might go crazy while searching for a way home." Thought, is that really a problem? I was already crazy before I even came here...

Ordki_Hozei · Fantaisie
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50 Chs

Four-Three-Two (1)

"I see…! I see…! This is definitely good news!"

Carpal tapped his thigh, hearing a piece of information that he and the other four received turned out to be indeed positively helpful.

"Now, you must know the dangers of the underworld. There are a lot of pickpocketers, scammers, and con artists that might try to swindle you. Hence I advise you to keep your belongings in check every time. This is only the teensy bit of danger in there. You must know the worst, right?"

Monet looked at me with bright eyes, as if seeing me in the new light, "We can do it ourselves. The info you've given is enough. And you can rest assured that this partnership will continue as it is."

'That's more like it.'

Thankfully, I don't have to exert much force and energy on this ridiculous thing.

If only they knew. So funny.

It was myself – the one who swindled them – into taking part in the deal, appearing like I needed their grace and blessing but in fact, it just so happens that I will be doing a lot in the future and I will be needing them.

If there's something I need to do or cover something up, I could ask a favor for them where they could be used as cannon fodder.

In the end, they were useful fodder. And useful tools have a variety of uses.

But in the end, I'm just doing what I think will be advantageous for me in the future. With nothing to worry about, I can fully focus on the present.

Moreover, I guess they didn't lose something as they benefit from it since they will be dealing with me in the unforeseen future.

"Well, it's been a long day."

Everyone stood up the moment I signaled that useless chatter would be just a waste of time. And Carpal's cohort sensed it as they gave their appreciation to me.

"Do you want me to send you with a few carriages? I have a lot to spare."

"We have escorts on our own, just right the villa. It's not needed. Besides, we will be using a Secured Gate to transport us back to our nations so no need. After that, we might return here to do our business."

Bard who touched my shoulder while tapping it, replied with a joyous smile, showing his gold canines. As if the barrier between us diminished, becoming friends and all.

"I see…"

Formalities took place and once it was done, they left the villa while assisting them right outside of the gates of my property.

"Have a safe trip."

Watching their carriages move far away from the street, only disappearing as far as the eye could see, only Gabby walked right next to me while informing:

"Two out of three cohorts from that company had already left and going for them wouldn't be an optimal position since they are going for a Fiend's Gate available in one of the cities."

'Hah, in the end, I wouldn't get to kill all of them.'

My decision as on to handle those three had been made. In the end, the faster they were gone, the better. Kill them right in this very land, not living a single one alive.

But since I couldn't ignore Carpal and his cohort, I was left to let my insanity aside… for a moment.

And the shackles have finally been undone.

I don't know why this is happening to me. Maybe the previous memories Duke left were somehow influencing my well-being or maybe it was just me being relatively crazy.

In the end, it didn't matter. They tried to hurt me which could potentially end up being killed by them.

So, I will do the same.

"Where's the last one located?"

In an unfamiliar territory right outside the edge of the second city with only streetlights to cover the dark and gloomy paved roads, a local brothel stood dolefully. Their windows were covered with black curtains, leaving the outlookers in the dark to know the events transpiring inside.

Right here, the air was polluted. Adding the foul canal permeating through my nostrils made my view of this nation much worse.

This is one of many the outskirts of the Raining Treasure Nation where the poor resided. This could be compared to the lower streets in the Underworld where helplessness resides.

The only difference between the lower streets and the outskirts right outside the underworld was that this place still holds hope where someone can live.

On the lower streets located in the Underworld, it's just pure chaos and fighting. All kinds of crime were there and even if someone died, no one would bat an eye.

At least, on the outskirts, there's authority patrolling around but who knows who stayed loyal to their job? Is there even an honest employee in this world left?

With a soft sigh, I entered the establishment. I was greeted by an employee with explicit clothes, wearing a bareback dress that showed her smooth shoulders from her slim and see-through garment.

Giving one single gold coin made the receptionist yelp in fright. She sneaked it through her clothes and was about to suggest some people who could 'help' me when I stopped her.

There's no need for delay.

"Nobirick Riply."


Once more, she yelped but it was more like a restrained one. She oddly touched her smooth, bare arm and frighteningly replied. Her expression instantly changed.

"H-h-he's on the second floor… room four-three-two."

Nodding once, I grabbed a pouch of gold from my pocket and handed it over to her, "This will be for the damages as for what he had done and for what's to come."

The lady grabbed the pouch and as if she thought something, she meekly rummaged around her broken desk drawers and handed a key to me.

There weren't unnecessary words.

I grabbed the key and she politely bowed and proceeded to wait on her own desk for another customer to come by as if nothing happened.


If she was willingly doing this, then that fat bastard must've done something horrendous enough to make the receptionist angry. According to Gabby, it was Nobirick's first time coming to this place.

It was atrocious enough that he made chaos right in this very land, receiving the wrath of some stranger, and tried to murder someone as if it was just a run in a mill.

Quietly and smoothly walking through the old, wooden passageway, sounds of ecstasy permeated through my ears, some were crying, and some beds creaking with the voice of the people inside absent.

Biting the key on my hand, I picked up my revolver right behind my holster, loaded its chambers, and rolled it back to its place.

As my steps reached the end of the corridor that leads to another level, I stepped up and reached the same harrowing old, wooden corridor once again.

This time, the rooms were quiet. It was more like empty as if it had been cleared. Even the noise below wasn't heard.

I calmly continued walking.

Each room had a room number on it, quickly distinguishing the place you were about to enter and after some time of moving through a cluster of corridors, I finally reached my destination.

Right outside of the very room I was standing in, there was a subtle noise coming from the inside.

Silently, I plunged the key inside the keyhole, softly twisting it. The sound inside became more prominent as the view inside the room became present.


Lightly closing the door just as I opened it, I walked inside with vigilance. And just right after the few steps, a strange and horrid scene appeared right in front of me.

There was a foul stench circulating the place. Four people were currently inside. This includes a completely naked Nobirik in the bed, two women kneeling on the carpet floor with bruises on their faces, and one woman being strangled by him on the same bed he was sitting on.

"P-please…! I can't breathe—"

"Just a little roleplay, my loves. Nothing serious, hehe."

The woman tried to beg but it was all for naught as Nobirik continued doing the same thing.


Darkly looking at this act with indifference, I walked once more, this time, intending to make a noise which was all part of a simple ruse.

Nobirik wasn't able to hear it. However, the two women kneeling did as they looked at me with petrified expressions.

I raised my revolver and pointed the barrel at the door. Realizing what I was intending to relay, the two women scampered, wearing their thin garments again as they escaped.

Only this time Nobirik was able to hear the noise and looked back, giving the strangled woman a space.

"Just where are you going—"

And once he glanced back, he saw me watching him with a cold, indifferent stare.

A man in a black, thick, coat was staring at him with silence. He was holding a revolver in one of his hands and a key in another. And basing the way the man's appearance presented, he was wearing a skin mask.

But that changed when Nobirik tried to jump up from the bed, sensing the danger, quickly tried to grab something on a rectangular table just right beside him.

Yet Duke was much faster. With precise aim and control over his weapon, he pointed the barrel at Nobirik's hand and pulled the trigger.


A loud bang and scream displayed inside the room. The table he was trying to reach fell and the wooden ground lightly shook.

Duke swiftly dashed forward, lunging his feet onto Nobirik's bloodied hand. He looked at his other hand and produced another shot, which made the fat businessman scream another agony.

He shifted his attention to the poor woman on the bed and quietly signaled her to leave. The woman politely ran, and he once again put his focus on Nobirik.

And he waited until Nobirik, who was finally able to recollect himself, spoke.

"W-who sent you!?"

Duke didn't speak, instead, he grabbed the fat man's hair, dragged him through the carpet, and quietly used a chair for the businessman to sit down.

"You will regret… doing this!"

Once Duke found something that could be used as a rope, he knotted Nobirik's arms into its wing chair.

"You bastard! Once I get out, I'll skin you alive!"

Nobirik tried to shout, and call someone for help while doing it, maybe speaking some words that were meant for the people guarding him in the shadows or just a simple desperation.

And Duke knew it was the former. Still, was he worried? No, he had already taken care of Nobirik's guard before he even came here.

"Release me in this instant or you'll never see the light— ugh!"

Breaking a finger to restrain him from shouting any further and to send a message, I looked straight into his eyes.

"Say, can you guess how many fingers I should break until you stop shouting?"