
I Really Don’t Want To Be a Trainer (translated and edited)

Before you stands the board of directors of Devon, led by none other than legendary trainer Luke - founder of Rainbow Rockets, master of inverse attributes, and champion of the world championship. As luke reminisced about the early days of his career, he sighed and revealed a surprising truth. "Believe it or not, my original goal was just to show my face after reaching 100,000 subscribers. I only wanted to earn a decent living as a game zone owner. I never actually aspired to become a trainer." [Integrated world view, parallel world + animation, game setting + special edition] PS: There are no villains in this book. Team Rocket symbolizes the dark side, but also has the warmth of trainers and pokemons. The reality is already hard. Because of the existence of pokemons, the pokemon world will not make people so lonely. This is a pseudo-invincible, happy go lucky story. [ PS- currently re-editing ch 1-30 , should complete in 3,4 days✌️ ]

Tortle121 · Jeux vidéo
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39 Chs

Chapter 28

Based on the Garchomp's strength, the opponent should choose the gem of life.

Luke chose Focus Sash because there are no Gengar Mega Evolution Stone Items in the game.

The effect of Focus Sash in the game is that if you take fatal damage, you will have the last 1 point of HP left.

Extending to the real world is like holding back the last bit of strength.

Gengar, with a pale face, vomited a headband from his big mouth, and tied it tremblingly to his forehead.

The flames of battle are ignited in both eyes, and Gengar was reborn!

Every time I see this cutscene, I cannot help but complain." Luke sighed, "Are there still such operations?"

In real-life battles, Trainers will find ways to conceal their Pokémon's items so that opponents cannot guess what they are carrying.

You could, for instance, hide the gems in a hidden place and disguise the painted skin as the Cloak of Rowlett...

Luke expects Pokémon, like Gengar, to bring one gem and four or five Sitrus Berry shouldn't be a problem.

There is no doubt that Luke's conscience is overwhelmed by this tactic, which is too dirty.

But then again, will the referee really check the number of items carried on the field…

Or try it next time?

Garchomp's forehead displayed a countdown of less than one minute, and so he launched a fierce attack, including strong winds and strong rain.

Gengar went back and forth, held on and stalled, and dragged it out to the last ten seconds.



"Garchomp, dragon claw!"

"Gengar, Double Team!"

The pale green dragon claw tears up the space, and Gengar uses Double Team to avoid Open, sticking out his tongue while making faces.



Cynthia frowned and tried to recall Garchomp in midair.

Suddenly, a dark shadow spread along Gengar's soles and moved towards Garchomp.

Countless pairs of arms slammed out of the shadow, and they grabbed Garchomp so that Cynthia couldn't take it back!

The countdown was reset to zero and Garchomp, yawned, drowsily, lost the will to fight and fell from the air.

At the same time, the system also announced Luke's victory.

"Fuck, Mean Look plus Perish Song?"

"Why can't the opponent rotate?"

Is this really a thing??"

"Teacher Luke, can this routine be used in reality?"

Luke pondered for a moment: "In theory, it is possible."

" Perish Song is a mental attack, and once an opponent loses the will to fight, it is also considered a victory in a regular battle."

"It is different from ordinary battles. This is the same as Charm. It is a tricky routine."

"But once used is successful, all that remains is to hold on and stall!"

The live broadcast room has once again broken through the million mark, as the barrage engulfs the sky and covers our planet.

Witnessing the birth of Teacher Luke's new tactics, the popularity once again broke through 200W!

"I understand! Now going to the gym leader!"

"Teacher Luke is awesome! This is his third tactic, right?!"

The usual Master Rank Trainer, who can master two different tactics, is already quite outstanding.

Besides, tactical styles are hard to change, and many people just work together as a team.

Teacher Luke unexpectedly employed three tactics in two consecutive months and gave them unreservedly...

This is no longer can be described as selfless.

Teacher Luke is the god of dirty tricks!

The special effects on the screen continued to rise, and Luke glanced at the system.

[Live broadcast room popularity first breakthrough 200W, BP point +1000! ]


[Extraordinary command, BP point +200]

[Remaining BP: 5780]

The BP increased by more than 2,000 overnight, which was beyond Luke's expectations.

But when you think about it, this is probably the first time Perish Song Squad has appeared in this form.

Although Trainers are using Perish Song Squad in reality, the visual effect is definitely not as significant as Luke's live broadcast.

At this stage, 2000BP represents just income.

It is only a matter of time before the exchange of 'Protect'TM takes place once the video is cut and released.

A glance at Gastly revealed that he was staring blankly at the Gengar in the display, and haze popped out of his mouth.

Luke poked Gastly with a smile.

"Don't worry, sooner or later, you can be dirty too!"

"Jie jie~!"

Luke returns to the camera, coughing lightly: "Okay, then let's end the broadcast here today."

"If you have subscribed, see you tomorrow!"

Despite a series of question marks, there are still a great number of loyal fans left with a barrage of questions.

"All stand-up!"


"Goodbye Teacher Luke!"

Cynthia stared in astonishment at the word "you died" on the screen.

Taking off the hair band, Cynthia lay on her back on the white bed, letting her blonde hair spread.


If it was a real battle, this Gengar would have been stabbed into a hornet's nest by Cynthia's Garchomp.

But even, in reality, this Perish Song tactic does have its merits.

Ghost Type Gym Leader Morty of Johto Region Ecruteak City is a loyal fan of Perish Song Squad.

And Sevii Islands' Ice Type Elite Lorelei, in addition to the extreme Ice Type field, her Lapras and white sea lions use the core of Perish Song's tactics.

It can only be said that as a game, "Pokemon: Battle" is not comparable to a real-life battle.

Despite that, Cynthia is still a little unhappy after losing.

Cynthia picked up the phone and tried to complain to Diantha, but Professor Rowan suddenly called.

"A batch of inscriptions have been unearthed in Eterna City. You can come to the Eterna City Museum if you have time."

"Your visit to Orient Region is over?"

"Yes…plentiful harvest!"

Professor Rowan was a little emotional: "The scholars of the Orient Region have made great achievements in various fields, and the academic atmosphere is also quite strong."

"To tell you, I invited a student to be my assistant this time, but I was rejected."

Cynthia was a little surprised: "Didn't you stop recruiting assistants?"

As the Pokémon authority of Sinnoh, countless people break their scalp and want to worship Professor Rowan.

Professor Rowan, who was so disturbed, also publicly announced that he would no longer recruit assistants.

But now Professor Rowan actively invites… and he was rejected?

Rowan sighed: "He has done a lot of research on the Sinnoh myth. I thought he might be able to assist you."

However, he is uninterested in becoming a researcher. He is not even interested in becoming a trainer."

Cynthia smiled: "Everyone has their own ambitions."

Cynthia, despite Grandma's opposition, set out on her own for the Sinnoh Alliance in the past. It was based on the love of Pokémon and the enthusiasm for fighting.

Everyone has the power to chase their own dreams. Cynthia understands this.

"Perhaps." Professor Rowan shook his head. "What is your next schedule?"

"There will be an Attribute Expert Cup in Eterna City in December. , I will serve as a judge."

Professor Rowan nods. Suddenly he reacted: "Are going to take a three-month long vacation?"

Cynthia complied vaguely: "Professor, the phone is dead, I'll hang up first."

After putting down the phone, Cynthia launched the game interface and clicked on Gengar Trainer's avatar.

Looking at the row of victory records, Cynthia raised her mouth and clicked the button to ''send friend request''.