
I, the fake eunuch, sign in from the queen's bedroom

سافر Li Xiuxian عبر العصور القديمة وكاد أن يصبح خصيًا ؛ لحسن الحظ ، هرب بمساعدة الخصي العجوز Haigonggong ؛ من أجل إكمال مهمة Haigonggong ، تسلل إلى غرفة نوم الملكة ؛ الذي كان يظن أنه سيواجه الملكة تستحم ... عندما اعتقدت أن الملكة سوف تمسك بي ، جاء نظام تسجيل الدخول الملكي! 【أقرع! تم تسجيل الدخول بنجاح ، تهانينا للمضيف لحصوله على Douzhuanxingxingqiu! ] ...... بمساعدة النظام ، قضى Li Xiuxian وقتًا ممتعًا في القصر ؛ ذات يوم ، سقط سيف طائر أمامه ، وكان هناك ثمانية أحرف محفورة على السيف: "أمر من قبل السماء ، طول العمر إلى الأبد! "

Ahmed_Nasser_6644 · Fantaisie
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Start as a eunuch?

Daliang Kingdom, Royal Palace.

"Xiao Guizi, Xiao Dezi, you have to hold down the miscellaneous family well, don't let him move, you know? "

In the cleansing room, a feminine voice came.

"Got it, Father-in-Law Wei. "

The two little eunuchs agreed softly, so they used their grandmother's strength to hold down the man under them.

This man has beautiful eyebrows, but he is asleep at the moment.

So when the two little eunuchs held the man down, the man suddenly woke up.

"This, where is this place? "

"Why am I here? "

Li Xiuxian opened his eyes and looked at the strange environment in front of him in confusion, a little at a loss.

"Yo! Boy, you are awake! "

A feminine voice followed into Li Xiuxian's ears, and it was still a little harsh.

Li Xiuxian recovered and quickly looked in the direction of the source of the sound, only to see a middle-aged man standing beside him.

The man's face was white and clean, not even a bit of scum, and he looked very strange.

And in addition to him, Li Xiuxian also noticed that there were two more men standing on the left and right sides, who were still wearing the clothes of ancient eunuchs.

"Who are you guys? "

"Why are you tying me here, what do you want to do? "

After Li Xiuxian found that he was tied up, he quickly asked.

At the same time, I was still a little strange in my heart. I was obviously working overtime, but why did I come to this strange place?

And why do these people still wear such clothes?

"Of course this is the cleansing room. The little guy is lucky for you today. I met our father-in-law Wei to help you master the knife..."

As soon as Li Xiuxian's words fell, the little eunuch standing on the left hand pinched Lanhua's finger and said to Li Xiuxian.

"Clean body? What is the net body? "

Li Xiuxian was still a little unresponsive.

"You don't even know about cleansing, of course it's to castrate you..."

The little eunuch explained, but before he could finish explaining, the big eunuch Wei Zhong waved his hand and said, "Okay, Xiao Guizi, why don't you explain so much to him, why don't you take off his pants!" "

"Yes, Father-in-Law Wei! "

Xiao Guizi didn't dare to say any more, so he went to pull Li Xiuxian's pants.

"Wait, are you filming? "

"But I'm not your actor, you can't do this, or I'll call the police!" "

Li Xiuxian stared at these people seriously, as if he thought they were filming.

"What is this kid talking about, don't worry about him, keep taking off your pants!" "

Wei Zhong didn't understand Li Xiuxian's words, so he continued to command the little eunuch beside him.


Immediately afterwards, the pants outside Li Xiuxian were taken off.

Li Xiuxian suddenly felt his feet cool, and he gradually realized what?

These people are so rough, are they not filming, but crossing?

He used to read novels a lot, so he is no stranger to crossing.


Just when Li Xiuxian thought so, a memory rushed into his mind like a flood!


Li Xiuxian took a breath of cool air, his brain was a little sore from the impact of memory.

Even the little eunuch who took off his pants temporarily stopped because of his adverse reaction.

"Yuan, it turns out that I really crossed, and I also crossed to a prince of the same name! "

After Li Xiuxian merged the memories in his mind, he was surprised!

The body he traversed was also called Li Xiuxian, and he was also the prince of the Li Tang Dynasty.

But it's a pity that Li Tang had already been destroyed by the great beam. If it weren't for the guards' desperate protection, he would have died a long time ago.

But despite this, in the end he was bought into Daliang's palace.

Recalling the memories in his mind, Li Xiuxian also gritted his teeth with anger.

"Brother, don't worry, since I have merged your body, then I will definitely live for you and avenge you!" "

Li Xiuxian secretly made up his mind, and instinctively grasped his fists!

But soon he felt a cold under his crotch.

Li Xiuxian looked down and found that the little eunuch had taken off his last pair of pants.

"Damn, these guys don't really want to castrate me, do they?" "

Li Xiuxian cursed secretly in his heart, and quickly thought about ways to stop it in his mind.

For whatever reason, he can't be a eunuch!

"Okay, Xiao Guizi, don't look at it, hold him down, father-in-law, I'm going to start. "

Wei Zhong wiped the knife in his hand and ordered the little eunuch.

"Don't come over! "

"Let me go, I don't want to be a eunuch!" "

Seeing that Li Xiuxian couldn't think of a way to escape, he had to open his throat and shout.

"Boy, don't scream, it's useless, in fact, there's nothing wrong with being a eunuch. "

"So you just obediently get the knife! "

Wei Zhong said coldly, then raised the knife and prepared to do it.

"Stop it! "

But when Wei Zhong was about to do something, a hoarse voice suddenly came from outside the door.

Wei Zhong stopped, instinctively looked at the door, and his face immediately changed.

"Hai, Father-in-Law Hai, why are you here? "

Wei Zhong was taken aback when he saw the visitor, and hurriedly ran to meet him.

Li Xiuxian breathed a sigh of relief, instinctively looked outside the door, and saw a white-browed old man in eunuch clothes walking in slowly.

Looking at Wei Zhong's appearance, he seemed to be afraid of him.

"Let me take a look. "

The old lady with white eyebrows glanced at Wei Zhong, replied coldly, then looked at Li Xiuxian who was tied to the shelf, frowned slightly, and then looked at Wei Zhong again.

"Did you help that little guy clean up? "

Wei Zhong was excited, and quickly replied: "Father-in-Law Huihai, I was about to cleanse him, and you came. "

"Okay, then let him go. "

Father-in-Law Hai said lightly.

"Ah, let him go? "


Wei Zhong was surprised for a moment and hesitated.

"What? Can't the manager come to ask for a little eunuch? "

Father-in-Law Hai's eyes suddenly became cold and he stared at Wei Zhong.

Wei Zhong came into contact with Father-in-Law Hai's eyes and had an inexplicable cold war. It felt like being stared at by a prehistoric behemoth, which made people feel scared.

But although he was afraid, he still bit the bullet and said, "But Father-in-Law Hai, he hasn't cleaned up yet! "

"You don't have to worry about this. When you get to me, I will cleanse him myself!" "

Father-in-Law Hai said coldly.

Although Wei Zhong still felt something was wrong, Father-in-Law Hai had said so, and he did not dare to disobey.

After all, the other party is the eunuch in charge, and he is a small role. If he disobeys him, it is not looking for death.

"Xiao Guizi, let him go. "

After figuring it out, Wei Zhong ordered the little eunuch.

After Xiao Guizi heard this, he didn't dare to hesitate, and quickly unbound Li Xiuxian.

Moreover, during the unbinding period, he didn't dare to look at the father-in-law of the sea.

Because there have been such rumors circulating in the palace, as long as you are seen by Father-in-Law Hai, you will definitely not survive for seven days!

So for him, although Li Xiuxian was rescued, it was actually a miserable beginning.


"Little guy, come with me. "

At this moment, Father-in-Law Hai walked up to Li Xiuxian again and said lightly.

"Where are you taking me? "

Li Xiuxian put on his pants and asked vigilantly.

Although he was rescued by him, he couldn't let his guard down.

"Of course it's going to my mansion. From today on, you will be my father-in-law's personal eunuch! "

As Father-in-Law Hai said, he personally took Li Xiuxian's hand and left the purification room.

During this period, Li Xiuxian thought about struggling, but in the end he found that he was simply unable to break away from this apparently very old man.

"Oh my god, why on earth is this? "

"Could it be that this old lady is a martial arts master? "

After all, he traveled through ancient times, so it is normal to have a martial arts master.

But if so, wouldn't it be more difficult for you to get out of his clutches? And he has to be a eunuch himself, what can he do?


"Hai, Father-in-Law Hai, can I stop being a eunuch? "

After arriving at Haida Wei's mansion, Li Xiuxian boldly asked.

No matter what, he can't be a eunuch, he really can't, so he will fight with him!