
I Sacrificed My Ordinary Life To Help A Demon Safe Her World

,,Get out of my head!!‘‘ - he screamed it over and over! A demon from another world entered Haoyu‘s head with a task to save her world. A curse that has to be broken! Defeat the Great Angelic Emperor!

3ndTheW0rld · Fantaisie
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5 Chs

Chapter 1: Hello, I am You!

,,Come on, you're late for school! Get up, Haoyu! Your crush may be on the same bus today.'' Haoyu's eyes shut wide open as he was still sleeping deeply. Being woken up by a voice he heard in his head wasn't a rarity for him anymore. The 17 year old lived together with his mother and sister in a big apartment complex in Chongqing in China. Apart from school he spent his time mostly drawing manga characters he likes.

His father was an alcoholic and used to let out his anger from work out on him, his sister and his mother until they left him behind and moved away. Ever since then it was hard for Haoyu to keep up and to maintain friends in school. He was glad he had Sophie by his side who also changed schools.

A few months ago this voice started talking to him and ever since kept on interrupting his sleep. Over the time he figured out that he can't talk back to it but rather can only listen to this female voice in his head. At first he thought he was daydreaming or his sister was talking to him but that couldn't be the case when he realized that he hears the voice even when he is alone.

,,Can you stop already?! You're getting on my nerves!'' Haoyu said to himself while getting ready. He left the house and as he was on his way to the station he saw her. ,,There she is! Come on, talk to her! Ask her out or something!''. Sophie, who knew Haoyu since they were in kindergarten, went to the same high school as him. Haoyu always had feelings for her but all this time he was simply to scared to confess his feelings for her - the fear of rejection.

,,SHUT UP!'' he screamed to himself and everyone around him turned to Haoyu like he was some psychopath or something.

,,Everything alright? You look very tired.'' wondered Sophie who always looked after him since they were little.

,,Eh, yeah! I - i was talking on the phone.''

,,Don't miss the bus, dummy!''

,,This day can't get any worse.'' Haoyu mumbled to himself.

On the same day in the night while trying to sleep, Haoyu got really hot and was sweating a lot. He got rid of his blankets and opened the windows despite it being minus degrees outside. A burning pain broke out in his body. It got so unbearable that he started to scream into his pillow.

,,Let it happen, let me exit'' said the voice suddenly while Haoyu tried to calm himself but the pain got worse. So unbearable that he couldn't hold it anymore and starts to scream. As he let it all out and screams out of the window, a bright red beam shined out of his mouth pointing towards the massive, bright skyline of Chongqing.

The power of the beam pushed Haoyu to the ground and it got so bright that he couldn't see anything. As the beam disappeared he realized that the pain got away and he immediately felt the freezing cold from the windows being opened.

,,Open your eyes. You can see me now, Haoyu.'' said the familiar voice. Haoyu followed her instructions and there she was: An angel like creature with no wings in the body of a girl flying right outside of his window. Dark red hair flowing alongside her burning skin. Two horns stick out of the left side of her head, one above her ear, the other on the top right along a shining, white halo that flows skew on her head. In contrast to her appearence, her eyes are very dark with a three - pointed tribal beneath her left eye. She wears a white Hanfu ( traditional Chinese robe ).

,,W-who are you?! Or more better: What are you?!''

,,Don't be afraid.'' she said with the same voice Haoyu always heard in his head ,,You can call me Yello.''. She could sense that he is completely shocked and wasn't able to move a single limb.

,,I don't want to hurt you. I need your help, Haoyu. I chose you because you have the kindest soul among humanity. You are the only one who is able to do it.''

‚,Do what? I got to be dreaming right now, right?!'' Were the first words coming out of Haoyu's mouth. He was so shocked about the situation that he couldn't believe his eyes.

,,You can save my home, my family, my people. I come from a different world in a different timeline and my world is at war with the Angelic Empire who destroyed our home. I was able to flee and was looking for the saviour for many years until you was born. You are the chosen saviour.''

,,H-how do you want me to that? I'm just a normal human being!!'' Haoyu screams as he gets more and more nervous because he realizes that he isn't dreaming.

,,I come from one of the four United Kingdoms, Asredia, and some of our people are blessed with magic abilities that differ from person to person. My brother opened a portal for me, that was his power. He wanted me to find a soul in this world to inherit and safe our world. That was his last wish before the emperor killed him. I got cursed by the emperor and because of that I can't use my powers anymore except Inherit another body. Mine is to read peoples souls and create a weapon off of it, but more about that later. Haoyu, will you come with me to safe my world?''

The mysterious Creature raised her hand and formd a shiny yellow sphere and pointed it at Haoyu's closet. She shot it by forming a finger gun and it hits the closet, making it shake and rattle.

,,What did you just do? I still need my clothes!'' screamed Haoyu as he stepped closer towards the closet. He was unsure whether he should open it or not. What if she intended to trap him and force him to come with her?

He finally opened it and instead of his clothes he found a big glowing yellow wall which seemed to be a portal.

,,I told you not to destroy my clothes!!''

,,You need to know that the only way go get rid of this curse is to defeat the Emperor. Otherwise I will stay inside you forever. I will promise you to bring you back once we completed this mission and I will do my best to guide and protect you in this world''

,,I can't leave! What about my mom and my sister?! They need me! And I need them!!''

,,What if I told you they will never recognize your absence? Or in fact no one will?''

Haoyu's eyes shut wide open as he wonders what that is about.

,,Someone on the other side that I know has the ability to freeze the time in other worlds. Let this be my prove of my sincereness. He is on the other side, we just need to get through the portal''

,,I have no choice. Or else I will never be freed from that curse'' thinks Haoyu.

,,Fine, a little bit of adventure could be good for my life''