
A villain in black

"Woah, this place is massive...I think I'm lost or something"

I muttered this to myself as I continued walking the grand hallways of the Vatican castle. I'm used to seeing fancy architectural masterpieces like these because we're constantly invited to parties back in our capital, but this one is on a whole different level.

Stories say that this building was made by the Great gods themselves and I can see why they think that way

Even after I memorized the map that Luna stole- I mean, borrowed, for us I'm still getting a hard time getting a feel for this place. It's been a few minutes since I made my Grand entrance by blowing half of the building and killing a few strong-looking guards out here, yet I'm still wandering around aimlessly like some child in a mall...

"Jeez, this is taking way too long. I'm the one that's actually gonna be left behind at this rate...Luna told me that the fancy stick thingy is on the upper areas, but like, I've explored hundreds of them by now...Is there someone here I could ask for direction?"

I looked around and saw a group of mages who were charging at me with their weapons on the ready...

"You damn fiend! Prepare to die for disturbing the peace of the Holy Lands!"

They then began to cast a bunch of level six and seven spells which didn't really do much in the face of my magic defenses. I practically tanked each and every one of their attacks until they either grew tired or finally realized that they were doing jack shit

"W-What the hell are you?" The man asked as he stammers and somehow trips over nothing while he walks back

Seeing their amusing sight, I couldn't help but play along

"Me? Oh I am many things, young knight. I am the evil that has lurked in the depths, I am the pinnacle of magic, I am the devil that your gods fear. Knowing that, would you still take your sword and bear your fangs at me?"

I just said a bunch of baloney as I released most of my magical energy which made them pale

But even when faced with this, a lone girl stepped forward. Her purple hair fluttered as she charged with her spear at the ready and thrust it at me. It was imbued with a spell known as [Peirce] which gives someone a short burst of speed that could surpass the speed of sound depending on the user...


But of course, you're gonna need something stronger than that to do something to me. Her blade merely bounced off like some rubber toy. Not gonna lie though, seeing her continue to struggle was very amusing to watch. I could tell that she has potential

"...Girl, what is your name?"

"I refuse to allow a scum like you to utter the beautiful name given by my mother!"

"Hmm, how sad. But if that's the case then riddle me this, little girl. You charged at me knowing full well that it would amount to nothing. I'm a bit curious as to why?"

"If you expect me to back out while you people sully our homeland like this then you are gravely mistaken! I don't care if it kills me, I will stop your wretched villainy right here and now!"

She shouted as she continued thrusting her spear like there was no tomorrow

"Ahahaha, your spirit is feirce. I like it. I'll let you live for a bit longer I suppose"

I took out my wand from my pocket, and the knight immediately widened the distance between us...Not that that'll do much...


I activated one of my favorite spells which immediately caused the bodies of her fellow comrades to enlarge and explode like inflated balloons. Their insides were launched all around, painting the once-white walls a crimson shade

The knight merely stood there, speechless as she stare at the lumps of meat which were probably her brothers and sisters at arms. Her hands began to tremble as her legs collapsed before letting out something akin to the cry of a banshee. Got to give her points for that, I could feel the shivers down my spine...

Since she was still out of it, I took the opportunity to walk in front of her and kindly grabbed her neck, lift her up into the air, and gently slammed her body to the nearby walls which caused it to crack

"Now then, I'd just like to inform you, girl. That my mind is awfully creative when it comes to thinking of ingenuous ways to cause suffering to my fellow beings. I can tear off each of your fingers and heal them all only to do it again, or I could just be lazy and put you on an illusion in which you'll be tortured till the end of time"

Saying this, I intensified my magical energy further which caused our surroundings to shake

"And these are just the ideas at the top of my head. So unless you really want to die now, think carefully when you answer my question. Where is the legendary artifact that they call the Divine Scepter? Where is it located?"

"I-I-I've heard that it was tightly secured at the upper floors, s-specifically at the pope's room"

"Hmmm, and what floor is that?"

"I-It's on the top floor. F-Floor one hundred and fifty..."

I stared at her eyes as she was stammering out her reply. The vigor and the spirit that was once raging inside like a burning flame were now nowhere to be seen. I couldn't help but be a bit disappointed that she was this easy to break. I'm not really sure if she could be my little hero, but I suppose it's better to plant more seeds so that I could sow the rewards later...

"Good girl. Since fate is often a freckle mistress, I believe that we'll cross paths in the near future. And I'll expect more the next time we meet so make sure to get stronger. Now go take a nap"

I smashed her head into a wall and her body fell limply to the ground. She had her magic defenses up, so the worse that could happen to her is to be a bit dizzy once she comes through.

And with the location of the scepter in mind, I immediately flew through each and every floor, destroying anything and everything that I come in contact with before I stopped...

"Hmmm, well this is interesting"

I sensed an extremely powerful barrier just the floor above me, which I assume was the highest floor...

There were a lot of annoying things like that scattered around this castle, but I could easily bust through them. This wasn't the case here. The barrier was actually top-class, and while I could technically break it, It'll cost me a lot of magic

Which I want to save for the actual battles because it gives me the opportunity to show off...and besides, there's usually a right time for things like these...

So I reckon that I could just ask someone to deactivate it for me, which isn't really that hard considering there's a bunch of armored knights and mages who were already waiting for me. And at the center of them was a man standing tall and looked to be a sort of bishop

I think I know his face from our reports...What was his name again? Errr, shit I can't remember

No matter. Adlibbing was a talent that I mastered in my previous life and I still haven't lost touch

"Well, Well, seems that you've all been expecting me. You know, all the people down there were very rude and just charged at me out of nowhere, can you even believe it? Seems that you folks in the holy land aren't too keen on hospitality"

"Oh, believe me, we are. Just not with savages like you who go around doing as they please. Now tell me, from the looks of it you're part of the group that's been roaming around tonight causing a ruckus. Who are you and why are you all doing this?"

Normally I'd sigh and roll my eyes if someone would talk to me like this. I mean, if I was put in his shoes I sure as hell won't think that the villain would just up and say 'Oh sweet, let me take the time and explain to you my entire plan while you guys are clearly plotting something as I talk' It's just preposterous...

...But I'm gonna do it anyway, and with style!...


First is the slight menacing chuckle to make the atmosphere heavier. A classic move that will create a mysterious yet dreadful air that would make people wonder what the hell is wrong with me. And normally they'd ask questions like-

"What's so funny?..."

Nice one!

I took a deep breath and began to adjust my vocal cords with my magic so that I could do what was next perfectly. By now, most of my magic energy was seeping from my body, and they could clearly sense how strong I am. But now, I'm gonna break their expectations by releasing more magic!

And then, I'll time it with my-!


There it is! The perfect maniacal laughter combined with a surge of magical energy just to show these guys who they're messing with! The deepness and the bloodlust in my voice were so perfect that I'd probably just give up then and there if I was one of those guys...

And from the looks of them, it seems that most of them were considering it

I could hear voices saying

"Such power..."

"W-What the hell is this?"

"Can we even beat something like that?"

"Gods, please help us"

And it is just fantastic! Oops, but I need to continue off or it would look like I just laughed for no reason

"I just find it to be quite funny. You people call yourselves the follower of the gods, yet you all knew so little about the truth of this world. The fact that you genuinely know nothing about us despite all these years shows just how much you people refuse to look at whatever is brewing inside the dark..."

I began to walk towards them, with small and calculated steps. And each time my foot stepped into the ground, I could hear some of them stepping back...

"But that's just how you mortals are, I suppose. Just as how the gods see you all as their children, we also think of you folks as nothing but a bunch of confused toddlers going around and playing as the kings of the hill. Who we are, little priest, are the ones who will end this charade"

Saying this, I stopped at just the right distance and spread out my arms, and released even more of my magic

"I am V! Leader of the Chaos Brigade and the one who will destroy this world as you all know it. I will plunge the society that was built upon by your wretched gods and usher forward a new era of destruction in which I will stand at the top! And getting the divine scepter will be the very start of that "

I then turned my gaze over to the bishop who was the only one still standing at this point

"Now then, what will you do about it, little priest? Will you be a good doll and surrender it to me? Or am I gonna have to do something dreadful to you folks? The choice is yours really..."

And that's a wrap for the chapters this week!~

Thank you so much to everyone who gave this book a chance. If you're enjoying what you're seeing so far then a review or power stones would be most appreciated. Please note that as of this moment, I only plan on updating every weekdays so as to give myself more time to create more chapters and draft-check all of them prior to releasing

Oh, and one more thing, in case you guys haven't noticed, I released the map descriptions in the glossary chapters. I also released a self-review to try and answer some FAQ (but mostly it's because I'm just shameless lol) so go take a look at it if you'd like

Anyways, see you all next Monday UTC. Later!

Sub_SirMerlincreators' thoughts
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