
I Turned From The Villain To The Main Character

On the planet called Earth, lived an ordinary university student whose grades were a little above average. On one night, as he finished his daily reading session in his dorm, he decided to head out to buy some food. As he made his way to the local market closest to him, a speeding car crashed onto him. Just as the boy thought that he was going to die, he opened his eyes as he appeared in another world. Just as he was wondering where he was, a mechanical voice sounded in his mind as a screen appeared in front of him. [ MAIN QUEST ] [ TARGET : KILL THE MAIN CHARACTER ( HERO OF THE HUMANS ) ] [ DEADLINE : NONE ] [ MISSION REWARDS : CONTINUATION OF LIFE, 10000EXP , [???] ] Wang Qian : "Did I just get a system that threatens my life?“

SORROW · Fantaisie
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241 Chs

Chapter 12 : Exiting The Forest

Before leaving the almost heavenly place, Wang Qian took his time and had a quick bath at the waterfall. He then used a stick as a navigator and throw it up. The stick landed on the ground , pointing towards 2'o clock.

Wang Qian then picked the stick up, and walked towards that direction. He continue to walk straight before stopping again and throwed the stick up. This time it landed towards 10'o clock. He then continue to repeat this process before meeting a river.

Unlike the waterfall, the river is just a normal river you see in the forests. There was no animals there, only the river and the trees.

Wang Qian then walked towards it and kneeled down to have a drink. He then continued on his journey after a short rest

'Just how big is this forest? I've been walking for almost 4 hours and the only thing I see trees. The river just now could be said as me being lucky already' Wang Qian complained.

Despite so, he didn't stop walking. After walking for a few more hours, Wang Qian managed to exit the forest. He then saw a village nearby. The village was very small from afar and didn't seem to have that much people.

"I should head there, I might find some rare sword skills" Wang Qian said while giggling

'Hold on, I'm the demon lord. So can I even enter the village' he stopped walking to ponder about this question.

'Meh, I'll just run if they find out my identity' he thought while continue to walk towards the village.