
I Rule the Wizard World

Luke traveled to the world of wizards and activated the system of opening the mystery box. Every time he opened the box, a strange arrival would be made, which led him to a strange path. "Congratulations on getting the strength drug. The value of strength has increased by 100!" Evil Genius: What the hell? I have been cultivating hard for more than ten years, but all the magic couldn't resist his punch? The leader of Atala Wizard Guild: I have served as the leader for thousands of years. It was the first time I'd seen such a genius! "Congratulations! You have activated the magic of ancient dragon and strength, which can hunt dragons!" The resurrected dragon emperor: I was invincible back then, but I was beaten by a human boy without any strength to fight back? ... A few years later... "Congratulations! You have the magic power to destroy the world!" Demon: I have planned for tens of millions of years to set up countless chess pieces, but they were destroyed by a human's strange magic? Luke: Basic operation. Don't make a fuss. When he looked back, there were already mountains of bones behind him, and his former friends had also disappeared in the river of time...

Daoist2m27Ul · Fantaisie
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4 Chs

Chapter 3 The Cruel World of Wizards

"From now on, they will be in charge of your cultivation," Odamigon said to Lyon and his companions.

Then he pointed at one of the six people and said, "This is the grand witch, Gularki. He is a respected elder of the Atala Wizard Guild."

If you looked carefully, you would find that the clothes of Gularki were slightly different from the other five people.

Each of them had a badge on their chests, symbolizing the identity of a witch.

And the badge on Gularki's chest had one more dazzling star than the other five.

However, Lyon was surprised to find that the badge of Odamigon was the same as that of Gularki.

After introducing him, Odamigon didn't introduce anyone else. Instead, he asked the three people in the crowd to step out.

"Darla, Ullur, and Escia are all rare talents."

Then, he began to introduce the three to the masters.

Back then, when choosing these three people, the reaction of Odamigon was very great.

Although Lyon was a genius in his eyes, he was still much weaker than them.

All the masters wanted to guide these three people, but they were very clear that they must belong to Gularki.

Therefore, the five masters just wanted to have a look and didn't dare to have any evil thoughts.

After Odamigon left, it was time for the personnel allocation.

As everyone expected, the three of them were all chosen by Gularki.

After that, he also picked up a few good materials and left the remaining ones with poor talent to the other five masters.

Even though they had already known the result, the five masters were still a little disappointed.

After all, it must be a lie to say that they didn't feel sad when they saw the three precious jades were taken away.

The five masters adjusted their mood and began to choose the person they liked.

Lyon and his sister watched as the people around them were taken away one by one, but no one cared about them.

Maybe it was because the masters judged people by their looks and saw the two people dressed in shabby clothes that they felt that their talent was not good.

If Odamigon were here, he would definitely call the five masters idiots. Among the 86 people, Lilia's talent was absolutely at the middle and upper level.

Anyway, he brought them back. No one knew better than him about their talents.

"Are there only you two left?"

At this time, a seemingly kind master walked up to the two of them.

He looked at Lyon and Lilia and asked, "What are your names?"

"Hello, my name is Lyon."

Lyon said calmly, neither humble nor pushy in front of the wizard.

While his sister looked a little reserved.

She lowered her head and replied in a low voice, "My, my name is Lilia."

"My name is Ashurul. I will be your master from now on."

The master nodded and said with a smile.

The selection process came to an end.

Then, all the people followed the six masters to enter the association and choose their future residence.

There were a total of 86 people under the command of the six masters. They selected rooms in a good mood, looking forward to the good life of becoming a wizard in the future.

Gularki said to the crowd, "The guild only provides 50 rooms for the newcomers every year, but you have more people this year than before, so you have to figure out how to distribute the rooms."

When these people heard this, their faces suddenly changed. There were 86 people here. How could 50 rooms be divided?

The crowd immediately reacted and rushed to the room. Since it was not enough, they had to grab it.

"This is my room! You are late."

"I'll be here first. Please find another room."

"Damn it! This room is almost mine!"

"Damn it! Me too..."


"Darla? You want this room? Fine... I'll give it to you."

"Ullur, come here. I've got a room for you!"

"Escia, beautiful lady, this room is elegantly decorated and matches your temperament very well."


Many apprentices first got the room and began to please the three people who were valued by Gularki.

Soon, there were only a few rooms left.

At this time, there were still more than 30 people who didn't have a room, including Lyon and Lilia.

"Brother, what should we do?"

Lilia asked worriedly.

There were only two of them, and they were not as important as the other three.

How could they compete with so many people?

Lyon couldn't help frowning. Logically speaking, this shouldn't have happened.

The Atala Wizard Guild was so large that it was completely possible to prepare more rooms to avoid disputes.

But it was such a simple truth. These masters couldn't have thought of it. There must be something strange!

Lyon comforted his sister with a smile, "Don't worry. Mr. Odamigon has brought us here... Let's go and see what's going on there."

He held his sister's hand and walked towards the crowd who were arguing.

However, before the two of them took two steps, they heard a penetrating scream.


The people who were still surrounding together a second ago dispersed in the next moment.

Among them, there was a young man lying on the ground, surrounded by dazzling blood.

Another strong man stood in front of the young man with a bloody dagger in his hand.

"Master, he is dead!"

"Garce killed someone!"

One apprentice said to the six masters with a pale face.

The six masters still smiled at what was happening in front of them.

It seemed that the two arguing people were just having a small fight.

A tutor reminded him with a smile, "There are not so many rules in Atala."

After the master finished his words, the apprentice staff suddenly felt that his kind smile was full of evil.

No rules? The implication was that killing was allowed?

They didn't expect the world of wizards to be so cruel.

Were they going to be careful every day? Who would stab them in the back?

It was not until then that Lyon, who was standing in the crowd, realized that there was not enough room. It was deliberately arranged by the masters!

They should be trying to hone their willpower in this way, and also eliminate a group of people who were unable to adapt to the living law of the world of wizards.

Such a life law... Although it was cruel and surprised him, he liked it very much.