

As if it wasn’t enough to be hit on the head by my co-workers and boyfriend, I died at the hands of my gambling-addict older brother. Without even regretting my unfortunate death, I realized that I had possessed a supporting role in a romantic fantasy novel, which I just read yesterday. To be precise, a villainess destined to die at the hands of her husband. I know it’s cliché! ‘Possessed a villainess in a romantic fantasy novel! So this is what it feels like?’ I thought it was pretty good for the price of my unfair death. Until I realize that no matter what I do, I can’t deviate from the flow of the original. For the female lead Rizé, it’s a delightful cider series, but it’s nothing more of a bloody story for Edith, the villainess I possessed. I am the protagonist in my life. If I’m going to die according to the original story, I should at least kiss my super handsome husband! In the original story, Edith is greatly despised by her husband, but who cares, I’m going to die anyway. However… “You pretended not to be, but now you’re so hot to play with. Well, that’s good.” “Yes…?” “Satisfy me like Rigelhof’s serpent. Well, who knows? I might be interested in that body of yours.” …why is the original story starting to change now? ***** P/s: The cover are not mine. It’s from original author. Don’t use it without permission.

alleviey · Histoire
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134 Chs


"And the rumor has spread that Uncle Samuel was able to be safe because of young miss, and everyone is grateful to you."

"What? Me. Really?"

Anna smiled and nodded. She must be trying to convince me that samuel didn't hold any grudge against me. And Anna looked around, grabbed my arm, and headed for a darker place. Then she whispered in a smaller voice.

"Actually, a maid named Sabina disappeared not too long ago."

"What? Disappear?"

The name Sabina was somehow familiar, but it was a name I heard from Cliff a while ago. At that time, he definitely said he would promote the maid if she had a good reputation. . . . .

"What do you mean she disappeared?"

"It's literally. All her luggage is still there, but the people are missing."

"Oh my gosh. . . . They still haven't found it?"

"Yes. But more importantly, they said that a few days before the child disappeared, she been wandering around the mansion saying that she saw Miss Edith put a poison on Miss Lizzy embroidery thread, after a week the incident happened."


I was so startled that I screamed loudly, and Anna hurriedly blocked my mouth.

"And she said she would tell Cliff soon, but she suddenly disappeared. So everyone was talking that Miss Edith had something to do with her disappearance."

It was absurd. So Cliff was asking me to test me?

"And so? Is there something different now?"

"Yes. It seems that they have changed their bad opinion about you young miss, saying that there was no way the young miss who rescued Uncle Samuel life, would have done anything bad toward the maid who was talking nonsense."

I nodded quietly without even thinking of closing my open mouth.

"Just in case, I don't even know what that maid named Sabina looked like. I also heard her name from Cliff for the first time."

"I am always with you all the time. There's no way you can get rid of that maid without being noticed by me."

"Can you say that to Cliff?"

". . . . . I've already told him."

"Thank you."

I sighed deeply and walked toward Linan office as if nothing had happened.

"Welcome, young miss. it's been a while."

Linan greeted me in an emotionless voice as always.

"It's been a while, Linan. i said i would help you with your work, but i'm always absent from my responsibilities, and that made me ashamed to see you."

"I heard you almost drowned this time. There's no wind that day."

"That's right."

I sighed again. I'm not doing this because I really want to.

"Honestly , I've only heard about the reason why young Miss couldn't come out until now. If it's okay with you, could you tell me in detail?"

Right now, Linan seems to be holding back his anger. . . . . Surely, it was a matter that made my superior at work would be angry. But he just lets it side because I am a newcomer from his above. Also He couldn't find a new person and double my work because I missed my work on a special excuse. I broke out in a cold sweat and told him what had happened. I tried to keep my emotions out of it and just convey the facts, but it was a bit uncomfortable because it made me look like the criminal.

'Doesn't this make Linan think I'm weird?'

While I was thinking about that, Linan nodded heavily, then suddenly asked.

"That's weird."

"Well, it was a weird thing."

"It wasn't a deliberate incident, but I don't understand the duke's actions."

"Yes? what do you mean?"

I opened my eyes wide, and as I couldn't understand Linan anymore, a long vassal of the Duke Ludwig family said that he couldn't understand the Ludwig family action.

"Why they didn't think miss Lizzy as a suspect?"


"All these incidents happened. Miss Lizzy could have been the culprit, too. Didn't you know, Miss Edith?"

I panicked and looked around the office in case if anyone had heard that.

"Is that what Linan thinks too?"

"Of course. No, i think anyone would think that, too."

". . . . . Thank you."

"I didn't say that to receive a thanks."

"I know."

Again, Linan seemed to be less influenced by the original author thanks to the unnamed extra. Because Linan was thinking of this simple assumption that no one in the Ludwig family could easily accept at once. On the contrary, maybe the duke people were dominated by the original author because they were close to the main characters?

"Linan is not a person to have that kind of personality, so it's better not to talk about this there and here. As long as you're a vassal of the Duke's, it would not be good to offend Cliff and the Duke."

Linan listened to me and looked shocked for a moment and then burst into a disheartened smile.

"That young miss from the Sinclair family had great power in this mansion."

"Don't say that."

I was nervous that Linan would hear bad things because of me.

"There's no way that Cliff or Killian didn't think like that. However. . . . . there's no evidence that Lizzy is the culprit."

"So you're saying she is innocent."

"Yes, whatever."

"That principle, where a person is presumed innocent until there is strong evidence that he/she committed the crime, doesn't apply to the young miss?"

That's what I mean. I feel like I can see right through him, but I can't show it.

"It's because they found things that seemed to point to me as the culprit, even though the evidence was not clearly. so. . . . it's easy to think that way."

I smiled shakily at Linan. However, the rational, logical Linan shook his head as if this situation did not make sense.

"Linan, don't be ridiculous. Sinclair could be the culprit, and maybe. . . . My parents could be the culprit, too."

"Don't worry. I don't care much except for my own safety."

"That's a relief. Then, shall we start a work?"

I smiled and took the job from him. It's been a while since I've seen these documents.

"Originally, I was going to ask you from the last time, but it's late because something happened. From now on, please check the documents related to Ryzen's territory."


"Yes. That's where Master Killian and Miss Edith are going. It's a little far from the big city, but it's a pretty nice estate."

When I heard that it was a place for me and Killian to go, I suddenly felt affection toward the document.

"What should I do?"

"You just have to figure out the tax and product situation for the past 10 years and organize it. This is something you have to know in advance for yourself, Miss Edith. So see it and learn it by yourself."

"Alright. Thank you, Linan."

I opened the ten thickly arranged papers one by one to figure out the situation of the estate where Killian and I would live later. In the meantime, I have seen the tax receipt status of several estates, so I can see that Ryzen's production capacity is not bad. Considering Korea in the 21st century, especially Seoul, the population was a little disappointing, but considering the distribution of population by age group, gender ratio, and productivity by population, I couldn't help but smile.

'This is the territory that me and Killian will be raising. . . . .'

The thought made my heart race. I should've played some kind of game in my past life. No, it doesn't matter. In any case, we're going raising a young man who has high potential for developmen but is still a bit of a work in progress. I was proud and motivated just thinking about it. Perhaps I can use the memories of my past life to make Ryzen the greatest territory in the Empire.

'So please, I hope you can survive and travel to Ryzen with Killian.'

I prayed quietly inside.


Sinclair's family, which has recently been seeking to expand their power. A tea party hosted by the Countess was in full swing today. And Layla, who attended there, unexpectedly heard the unpleasant news.

"Did you hear that? Edith Riegelhoff almost drowned in the lake!"

"Oh my, oh my! How come?"

"They said the yacht malfunctioned. It was an accident that happened in an instant."

So far, the next story was quite an anticipated one. However, the wife, who was spreading the rumors, continued a very disappointing story.

"But Killian jumped into the lake himself and rescued Miss Edith. That was so cool!"

"Oh, my gosh. . . .! All of their sons resemble the Duke Ludwi. They are so brave!"

Layla's face, which had been stained with anticipation, was crumpled. But she didn't give up hope and casually interrupted into the conversation.

"So, how is Miss Edith now?"

She wanted to hear that she was close to death, but again, her hopes were shattered.

"Ugh, she almost nearly died! They said she wasn't even breathing when Killian succeeded in rescuing her. I heard she woke up after three days, and she is doing great now."

Layla clasped her fan without realizing it.

'I wish she could just die without waiting until the end of this year!'

My breath was ragged with anger, but I couldn't show it. But then I heard an interesting story.

"But you know the yacht isn't working. It's due to. . . . someone has interfered with steering control."

"Oh my! Who tried to hurt Killian?"

"No. Killian is a good swimmer. Who do you think willdies when an accident occurs in a boat ride?"

The tea party table became quiet with a voice that seemed to be giving a light quiz.