
I was reincarnated in a world with no humans.

Hi, my name is Adam. This novel is a test of my skills, as I'm a new writer, so I hope you like it. The character is young Idol had a tragic end right at the beginning of her career, but she had a new chance granted by God, who granted her request. Although she had close friends, most were only with her due to her fame and popularity. Since then, she started to hate people, except your late mother, who always looked after her until the end. Her hatred for the person she wished a few times, but with all her heart that she could live in another world without people like this who only care about herself, until one day her premature death came. Her wish was fulfilled.

Adam0Salvatore · Fantaisie
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2 Chs

I died

In a dark and silent apartment, until this silence was broken by the dull thud of a body lying on the floor, a person had been stabbed.


— So this is how my life will end?

Mitsuki Hosaka, a 19-year-old girl who debuted as an idol 6 months ago, was now losing her life to a fan who seemed to be obsessed with her. As the stabbings continued, she thought about why this was happening and who she was. Since, since he was a child, he has always hated people. This is because her father abandoned her and her mother to marry a rich woman. According to him, his life would have a better future. Since that day, she realized how the people around her were, as everyone just looked at what she had and what they could get from her. However, that no longer mattered, she was going to die, but if she could, she would like the wish she always had and that she sometimes asked God to be fulfilled.

— I loved you, why didn't you love me back?

"Seriously, this crazy woman is asking me this with a knife in my chest" thought Hosaka "who cares, I just wish I could live in a world where fake selfish people didn't exist, but that's impossible, but I want to live in a world that I can be happy like my mother wanted"

Concluding her thoughts with her last breath, she told the girl who stabbed her what she truly felt for her and everyone in that world.

— I-I d-didn't l-love you… b-because I hate you, j-just like everyone else in this damn w-world.

So finally the cold of death reached her, and she closed her eyes feeling a little relieved, but before her consciousness disappeared she heard — you will love me, do you think you will run away from me, no matter where you go I will find you, because you belong to Norihime Kishin. — along with an almost demonic laugh.

— Huh? Where am I?

He wondered where, because she had certainly died, so where was she? What was this white immensity? As she tried to find out where she was, someone spoke behind her, startling her.

— Hello, little child.

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