
I Was Brought Back To Life As a Fox Spirit

Just a simple man in a small village killed by strange circumstances, slowly dying and then taking his last breath only to find himself waking up under a lone tree atop a hill in a field, with no idea how it happened nor where he was, he now embarks in modern society with other creatures both alike and different from him.

Stardew · Fantaisie
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32 Chs

Chapter 7 A Futakuchi-Onna In The Kitchen

As Felix walked back and forth the alleyway he mumbled, "I can't be seen by anyone and I have to find the yokai that's been causing issues, how am I expected to even do this?" As Felix continued to walk back and forth the door he was thrown out of began to open and a man's voice was heard as he said "Alright I'll take out the garbage!" Felix glanced at the door while jumping into a pile of garbage while mumbling "Crap, he didn't see me right?" As Felix hid under the garbage the man tossed the bag into the dumpster Felix was hiding in and then walked back into the building while leaving the door open. Felix peeked out from inside the dumpster and stared at the open door while mumbling "This stinks." Felix stared at the door for another moment and then climbed out of the dumpster while asking "Am I gonna have to do something like this every time that voice wants me to deal with a yokai?"

Once Felix brushed himself off he ran into the building while in his fox form and scurried across the floor and jumped up onto a counter and then the top of a shelf. Felix glanced across the kitchen as he thought "I'll be able to see everything from up here." Felix looked down at the chefs who were each cooking meals as he thought "One of these people said something about a food thief, and that voice said that it was linked to the yokai." Felix hid behind a box on the shelf while overlooking the kitchen as thought "I'll be able to catch that yokai red-handed from up here, let the waiting game begin." After waiting for a short while Felix began to fall asleep as he watched the chefs go back and forth while cooking. Just as Felix was about to close his eyes he opened them wide as he heard one of the chefs shout "Who ate my side dish!"

Felix stared at the angered chef as he thought "Did they just steal it? But I was watching this whole time, how could they go unnoticed?" As Felix stood up near the edge of the shelf one of the chefs pointed at him and shouted "It must've been that animal!" Felix glanced at the chef for a moment and then watched as he picked his cleaver while shouting "I'll kill that fox! It's already posted me some of my pay!" As the chef dashed towards Felix with the cleaver above his head the chef shouted "Just hold still and die!" Felix's fur stood up on his back as he jumped from the shelf and began to dash around the kitchen and jump from counter to counter knocking things onto the floor and causing all sorts of issues throughout the kitchen. As he ran around causing all sorts of issues he heard the mysterious voice say "Although this has been entertaining if you continue to cause issues at this rate I'll have to severely punish you." As Felix hid in a cabinet the voice asked menacingly "Do you understand?"

As Felix hid in the cabinet he transformed back into a human and nervously whispered "But… I'm trying my hardest." The voice then shouted, "Then wrap this up without causing any more issues, or else the punishment you get will be even worse." As something began to wrap around Felix's body he sighed and said "So I can't get out of the punishment?" The voice began to laugh as it said "Of course not, did you really think I'd just let you cause an even bigger uproar and get away with it?" As Felix sadly mumbled "But I hardly did anything" he felt what wrapped around him pull him backward. As he was pulled backward by what grabbed him wrapped around his mouth. As Felix felt something against his back he glanced behind himself and seen a black-haired hairy monster with a wide-open mouth. Felix began to struggle as he made some muffled sounds while trying to shout for help. As the mouth bit down and into Felix's head the creature let go and began to bite down harder and harder.

Once the hair let go Felix asked "You wouldn't happen to be that yokai that's been causing some issues would you?" As the mouth continued to chew on him a girl's voice said "Oh no, they must've found me." As Felix pulled his head out of the mouth he stared at it and said "Relax, I'm not one of those people who are making food." As the girl turned around Felix stared at her and said "Oh… I was talking to… what was I talking to?" The girl stared at him with bright blue eyes as she said "My other mouth must've mistaken you for food, I'm sorry." Felix scratched his head as he said "Whatever, I only came here because I need to stop you from doing whatever it was you were doing." The girl stared at him with a tear in her eye as she said "I didn't mean to cause any trouble, but I couldn't help it, if my other mouth doesn't eat it causes me a lot of pain."

Felix stared at her for a moment and then thought "Wait, so you've only stolen some food?" The girl nodded as she said, "The mouth controls the hair and will take the food even if I don't want it to." Felix sighed as he said, "Well I have no idea on how to deal with this." As some footsteps passed by the cabinet they heard a man shout "Find that fox before he steals even more food!" Felix stared at the crack of light as he said "Oh right, I forgot about them." Felix stared at the girl for a moment and then said "I'm gonna change back into a fox, if you pick me up and casually walk out of here I'm sure we'll be fine." Before he turned into a fox the girl stared at him and asked "But what do I do if I'm caught?" Felix stared at her for a moment and thought as he said "People have these animals called pets now right? Just say I'm a pet." As he turned into a fox the girl put a hat on and then picked him up and nervously said "Okay, I'm going out."

As the girl stepped out of the cabinet and began to walk towards the alleyway door a man stopped her and pointed to the fox while shouting "There it is!" The chef glared at the fox and then glanced at the girl as he asked "What are you doing with that animal?" The girl stared at the man with a tear in her eye as she nearly froze up and said "I-I… I didn't… I didn't mean to let him go." The man stared at her for a moment and then sighed as he said "Get out of the kitchen, and keep your fox out of here too, got it?" The girl quickly nodded and then dashed out of the kitchen barely able to hold her tears back while saying "Thank you!" The man watched as she ran out the door and sighed as he said "Stupid fox, if that girl wasn't here he might've been the main dish." Once they were in the alleyway Felix heard the voice say "Very nice, you even covered up your previous incident, maybe I'll lighten up on this punishment a little."

Felix jumped out of the girl's arms and onto the ground as he said "Really, you're not just saying that to get my hopes up?" As he asked this the voice cheekily said "Don't get your hopes up yet, you still haven't completed your job." Felix paused for a moment as he said "Oh right." Felix then quickly turned to the girl as he said, "First off I'd like to thank you for helping me a moment ago, second off I'd like to ask you to quit stealing food from this place." The girl she'd a tear as she said "But… I have nowhere to go." Felix stared at her for a moment and then looked at her from top to bottom as he said "Now that you mention it, you don't look old enough to be an adult." The girl began to cry as she said "Ever since this second mouth crew on the back of my head I've been alone and called an outcast." Felix pulled the hat off of her head and stared at the second mouth as he said "Oh, so that's what bit me."

Felix thought for a moment and then said "Hey voice, you said you'd grant any request so long as it's within your power right?" The voice seemed intrigued as it said "Yes, however, I believe I also requested that you complete your job as well." Felix smiled as he asked, "Is there any way you'd be able to move her into the apartment too?" The voice fell silent for a moment and then asked "Are you asking me to make her a permanent resident and take care of her needs?" Felix shrugged as he said "Well sort of." The voice began to laugh as it said "You are a strange one, very well, I'll fulfill your request and she may live there as a resident." Felix glanced behind himself and seen that she was still crying as he smiled and said "Looks like you won't be alone pretty soon."

Have some idea about my story? Comment it and let me know.

A two mouthed woman (that’s what I’m gonna call it cause I can’t find an English translation for futakuchi-onna) is a woman who grows another mouth on the back of her head that requires more food and will cause pain to the girl if not fed (It also eats double then what her front mouth would normally eat)

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