
Chapter 1: I, the Demon King, lost

I was known by many names. The Ancient One, the Chaos Incarnate, and the Unparalleled. But my most famous name was: the Demon King. Yes. I was THE Demon King. And yes, WAS.

My reign over the human world lasted more than a millennium. Humans were inferior creatures and were treated as nothing but ants whose lives are up to our whims. While there were still nations which didn't give in, I pretty much conquered almost all of the world. World domination was in my hands when there was only one nation resisting my rule.

It was going well until the humans managed to get three weapons: a sword that could cut through anything even magic, a staff that could handle any spell the user casted, and a bow that never misses no matter how far the target is. Only those who are worthy could wield it.

Three heroes rose up and defeated my army. One after another, cities were liberated as we lost. It took some time but the heroes arrived at my castle. I was not going to go down easily. A battle that people would speak in legends happened.

In the end, it was my defeat. With those legendary weapons, it was inevitable. But still, I fought well as the Demon King. The heroes were heavily injured and I knew that they wouldn't live to celebrate their victory. That was enough for me. At least my brethren were avenged.

I looked at the sky as my life was draining away. It seems that this was a fitting end for me. After all, I was the king. I must always be prepared to die the moment I tried to conquer and take lives. That was why I should take this as my punishment.

My eyes closed for the last time… or so I thought. I felt bright light was shining on my face and when I opened my eyes, I saw the impossible. A woman with glowing silver hair and serene green eyes appeared in front of me. She was wearing a white tunic and gold bracelets.

"Demon King", she said.

I believed that she was just an imagination of the weak humans. Something they made up to cling on their fragile hope. But she was in front of me. The Goddess named Celia was in front of me.

It all made sense already. The humans must've asked help from her and she gave them those weapons. Humans must be lucky to have a higher power protecting them. Demons could only rely on their own strength.

"So? What will you do me?" I asked.

The Goddess looked at me silently.

"I killed more than millions of your believers. As they prayed for you, I ordered my brethren to slaughter them mercilessly and laugh at their foolish hope. Your temples? I destroyed them. Your statues? I beheaded and crushed them. And your beloved followers? I let despair devour them. What could you do that would even things out? Will you eliminate my brethren like what I did to your believers? Or will you place all of the blame on me?" I asked.

"Demon King Ashia. You lived a difficult life", Celia said.

Of course a Goddess would know that. But I was surprised that a Goddess of the humans would care about a demon.

"I am not just a Goddess for Humans. I am a Goddess for every living creature. And I will not punish you. You did what you had to do", Celia said.

"Did what I had to do?" I asked.

"Yes. Everything is going according to plan. For the sake of balancing everything, sacrifices have been made properly", the Goddess answered.

Sacrifices?? What was she talking about?

"Now, Demon King Ashia. I have a mission for you", Celia told me.

A mission?

"And for that, I give special exception today", she said.

A pillar of light surrounded me and the last thing I saw was the Goddess' smiling face.

It didn't take long for me to regain consciousness. At first, everything was dark. But then, I heard someone crying. It was like a newborn child crying.

"Oh! You have a healthy little girl!" a voice said.

"Let… me… see her", a weaker voice said and I felt I was moving.

It was then I realized that I was being held tight. I opened my eyes and to my surprise… I saw a human woman looking at me with a tired but happy expression.

But that was not the important thing. I noticed that I didn't have my long muscular gray skin and razor sharp claws when I held out my arm. Instead, I had a short rosy white arm… An arm that belonged to a human baby that was once offered to me as a meal… which I refused of course because I do not eat humans unlike some of my brethren.

So this was my punishment… Damn you, Celia. Granting me death was not enough. You had to make me live a second life as a weak human girl?!

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