
Thinking About You.

A week had passed by with his mind still clouded with the thoughts of her. Was it really possible to be thinking of someone so constantly even though it was just that one time and she barely looked at him? she probably did not think much of that situation and may not even remember his face nor even recall that particular incident.

Even though that particular day had left a huge impression on Aciel, it did not create the same magic on that girl or else she would have spoken to him, they were under the shed for a good 20 minute, she barely noticed him. He didn't really focus on love during his course of life up until now.

Was he secretly a romantic at heart, he scoffed at himself.

He could hardly believe what he was feeling just because of that one look of hers. As dramatic as it sounded, he really was thinking about that moment, he sometime would imagine what if he had talked to her, what if he got her number, or maybe not. Had he gotten her number, would she be willing to meet up with him? Maybe they would have even dated sometime in the future, he thought many things to himself.

He would keep playing that same scene differently over and over in his mind. He did not know her name or where she lived or what she did for a living?

He found it weird to be thinking of a total stranger who may not even know that someone like him existed but it was like the lightning that had struck him and it was the girl whom he had seen a week ago.

As days went by, he kept himself busy, working and meeting investors, coming up with the idea for new products, but every once in a while, a thought would cross his mind, the same thought he has been having ever since he saw her.

He dived into his work, his family business was mainly into developing products that could be sold online, in malls and telemarketing, ever since he joined the company, his motive was to make it more successful than his predecessors.

He had worked continuously ever since he was 22 years old to preserve his family-owned business. He wanted to venture into many other businesses and expand. He was really hard working and motivated so he did not have much time to date nor go to parties his rich friends would throw.

His family, the Millers held a yearly charity event where the family would fund, organize and provide free health check-ups to the old and elderly. The Millers, like every affluent household, would be engaged in one or two charity events as an attempt to prove as privileged, they cared about the well being of others below them, it was the rich people's idea of giving back to society.

But he was different because he really was genuinely interested and would invest in many charity works, unlike his high profile peers who for glamour and newsmaking would hold such events.

The day for the event funded by his family finally arrived, it was held on the 27th of April every year, to pay homage and to remember the legacy of his grandfather who had passed on the same day.

It was early morning when a group of Medical team from City Hospital arrived at the Old age shelter, with few ambulances parked a little far away from where the Old shelter was. Few volunteers wearing orange half jackets were also present.

The shelter had a big open garden at the front with tall trees and few benches and a pathway for walks with the main old age facility building that stood behind. The charity event started when the Millers had come down to the shelter which was located far from the city. They had their photographers with them and a whole bunch of press personnel to cover the event. His father, a man in his early 50' s, had a handsome built, was tall and exuded a high-class aura, he spoke of the event before the press while welcoming everyone, it was nothing but an occasion to create news for the Family.

The medical team of 7 doctors with 7 nurses and few male nurses started to set their tables in the open garden, they got down to work and started seeing the elderly, giving them the necessary health check-ups. The City hospital had collaborated with them for more than four years now for the same event. Every year they would send a medical team to volunteer in the Miller charity event.