
Asking for opinion

Hi, if you are reading this, that means you are, unfortunately, part of a book where I have not fulfilled my promises and have fallen short of doing so on multiple occasions.

My only question is, do you want me to write this book?

If you want me to continue, please tell me so I can start on it.

I need to know as I realized that the premise isn't necessarily that interesting.

Do you feel the same way? Also, if you do, here is my proposition - I can revamp this book into something new that you want to suggest, and if I like it, I shall flip this book around and start all over.

You can also tell me not to do so, and I shall listen depending on which opinion is stronger and decide based on it.

Regarding updates, you shall get them from the 6th, and I shall also complete the last chapter, which I left half empty, if you want me to continue on this topic.

The update schedule fixed shall be - 4 to 5 updates a week (If I miss this, I give you full permission to go to my other books and scold me.)