
I joined the Thor familia !!!(Rewrite)

Our main character dies and is reincarnated in danmachi world.Join him in his ventures to finally become the strongest adventurer there is along with his trusted partner,the adorable Pichu. The plot will not be fast .There is a possibility that our Mc will have multiple romantic interests. Disclaimer all of the characters in this story belong to their respective owners.

Raging_Pulverizer · Anime et bandes dessinées
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9 Chs

Chapter Eight:Orario.

Alex and Thor reached Orario by midday. They had arrived at the gate and they were dropped of by a carriage at the gate. Alex had changed his clothes to new ones as his previous ones were damaged by the goblins .He wore a black shirt ,white pants, plain leather boots and he attached his gun to his belt. His katana was strapped behind his back. He guessed he kind of looked like a newbie adventurer. He wanted a nice armour and a second katana( preferably made by Hephaestus ),so he could dual wield katanas.

Back to the present ,there was a small line in front of the gate .When he and Thor went to stay in the line, most of the people standing in the line were looking at Alex. Some of them were blushing very hard. Alex had no qualms about women blushing but some of the guys were blushing too. "What the heck, don't tell me that they have mistaken me as a girl, no it is probably that my handsomeness may have dumbfounded them."Alex praised himself.

Alex and Thor had reached in front of the line and they were asked to identify themselves .Thor introduced himself as a god and Alex as his familia member. Thor then paid the money for getting into Orario. Alex entered the city and he looked up and saw a huge tower .Alex identified it as the Babel tower.

"Kid I am gonna look for Loki. Visit the Hostess of Fertility restaurant in the evening ,I will be there waiting for you. See you later."said Thor bidding farewell to Alex.

Alex said his goodbyes and decided to explore Orario. He had finally reached the Orario, where the canon begins. Well before he could tour Orario,he decided to register as an adventurer at the adventurer's guild. He asked for the directions to the guild. When he arrived at the guild ,he saw a young boy with white hair and red eyes yelling "I love you Miss Eina" to a half-elf beauty, before running away.

"Oh I guess that boy must be Bell, I guess I transmigrated at the same timeline as the main story begins." said Alex to himself. He looked at the booths where adventurers were standing in a line, he saw one booth had comparatively lesser number of adventurers and he went to stand in line. As he was getting closer to the receptionist ,he realised the reason for less number of people in the line was because ,the receptionist wore a cold expression .On closer inspection Alex noticed that the receptionist was a werewolf and was quite beautiful and had bright red hair. He arrived in front of the receptionist who saw Alex .Her cold expression was immediately wiped away and she looked at Alex with a hint of respect.

"My name is Rose and how may I help you sir" said Rose .

"I wish to register as an adventurer." said Alex.

"Please fill out your details in this sheet and you should show me your falna as proof you have joined a famila. "said Rose.

Alex surprisingly could fill out the details with ease as if he learnt the native language of Orario. He handed the sheet to Rose and followed Rose to a private room to show his falna. After confirming that Alex had a falna ,Rose completed her survey and escorted Alex to the booth and asked if he had any magic stones. Alex sold the magic stones which he had and got for about 1500 valis. Alex then asked why was she so respectful to him to which she said "That's because Alex sama is a member of the lycanthropes who are considered as royalty to werewolves such as myself."

"Call me Alex ,and could you be my advisor" asked Alex.

"Yes ,it would be an honor to be your adviser, Alex" said Rose happily.

"Well see you tomorrow Miss Rose "said Alex before going out.

Alex wanted to look for a container or hip-flask to hold his hot chocolate. He searched and eventually found a shop keeper selling some flasks with enchantments. The flasks were enchanted to provide slight heat to the liquids stored in them. The enchantments were powered by shards of magic stones and could be replaceable if exhausted. Alex bought two of them and also bought sugar and milk and stored them in his inventory. The entire purchase rounded upto 3000 valis .He noticed that in the inventory ,food won't be spoiled but there will be loss of heat from the substance.

He was currently looking for things to eat and he was suddenly stopped by a little boy who gave a flower to Alex .

"What's this flower for kid" asked Alex.

"Because your very--" the boy said.

"Very awesome right .I know that." said Alex stopping the kid.

"No onee-chan because your very pretty" said the boy.

Alex felt that his heart was pierced by imaginary arrows. Alex quickly recovered and excused himself and began food hunting. He saw a person who was selling barbeque in a stick. He bought three of em and ate them. It was quite delicious.He then started searching for berries to give to Pichu. He called out to Pichu and gave him some berries to sample, Pichu finally choose some berries resembling blueberries and raspberries .

Finishing his purchases ,he was currently touring the food stalls when he met a certain loli wearing a white dress with her hair tied in pigtails, attending a stall which sold potato crackers. He decided to buy some as he wanted to meet Hestia. There were only fifty more of those and so he paid the money and bought the entire stock.

"My name is Alex. I am kinda new to Orario and I would like it if a beautiful lady like you could give me directions to the Hostess of fertility." said Alex to Hestia.

Hestia blushed at the fact that Alex called her beautiful. She gave him instructions to the hostess of fertility and asked Alex. While talking they were currently seated on a bench.

"Alex are you going to be an adventurer."

"Yes .Why did you ask Miss..." Alex asked Hestia.

"Oh my name is Hestia and I am a goddess .I wanted to ask whether you wanted to join my familia or not." said Hestia a little shyly.

"I wish I could join but I have already joined a familia. But we can be friends can't we." said Alex.

Hestia was sad at first but brightened up when she heard Alex wanted to be friends as there weren't many people who were friends with her as she was poor. She agreed with Alex's proposal.

"By the way Hestia sama , do you think I am a boy or a girl." asked Alex to confirm his suspicions which were gnawing at him since he came to Orario. He wanted to hear a God's opinion.

"EHH that's a stupid question Alex san ,you are a girl obviously .No one but a girl could have a face as pretty as yours." answered Hestia with conviction.

Alex had a crestfallen expression but after a few moments he looked determined and said "Hestia sama I am gonna prove you wrong. You will see. Well bye ,I will meet you some other time."

Alex bade Hestia farewell and began walking towards the tavern. He made a decision that he would train harder. Suddenly he felt like that someone was observing him ,he had a strong suspicion that the person was Freya. He knew that sooner or later that she will give him challenges to make him stronger. He felt that the reason may have something to do with Pichu.

He wasn't going to avoid Freya rather he wanted to meet her. He liked Freya in the series as she kind of kept on doing things that would protect Bell .He didn't feel like Bell deserved Freya's affections and Alex was gonna make Freya his ,one way or other.

While he was thinking about this , he arrived at the hostess of fertility.

"Well time to meet Loki familia. " said Alex before entering the tavern.

It was currently the time to have dinner and so he was sure to find Thor. He saw Thor sitting with Loki drinking ,you guessed it beer, thankfully he was holding his farts .I guess even he is a little afraid of Mia grand. When he entered there were many adventurers conversing with each other but stopped when he came in but resumed after a moment later.

As he guessed the Loki familia were celebrating after a their expeditions and didn't spare him a glance. Thor saw me but didn't say anything. Alex guessed he was talking to Loki about something important. Alex sat at the counter next to a white haired boy who was Bell. Bell was currently talking to Syr who was making him order quite a large number of dishes.

Alex called out to her and said his order to Syr.

Alex ordered some wine ,steak and a salad. While he was waiting for his order he heard Bete say,

"Hey did you remember the tomato dork. He was a wimpy rookie adventurer and he had to be saved from a minotaur which escaped by our Ais. And that runt got covered in the Minotaur's blood. And he ran away from Ais without thanking her. How pathetic"

The other Loki members did not say anything.

While Bete was talking ,Bell was shaking with shame and before he could run off Alex stopped him said,

"Kid wait a minute and don't run away from this. You should face it head on. So watch this."

"Shut the fu** up you mongrel. Could you defeat the minotaur if you were a newbie adventurer. You can't , right. And here you are insulting a person who became a victim due to the actions of your own familia .How ironic is that.Instead of insulting him ,he should be compensated." said Alex .He didn't like Bete's character and decided to put him in his place. Most of the adventurers felt the same as Alex but didn't voice out their opinions.

"Who the fuck are you to try to pick a fight with me." said an outraged Bete.

"Well you may refer to me as sire you plebian.You obviously don't know your place you mongrel." said Alex trying to enrage Bete further. Alex had received the ok signal from Thor. Alex guessed Thor felt the same way as him.

"Even though you are a lycanthrope ,I will never respect those who are weaker than me" said Bete contemptuously to Alex. The Loki familia were a bit surprised hearing that Alex was a lycanthrope, as they were quite rare.

"What if I said I can beat you in one punch." said Alex.

Everyone looked at Alex as though he was crazy .Some even looked at him as though he was already dead. But Syr was looking at him with a hint of interest.

Alex readied himself and took a stance. Bete was rushing at him with a wide smile as though he couldn't wait to show Alex his place.

When Bete was about to hit Alex, Alex unleashed his killing intent. Bete who wasn't expecting this suddenly stopped in his tracks .Alex coated his fist with electricity and kept on increasing the output until his mana reserves were almost empty and hit Bete's surprised face, slamming Bete into the ground. It was over in a few seconds.

The onlookers were surprised at the turn of events. On seeing that the Loki familia were gripping their weapons ,Alex shut off his killing intent. The Loki familia then loosened their grips .Then Loki asked,

"Kid you may be right about Bete insulting the boy but who gave you permission to hit Bete."

"Well he did." Alex said pointing at Thor.

"It's true and your familia member was kind of in the wrong." said Thor.

Loki then asked Thor," Do you know this kid Thor" .

"Well his name is Alex and he is the captain of my familia." said Thor with a proud expression.

"Ehhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh" said a surprised Loki.

(Continued in the next chapter)

Valis left - 17400

Creation is hard, cheer me up!

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