
That Truck Transmigrated Me

The power to do the things that regular people can't, mysterious abilities that can't explain by modern science and usually only appear in the comics...

For example, "Time Stop"; allows one to stop time while still being able to move around normally.

One can do anything without people realizing it.

As long as one has this power, laws and rules don't matter.

With this power, one could even become a God.

So, what if this power appears in the real world and a certain human possesses it?

My name is Tim, only Tim, and I am the holder of that power.

I realized this power when I was ten.

When I was cycling on the street, a motorbike at high speed was about to hit me then suddenly this magical power appeared to save me.

Another time, I was watching my mother cook, and she accidentally dropped a frying pan filled with hot oil. At that moment, I had a strong desire to stop the fall, and then time miraculously stopped.

After that, I use this power to beat up bullies and become the king of elementary school kids.

Things went on as I grew up. Currently, I'm 15 years old.

Even though I can still stop time, I don't think this power is of much use to a high schooler like me.

The ability to stop time sounds powerful, but actually, I can only activate it for ten seconds a day.

That's right, only ten seconds...

What can a regular human do in ten seconds?

Maybe I could make a big difference if I were an influential figure or criminal. Ironically, I'm just a regular high school kid.

The most I can do with this power is make a mess with people, cheat during exams, beat up some bullies, and be popular at school.

Still, this ability is handy at critical times.

If it weren't for this ability, I might have died in an accident five years ago, my mother had permanent damage to her skin, and I would have been the victim of bullying at school.

Therefore, I highly value this ability.


At night, I went to the convenience store to buy snacks for my sister.

Speaking of my elder sister, that demoness, I'm really sick of her antics.

Every day she treated me like a personal servant.

Previously, I was engrossed in watching a movie on Netflix, and my elder sister suddenly barged into my room and told me to buy her snacks at the convenience store.

I mean... can you just eat whatever is in the house?

There are raw meats, eggs, and vegetables in the refrigerator. I think they were enough to satiate her hunger.

I also sometimes find a rat and a cockroach in the kitchen, I think she can...


It's already late at night, which is dark, cold, and quiet... honestly, it's scary even for me.

Gosh, she's annoying, but what can I do?

It's not like I have to let that demoness go out at night; it is dangerous. Besides, my queen mother would scold me for seven days and nights if I did that.

In the end, men are slaves in the family.


"The total is 15,000 rupiah."

The cashier said as he put the purchases into the plastic bag.

I searched my trouser pocket and counted the money. After that, I handed it over to the cashier.

At this moment, I could actually stop time and escape without paying.

The cashier would probably treat me like a ghost.

However, that way left too much evidence of my existence, such as CCTV and cash receipts; they are tangible proofs.

Another option he could adopt was to stop time to steal money from the cash register and use it to pay for his purchases. This way, the cashier will not suspect anything.

Of course, I would never abuse my power to commit such a crime. After all, I am a good and law-abiding citizen.

"Do you need anything else, sir?"

"No, thank you."

"Thanks for your patronage. Please come again..."

After that, I left the convenience store.

The cold wind gave me goosebumps. I ensure safety by looking left and right before crossing the highway.

Halfway through, I suddenly saw a blinding white light from my right.

Given how dazzling it was, what came to me was probably a big car like a truck.

'Geez, can you see there's someone up ahead?'

Instead of panicking, I was more annoyed.

A few days ago, I heard there was a hit-and-run accident around here. Was this person the culprit?


In a low and calm tone, he made the world stop spinning.

The convenience store employee who accidentally dropped the cereal suddenly froze, as did the cereal.

The plastic waste blew by the wind also suddenly stopped in the air.

The atmosphere that had been quiet at first became even quieter.

The night breeze that gave me goosebumps also disappeared.

In this world, the only one who can move right now is me alone.

I'm God of this frozen world.

"Tsk, tsk... truck-kun, do you think you can hit me and transmigrate me to another world? Not in a million chances. I have a perfect life here. My family is well-off, and my social life is also good. Making a big change in my life is completely unnecessary. Therefore, you can return to your office and tell your Goddess-...huh?"

Am I seeing things?

He was pretty sure that ten seconds had not passed, but for some reason, the blinding light didn't stop; it kept approaching me.

Is it because I talk too much?

"Shit, shit..."

I hurriedly ran to the side of the road, hoping to avoid the truck.

However, things are too late.

The light disregarded everything and directly engulfed me, trying to run away with a plastic bag in my hand.



"... someone!"

"Help... my son..."

"... Mom... Dad... where are you?"

"... my legs... aarrgh!"

The faint screams and the noises made my ears buzz, and I slowly opened my eyes.

With a bit of dizziness in my head, I looked around and was stunned.


I woke up and found myself lying on the ground, trapped in a very bizarre situation and frightening scene.

I saw fires blazing everywhere, cars were flipped all over the place, and buildings crumbled to ruins.

I also saw many people in tragic situations; they are crying, screaming, running, and dying hopelessly on the ground with blood flowing off their bodies.

The scene was utter chaos.

"What- what happened? Am I in the middle of a war?"

I doubted my eyes, thinking he had a bad dream.

Suddenly I heard a loud and frightening shriek as numerous giant bugs flew like a swarm above.


I, who hate bugs more than anything else, couldn't help but freak out.

Even tiny insects are already horrific, let alone big ones like them.

The next second, I saw people panic as they desperately ran with all their might, leaving everything behind; ; even a woman trying to pull her husband out of the car ran away like she had seen a ghost.

"Run, monsters are coming out from the Gate!"

"Fuck, I never heard that there was a monster breakout today!"

"I'm sorry, my son, mom can't help you, hiks-..."

"Everyone, hurry up and hide somewhere, don't let the monsters see you!"

Fortunately, amid chaos, some people remain rational; they help and guide the survivors into the nearest building.

"Young man, what are you dawdling for? Follow me!"

The middle-aged man hurriedly grabbed my wrist and took me to join with others.

"What are they?"

How can an insect grow that big? A lot at that.

I, who was still feeling this dream, suddenly snapped and asked the middle-aged man.

"What else? They are monsters! Shhh... don't make a sound. I heard bug-type monster very sensitive to sound."

Since he said so, I decided to shut my mouth and observe the situation.

It would be trouble if these bugs found this place.

I quietly looked around and saw about twenty people hiding in the room beside me; elderly, women, wounded, and children. Only a few people appear to be in good physical condition.

In other words, this group is hopeless.

Suddenly he felt someone tug on his cloth.

"Big brother, what's in that plastic bag?"

It was a silver-haired boy with tanned skin and exquisite features. He stared at the plastic bag I was holding.

"Oh, these are just snacks I bought from the convenience store-..."

Wait a minute... the fact that this plastic bag is with me, doesn't that mean it wasn't all a dream?

Let's reenact the scene before I end up in this situation.

I went to a convenience store and bought snacks.

After that, I was about to go home, but a truck hit me-...

If I get hit, normally I'd be seriously injured, right? The worst possibility is death.

But I remain unscathed!

That means... what exactly happened?

For a moment, question marks filled my head.

My current situation is very confusing; waking up in a strange, chaotic environment with many monsters. This plot is like...


My face turned ghostly after realizing it.

'That damn truck really fucking transmigrating me to another world!!!'

'I shouldn't have said too much back then. Who would've thought my nonsense words turned into a jinx!'

'What should I do?'

'Ma, I want to go home... Those bugs are scary!'

As I was busy wailing internally, a crunchy sound beside me interrupted my thought.

I speechlessly saw the boy had already unpacked and eaten the potato chips from the plastic bag.


Apart from me, everyone's attention also suddenly focused on the boy. However, he didn't seem to notice that as he innocently stuffed his mouth with potato chips.

A few moments later, the boy suddenly stopped chewing as his head turned towards the window.

"Oh, it's coming!"

"... What's coming?"

I cautiously asked the boy, who had a solemn expression on his baby-fat face.

"The monsters."

As soon as these words fell, the ground suddenly shook as a high-pitched voice came out and made everyone reflexively cover their ears.

This sound hurts everyone's ears, including mine.

Fortunately, that sound only lasted for a few seconds.

"Seriously, what was that?!"

My ears are still ringing. This reminds me of my friend who suddenly shouted in my ear for a prank.

"This is an extraordinary skill that owns by the commander of bug-type monsters: Soundwave. It can hurt listeners' ears, but its true function is to scan areas and spot the lifeforms."

The boy's explanation amazed everyone in this room, including the middle-aged man. Then again, his face turned into worry very quickly.

"By scanning the area and spotting the lifeforms, you mean..."

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