
Rosaline Chisuke

"Conlan!" I call out. I hate playing hide and seek with him. He always hides in scary places and whenever I get close to finding him, he just- "Boo!" "Eeek!" I scream as usual as I look around behind an old piano. My friend Conlan and I found this old abandoned building. I wanted nothing to do with it but of course he went in head first without any sense of safety. I couldn't just let him go alone either...if something happened his mom would kill me. See, Conlan and I are what most would call childhood Friends. We were born together on the same day, are neighbors, and both like chicken soup. What would be our friendship without chicken soup? Meaningless, I answered it for you. Anyway, there is one thing different between Conlan and I, we were born with different marks. See everyone in our world is born with a mark that represents their talents. It can be anything from feather picking to Kingdom Ruling. Conlan just so happened to have a Hero Mark. It means he's going to save the world one day. I on the other hand have the much lesser liked Marksman's Mark. It means.... I don't miss. As cool as it sounds these marks do other smaller things for us too like with our physical and mental potential...at least that's what it said in the book I read but honestly, I really wish it added that it also affected how people would view us in the world. Look...I love Conlan, he's my best friend, but everyone treats him like he's precious gold that can't be found anywhere else. Just because he's destined to save the world doesn't mean you have to treat him like he already did. Especially since he's only 12! He hasn't even walked on water yet.

Regardless right now I'm playing hide and seek with him in the forest. We ducked out of training with that butt driver of a teacher. Still, I can't seem to find Conlan anywhere, he promised not to go too far. "Behind you!" I suddenly hear his voice and turn to see a bear much larger than myself. Looking at it I gulp. Didn't they say that you're supposed to look big if you see a bear? All I want to do is pee myself though. I back away slowly and the bear keeps an eye on me slowly approaching...I then hear a growl...like a stomach growl...and it sounded like it came from the bear.... Really of all things I'm lunch? My back hits a tree...I can climb this right? No... I won't be able to get up fast enough and even if I did what's stopping it from following me up? I'm so dead.... The bear sees that I lost my nerve and raises up on its back legs. Just then I hear a 12-year-old war cry. Yes, that's about as intimidating as it sounds. Both the bear and myself look. It's Conlan with a stick running to the bear. The bear turns its body knowing it's bigger and hungrier than Conlan, it got ready to swat him once he got close enough...however the bear didn't account for one thing. My best friend is Over powered. Conlan suddenly gained an inhuman burst of speed for his size and I swear I saw the bear recoil a bit from the sudden speed. It still tried to swat at Conlan with amazing force however Conlan dodged under it and pushed the stick forwards, piercing the bear right through its body and causing it to fall on its back. Conlan fell back with it and it didn't even get to roll over before it died. I knew he was strong but...I never seen him kill anything before until today. He had a little blood on his face and as much as I wanted to walk over, my legs couldn't move. I was too scared to actually do anything. I mean its fair right? I was not only almost eaten but I saw my best friend kill a living thing for the first time...I felt a little sick. He left the stick in the bear and walk over to me with his half bloody face. Once he was close, he held his hand out towards me and spoke. "You pissed yourself." Huh? Did this guy just.... "Of course, I pissed myself! I was scared you idiot! And you just killed that thing." He smirked and said "Yeah, you're welcome by the way." Yeah, there was one more thing about Conlan I forgot to mention. "You arrogant piece of goblin poop!" I said before I stomped off back towards the town...he knows I didn't mean it...just, a lot just happened...I also made sure I can still hear his footsteps behind me. The only reason I can move now is because he made me mad after all.... I would never tell him that though.

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