
I Will Always Love You


I couldn't believe that Griffin cheated. Ever since Chase and Char broke up, Chase decided to post a tweet that basically exposed the entire Sway house for cheating on their girls. AND I ACTUALLY DEFENDED GRIFFIN! I basically told Chase that "he's wild" and he shouldn't be assuming things that didn't actually happen. But random girls started posting TikToks that showed Griffin's Tinder page and some Snaps that he was sending girls. Griff said that wasn't him, but it was obvious. I broke up with him, and soon after, I met Noah Beck. He was hot. But I didn't love him just for the looks, but he had a great personality, and I was sure that Noah was the love of my life. I mean, he had two older sisters, so anyone would assume that he would be good with knowing about what girls need. And then... Griffin made a diss track on me and Noah But Noah absolutely played me. He cheated on me with my one and only sister, Charli. I was mad at Charli for the longest time and I would never forgive her. That is, until she got me back with Griffin.


"She said I cheated!" I cried.

"That's just messed up," scoffed Bryce.

"See, I told you she ain't the right one for you!" laughed that loser Noah Beck.

"Shut up, Noah!" I said with my teeth gritted. Noah and Dixie had already broken up, but seeing him STILL brag about her was just stupid. And dumb. And stupid.

"Oh, what are you gonna do, nurse boy?" Noah said in a high-pitched voice for some reason.

"I would grab you by that thick neck of yours," I said, still with my teeth gritted.

"I'm twice the size of you," Noah said.

"And yet my brain is twice the size of yours," I smirked. Noah had a look of defeat over his stupid squished face. But suddenly, he jumped at me. He was right. I mean, I already knew he was twice the size of me. But then I remembered. Brains over brawns.


I had always been jealous of Griffin. Not because of his success or anything like that, I'm more famous than him now. I was jealous of Griffin because of his girlfriend, Dixie D'Amelio. Or as Griffin liked to call her, Dixie Johnson. Ew. That doesn't flow well. I liked Dixie Beck a lot more. I live in the Sway house with a bunch of my boys. Bryce Hall, Josh Richards, Jaden Hossler, Kio Cyr, Blake Gray, Anthony Reeves. And of course. Griffin Johnson. He was a good looking guy. So of course the best looking girl would fall in love with him. But I needed to get Dixie from him-

"What are you talking about?" Bryce asked me.

"What?" I asked in confusion.

"You were talking about Griffin? And 'the best looking girl?' Who are you talking about, Noah?" Bryce asked. I was saying all of that out loud?

"Sorry, Bryce, I guess I was thinking out loud," I confessed.

"Okay, but please tell me who this pretty girl you fantasy about is!" Bryce begged.

"Oh, I know who it is," someone said, walking into my room where me and Bryce were.

"Who?" Bryce's face lit up. He was really hoping for an answer.

"Dixie D'Amelio," the person said. Then it was obvious. It was Griffin Johnson.


That stupid Noah Neck...

Always bragging that Doah was better than Grixie.

But Doah was never a thing.


That stupid Griffy Johnson...

Always bragging that Grixie was better than Doah.

But Grixie was never a thing.


I was deep in my thoughts practically just telling myself that Noah was stupid. Well, that was until Bryce yelled at the top of his lungs.


"Coming!" Noah replied in some kind of friendly tone. So I walked out of my room to head downstairs. But of course. Noah had to say something to me.

"Why did you cheat?" he asked stupidly. Wow. He's acting like I cheated. It was all set up. But it made sense that Dixie would believe it. There were so many "receipts."

"I didn't," I replied. Here I go with the gritted teeth.

"Then how do you explain all of those Snaps? It's all over TikTok, Johnson," he said.

"They're set up for the last time, Noah Neck!" I yelled.

"Right. And if they were set up, it would be Grixie happily ever after. But it wasn't," Noah teased. He got up in my face with a dumb smile. A smile that said, 'boom! I exposed you!' That kind of smile just pissed me off. So I punched him. I punched him! That was something I wanted to do for the longest time! I wanted to punch that stupid Noah Neck....


Noah was in the hospital, so I thought it would be appropriate to throw a party. Most of the Hype House and all of the Sway boys could come. Well, except for Noah. \


Griffin was throwing a party at the Sway House so I figured I could go to see Noah. I'm pretty sure Noah's still into me and I'm kinda falling for him again... but he cheated!


I'm going to the Sway House tonight for a party. All of us Hype House members were invited, so that means Dixie is going. I mean, I know I live with her in the Hype House, but you can't do anything with her there because everyone is ALWAYS there. But at a party. With blinding lights. With blasting music. With only drunk people. You can do anything at a party.


Me and Tayler have a plan. We're gonna see Dixie at the party. And most likely do more...


I don't see Noah. But I see Griffin. So I am going to ask Griffin where Noah is.

"Hey Griffin," I tapped on his shoulder. He was sipping a beer.

"Hey Dixie," he replied with his dreamy eyes. No! You can't fall for him, Dixie! He cheated!

"Where's Noah?" I asked. I could see his face drop.

"He's in the hospital," he replied.

"WHY?!" I asked.

"He got hurt," he answered. "badly."

"No!" I cried.

"It's okay, Dix," he said, hugging me and letting me cry into his hoodie. "he'll be fine." Then I heard two people come behind me. Then I felt Griffin tense up. He suddenly moved me and stepped forward, in front of the people. I looked at the faces. It was... TAYLER HOLDER AND NICK AUSTIN! My two first TikTok boyfriends.

"What do you want?" Griffin yelled.

"We don't want anything, dawg," replied Tayler. "except for that girl right there." he pointed at me.

"But, if you're dating her, it's completely understandable. We'll leave her alone. But if you're lying, we'll kill you," Nick added. I started to sweat. Tayler was tightly holding one of my arms and Nick was tightly holding the other arm. I knew that one of them could easily turn my head and kiss me or drag me up to a room and rape me. Then I realized. I only wanted Griffin to do that. Griffin smiled and said to Tayler and Nick:

"Oh, we'll be dating soon." Then finished it with a bang! A literal bang. He had punched both of them! I smiled at the sight of Tayler Holder and Nick Austin moveless on the ground. I ran up to Griffin and said, "Thank you so much, Griff!"

"My pleasure, baby girl," he replied. "But tonight, it'll be your pleasure." he winked. I was caught off guard, but then realized that I wanted this to happen.

"Sounds like a plan," I whispered in his ear seductively. So we hurried up to a room.


I knew that Nick and Tayler were going to attempt to rape Dixie. But I wanted Dixie to go to the party, so I didn't tell her or warn her at all. So I told Griffin instead. I told him to punch them. Because I wanted Grixie back. And I knew Dixie did too. Even if she still had a tiny sense of attraction towards her ex-boyfriend, Noah Beck.


So I punched Tayler and Nick. And now me and Dixie are going upstairs. I locked the bedroom door and asked, "are you sure you want to do this?"

"Yes," she replied.

Griffin gave me the night of my life. But I felt instant regret as soon it was over. I texted him to come over.


You: Hey Griffin, can you come over to my house?

Griffin🥴: Yea bbg ;)



Griffin🥴: Ok Dix, I wont. But y not? Last night u were all in



Griffin🥴: Oh, is that y u want me to come over?

Griffin🥴: I'm so sorry

Griffin🥴: I knew u were lying when u said i could do that

Griffin🥴: I'm so sorry Dix

You have blocked "Griffin🥴"

I feel bad for blocking him. I just want him to come over and talk about it. I love him, but I hate him. I regret having sex with him. I miss him, but I miss Noah. But at the same time, I don't regret having sex with him. I'm so confused, but I don't want to tell Char about it. I wish I could tell Mom and Dad, but they died a while ago, that's why we've moved to LA. I wish I could tell Char, but I'm scared of what she'd say, and anyways, she's busy with Chase. I wish Griffin and Bryce didn't exist. So me and Addi could be happy together. Boys are too difficult. Dixie, you're straight! You love boys! You love the feeling when... you know. Plus, Addi has Bryce. And they love each other. Nick and Tayler were toxic. Noah is practically dead at this point. Addi is straight AND dating Bryce. Griffin loves me. But I don't... do I? DIXIE, NO! YOU CAN'T LOVE GRIFFIN JOHNSON AGAIN! HE CHEATED AND WROTE A DISS TRACK ON YOU! FUCK I'M DRIVING MYSELF INSANE! I HATE GRIFFIN JOHNSON! I HATED THAT NIGHT! I REGRET EVERY LAST SECOND OF IT!


All I want is evidence that I didn't cheat on Dixie. I love her to death, and sometimes I think that she loves me back. But one thing I know about the D'Amelio sisters is they are I moody and can turn on you at any second. Chase told me that Charli has her moody moments when she won't talk to him, but he assumes she's just on her period or something. Dixie does the same thing. I just wish that Dixie knew how much I loved her. I want to tell her, but I'm scared that she will be in a bad mood and hurt me. Fuck, I hate myself so much.


I loved Griffin. I mean, I think I do. But he cheated! I'm so scared to love him. Since he cheated. I can't trust him.


I finally was able to get off the machine in the hospital. I am now able to walk, talk, and run. I can play soccer again. I can dance again. I have been inactive on TikTok for the past month, and I haven't told my fans why yet. I really don't give a shit about my fans. I do it for the money. I downloaded TikTok for fun back in 2020, not expecting to get famous in less than a fucking month. It's all fucking Blake Gray's fault, inviting me to the Sway House. Where I met Griffin fucking Johnson. The one that cheated on Dixie D'Amelio, and still had feelings for her. What a bitch.


I've been considering kicking Noah from the Sway House ever since he held a grudge against Griffin. Griff is a nice guy, who went through hell in early 2020, facing false accusations. He attempted suicide what seemed like millions of times, and always wore hoodies and long-sleeved tees to cover his wrists. But now Noah is in the hospital, so we have to postpone kicking him until he is 100% back to health.

TW!!!!! SELF HARM, SUICIDE ATTEMPTS! (if you do not want to read, skip to the next bold words that say "end of TW")


I was in my room at Sway. I was thinking about all of the comments on all of my TikTok and YouTube videos that told me to kill myself. I was thinking about Dixie's song, One Whole Day. I was thinking about my pocket knife. I was thinking about the balcony in my room. I was on the third floor of the Sway House. I could jump. I could die. I wouldn't feel a thing. I wouldn't have to deal with hate, with Noah, with Dixie, with everyone. All I needed to do was... jump.

My hands were gripped tightly on the balcony's railings. I climbed up on top of the railings in a frog position, ready to jump. My feet were about to spring up when I felt a pair of hands on my shoulders. The person behind me... just saved my life. I turned around and saw... Dixie fucking D'Amelio.

END OF TW! but there are some discussions on the attempted suicide.

"What the fuck are you doing?" she whispered.

"I, uh, wanted to kill myself. The hate is getting to me. Every single video I post on any social media platform has hate comments telling me to kill myself and I lost a queen and-"

"Griffin," she put a finger to my lips, telling me to shush. "don't listen to them. They are hiding behind a screen. They are heartless dumbasses that have never met you before. You are way more than what they tell you."

"But, Dixie, no one knows the truth! Only Bryce, Josh, Jaden and Kio know that I didn't cheat! No one listens to me! No one listens to Bryce, Josh, Jaden or Kio! It's because we have a bad reputation, Dixie, don't you understand? Why would you save my life when you believe these lies? Why would you save my life when you didn't let me explain myself? Why, Dixie? I want to die!" I screamed at her. I feel a little bit bad for screaming, but she needed to know.

"Griffin," she said, holding my face with her hand. "I didn't believe you since there was so much evidence. People had screenshots of your Tinder page and DMs and stuff like that. I'm so sorry Griffin. I didn't know. I should have let you explain yourself. And I saved you... because I love you."

I was shocked. Did she just say she loved me? Then what happened next... shocked me even more.


Dixie started to lean in for a kiss. And before I knew it, I was too. She held me by my face as my hands fell on her ass. The kiss ended up turning into a full-on makeout session. All of my worries melted away. It didn't even occur to me that the door was wide open and anyone could walk in at any time. Bryce could've saw us, or Josh, or Jaden, or Kio, or any of the Sway boys. Or worst of all, Noah could've saw us. He would fucking kill me. Although he is supposed to rest.


I had been questioning myself a lot lately. Not only my sexuality, but even if I still like Noah or Griffin. But as soon as I kissed Griffin, I realized it wasn't so bad being straight and falling in love with my ex all over again. And knowing that he didn't cheat in the first place makes it much easier to fall for him. But I should've known. I should've listened to him. I should've let him explain himself. But instead, I listened to social media and Noah. Mister thick neck bitch.


I'm going to head over to Sway with Addison. She offered to drive me there, since Dixie was already there and I can't drive yet. Plus, Addison wanted to see Bryce anyway. We just arrived at Sway.

"Hey Bryce," I said.

"Hey Char," he replied. Bryce and I are actually pretty close, as friends of course. "what's up?"

"Nothing really. Have you seen Dixie at all?" I asked.

"Yeah, I think she went up to the third floor. Probably to sit on her phone or something," Bryce answered.

"Oh, okay. Thanks!"

"No problem, Charizard." (lmao charizard)

I took the elevator to the third floor, where I saw Noah's room, Blake's room, Kio's room, and Griffin's room. Fuck I hate that bitch Griffin. I checked Noah's room for Noah, or Dixie. No one was in there. Huh, I thought to myself, that's weird. I would've sworn Dixie would be with Noah. So then I checked Blake's room. The only person in there was a shirtless Blake. I checked Kio's room. Kio was in there. Fully clothed, thank God.

"Hey Charli," Kio said. "I haven't seen you in a while! How have you been?" He is literally the second sweetest boy I know. First being Chase.

"I've been good, thanks for asking, Kio! Do you know where Dixie is? Bryce said she went up to this floor," I said.

"Sorry, Char, I don't know where she went. Have you checked Noah's room?"





"Actually, no, I haven't. But I doubt she'll be in there. She hates that son of a bitch."

"Language, Char," Kio laughed. "but yeah, check Griff's room, just in case."

"Okay! Thanks, Kio!"

"No problem!"

So I went to the room across Kio's. Griffin fucking Johnson's room. And I couldn't believe my eyes.

"Dixie... Griffin...?"


I heard a voice that said, "Dixie, Griffin?" I thought nothing of it at first, until it registered that the voice was familiar. But not just familiar, it was really familiar. I heard it everyday. I looked up and I saw Charli.

"What the fuck Charli?" I shouted.

"You, what the fuck! Why the hell are you making out with that bitch?" Charli aggressively pointed at Griffin.

"Don't call Griffin a bitch," I said.

"And now you're defending him? After he cheated," Charli shouted. Griffin's eyebrows furred. I knew he hated anyone saying that he cheated.

"He didn't fucking cheat! You listened to the internet, and so did I! And I regret it, Charli, you want to know why? Because Griffin is the best boyfriend I've ever had and I will ever have!" I shouted. Charli's eyes were now covered with a thin layer of tears. She was about to cry.

"I'm sorry Griff," she said, hugging him. Griffin forgave her instantly. Charli left the room, and luckily she only saw us kissing. Griff really wanted to go further.

"Well," Griffin said to me. "I didn't expect that."


We're going to have a party today. We're inviting all of the Sway boys and all of the Hype House. We didn't invite Tayler or Nick, since last time we had a party with them they tried to fuck Dixie.


The party started at seven PM. There was a DJ, a bartender, everything you could've possibly imagined to be at a club was in the Sway House. Larri was even pole dancing. There were flashing lights and blasting music. Chase was hella drunk and Charli took advantage of it. She was pinned against the wall by a drunk Chase and they were making out, which Avani was laughing at since Charli had always told Avani she wouldn't make out with anyone, ever. Griffin was constantly checking Dixie out, who was talking with Addison. Addison was drunk and was super flirty around Dixie, which Griffin did not appreciate. Everyone was having a good time. Nick, Noah and Tayler weren't invited, so they were all allowed to have fun.

Or so they thought.


I was watching Addison from across the room, making sure she didn't touch my girl. I just wish Dixie could be my girlfriend. Sometimes I think that she likes me, but other times I feel like she hates me. I'm so confused and I wish I had the balls to talk to her, but she's so gorgeous and scary at the same time I feel like I would either make out with her on the spot or burst into tears. God why am I like this? I saw Dixie pull out her phone and her thumbs started poking the screen. She was probably texting someone. Then I felt a buzz in my pocket.


Dix💘: griffindor u can come over here and talk with me and addi she doesnt bite lmao

You: oh yea sure

You: u look gorgeous btw

Dix💘: oh shut up

Dix💘: sweet talker

You: im just being honest lmao but ok

Dix💘: hurry tf up i wanna talk with youuuuuuu

You: jeez ok dix


I hoped I look good.

And then I saw Dixie and I was like holy shit why do I look like I just dumpster dove.

I cleared my throat and headed over to Dixie. She never dressed up, so seeing her with a dress on was fucking gorgeous run me over right now.

I headed over to her and started talking with her and Addi. Addison was talking about Bryce, of course. In the middle of a conversation, I really needed to pee, so I headed over to the bathroom. I told Dixie I was going to the bathroom since in a party anything can happen. I knocked, no one answered, so I opened the door. It was unlocked, and I saw a lifeless, naked Charli on the floor with some creepy ass thirty-something-year-old man hovering over her. Holy shit. Charli, my crush's sister, just got raped?

"Knock next time, bitch," the creepy ass man said to me.

"Actually I did, bitch," I sneered back. My fists were balled with fury and I was about to beat up this guy until my hands fell off. "Either you're too deaf or you were to busy fucking this underaged girl," I added, then punched the guy in the nose, which caused the man to fall on the ground with a thud and a broken nose. He was bleeding everywhere, and I picked up Charli (who is still unconscious), and wrapped her ripped dress around her like a blanket. I didn't have any other kind of covering with me so that had to do. I didn't want to embarrass her by having her naked. I called 911 on the man.

"Thanks for calling us, Mr. Johnson," the cop said to me. "This man has already raped a young girl before, and promised he would never do it again after he got out of jail. But here we are. He's going to be in jail until he dies now." I smiled at the cop and thanked him again. But oh shit, Charli! I needed to save her! I carried her to Dixie and she started crying on the spot.

"What happened?" she managed to choke out between sobs.

"She was raped by a thirty-something-year-old man," I sighed. I hated this. "I'm going to need to preform mouth-to-mouth on her, if that's okay with you."

"It's okay, Griffin, you can do it," Dixie replied.

I blew into her mouth once. Nothing. Twice. Nothing. Three times. She gasped awake and started coughing uncontrollably, which is normal when you had mouth-to-mouth preformed on you. I did it! I saved Charli!

"Griffin?" she asked me.

"Yes, Charli?" I sobbed.

"What happened?"

"You were- uh- raped," I replied sadly. "By a guy, and um, I beat him up and saved you." I really wish she didn't get raped. How the hell can a person be so evil to the point where they rape a fucking sixteen-year-old girl? That's fucking cruel. She started crying and I let her cry into my chest. Chase and Dixie soothed her and Charli looked up to me.

"Can I ask you one more question?" she sobbed.

"Yes, of course," I replied sympathetically.

"Where was I? When I got raped?"

"You were in uh-"

"The what?"

"The-," I choked. I barely got this last word out. "You were in the bathroom, Charli. You were raped in the bathroom."

Sure, I got to save someone. But why, oh why, did Charli have to get raped?

I love being with Griffin. Hanging out with him, just waking up and seeing his face every morning brings happiness to me. I love him so much, but sometimes I can't trust him. He must've done something pretty suspicious for people to make hundreds of cheating allegations against him, which is why sometimes I'm more reserved around him than others.


I walked over to Kio's room.

"Hey Kio," I said.

"What's up?" he said.

"Nothing, I'm just looking for some advice."

"Ah, okay."

"I'm thinking of asking Dixie to be my girlfriend."


"Yeah, again. I'm just kind of nervous, since, you know, we broke up. Asking the same person to be your girlfriend twice is just kind of awkward, you know?"

"Yeah, me and Olivia have done that a bunch of times. And I'm thinking of breaking up with her, she kind of broke my heart for like the seventh time."

"I'm sorry, bro," I said sympathetically, rubbing his back.

"Nah, it's fine. I hate that bitch," a smile came to his face as he said that, which I found funny.

"That's the spirit," I said, laughing.

"So, enough about me, what are you planning on doing for Dixie?"

"Something more romantic and personal than the helicopter ride. That didn't go so well."

"Yeah, she seemed kind of unhappy. And it was your last date with her before y'all split."

"Yeah," I sighed, remembering the breakup. "Anyways, I'm thinking of taking her to the beach. There's going to be a table for two on the beach with a dinner, there's going to be candlelight, and we're going to watch the sunset. And then I ask the question. I'm going to ask my ex-girlfriend to be my girlfriend again."

"Go, get 'em, Griff! You got this!"

"Thanks, bro!" I replied as I ran out of the room. I brought Bryce and Jaden to the beach with me, hours before the date. We put the table and chairs in the trunk of Bryce's pickup truck, and we had the silverware, tablecloth, placemats, and candle in the backseats. When we arrived at the beach, it was 3 in the afternoon. The date was at 5. We set up the table and chairs, put the tablecloth on the table, put the placemats and silverware accordingly, and had a candle in the center.

"It looks great, bro," Jaden said, congratulating Bryce and I.

"Thanks, Jaden," I said, slapping his back playfully. Then I texted Dixie.


You: hey bb is it fine if i stop over at your house for a little while?

Dix💘: hey bub thats fine!

You: thanks bb, you might wanna get dressed tho

Dix💘: ok what forrr

You: i cant tell you thoooo

Dix💘: ughhh fine

You: ily bb

Dix💘: ilyt

You: but fr

You: i would be getting dressed if i were you

Dix💘: fineeee

I arrived at her door. I was dressed in this:

Marc opened the door.

"Hey, Griff," he said unenthusiastically. Shit, I forgot he doesn't know that I didn't cheat.

"Hey, Mr. D'Amelio, is Dixie home?" I asked.

"Yes, why do you care?"

"I'm going on a date with her," I whispered. "please don't tell her. And, oh, by the way, I didn't cheat, Noah set it up."

"I forgive you, if you're trying to apologize for cheating."

I mentally face palmed. Did he not hear what I just said?

"I'm just messing with you," Marc lighted up. "Charli and Dixie convinced me to believe that you didn't cheat a while ago."

"Oh, okay!" I laughed.

Then I heard footsteps coming down the stairs. And I saw the most beautiful woman ever. Dixie Jane D'Amelio.

She wore this dress:

And oh my fucking Lord she was stunning.

"Hey, Griffy," she said, wrapping her arms around me.

"You look beautiful, Dix," I said, awestruck.

"You don't look so bad yourself, Johnson."

"Thank you, Mr. D'Amelio," I smiled at Marc.

"Have a fun time, you two! But not too much fun," he pointed at us.

"Oh, we won't," Dixie said. Then I remembered the night. The night where we did it. The night where she told me she regretted every last second of it and the night where she ignored me. Remembering how tough she could be made me nervous, but I was still confident enough to ask her to be my girlfriend. We walked outside, and a black limousine pulled into the driveway.

"You ordered me a limo?" Dixie asked in shock.

"Anything for you, baby."

She hugged me tight and I held her hand, leading her to the backseats. I waved at the chauffer, and he waved back. He drove us to the beach and I tipped him a good amount of money. Dixie was speechless when she saw the beautiful Pacific waters, the sand, and the sunset.

"Care for dinner?" I asked her. She smiled and nodded. We sat at the table with a lightened candle and steak, mashed potatoes and green beans.

"I love you so much," she said, as I was eating a bite of my steak. I choked and swallowed, because it took me by surprise. Come to think of it, I don't think she's ever told me she loved me and actually meant it.

"I love you too baby," I smiled.

We finished our dinner.

"Let's watch the sunset," I said, motioning to the blanket I had spread out on the sandy ground. We sat there, and when the sun was just about to disappear underneath the horizon, I stood up and held both of her hands.

"Dixie Jane D'Amelio, I love you more than you'll ever know. We've been through bad times before, and I'm so sorry for ever breaking your heart. I want to redeem myself and my love for you. So, Dixie Jane D'Amelio, will you be my girlfriend?"

She was crying by now, but she managed to get out, "yes, of course!"

She jumped into my arms and I connected our lips. It was the best feeling ever to feel her lips on mine, and she truly meant it this time. This kiss wasn't to help her get over Noah, she actually meant it this time. Bryant took a picture of us.

posted by @imgriffinjohnson

just asked the beautiful @dixiedamelio to be my girlfriend! ilysm babyyyy <3

@dixiedamelio: ilyt baby! tysm for planning so much

@kiocyr: thats my boy!

@noahbeck: dixie call me if you need help

@dixiedamelio: @noahbeck fuck off mr. thick neck bitch

@addisonraee: @dixiedamelio periodttttt

@charlidamelio: AHH I'M SO HAPPY FOR YOU

@lilhuddy: @charlidamelio me too baby congrats griff and dix!

@tiktokroom: grixie's back?? ☕👀

@larray: yea you got a problem wit it @tiktokroom ????

@bradypotter: @larray go get em bae

@addisonraee: dixison 🙈

@dixiedamelio: @addisonraee dixison 🙈 but also grixie 🙈

@addisonraee: better luck next time addi 🙈

@brycehall: get away from @addisonraee, @dixiedamelio !

@dixiedamelio: @brycehall idk about that one champ

The limousine chauffer came back to the beach to pick us up, and Dixie and I returned to the D'Amelio estate as boyfriend and girlfriend.

"Congrats you two!" Marc said.

"I'm so happy for you guys!" Heidi said. Charli gave Dixie and I hugs.

"There was no funny business, right, Dixie D'Amelio?" Marc asked.

"No, Dad! Bryant was there the whole time and it was a public beach!" Dixie said.

"Yeah, Mr. D'Amelio, we didn't do anything. But you better get used to calling her Dixie Johnson."

"Oh whatever," Marc said.

Dixie then whispered in my ear.

"Can I talk with you... in private?"

"Yes, of course baby. Mr. D'Amelio, I'm just going to be talking with Dixie upstairs."

"No funny business though."

"No funny business," I replied.

Dixie led me up to her room and sat on the bed. I sat next to her.

"What is it that you want to talk about?" I asked.

"No, it's just, you said to my dad that he'd better get used to calling me Dixie Johnson. Do you actually want to marry me?"

"Yes, of course I do! You're funny, sweet, beautiful..."

"You wouldn't cheat on me?"

"No, I would never do that! Hey, listen Dixie," I said, caressing her cheek with my thumb. "there's one thing about me that will never change. I will always love you."