
Chapter 14

In the opulent grandeur of the Empire's palace, atop the majestic Throne of the Empire, sat Emperor Makoto, accompanied by General Budo at his side. Their countenances were marked by a grave seriousness as their watchful eyes swept across the room's occupants. The ministers, visibly restless, betrayed their anxiety, their foreheads glistening with perspiration, as they keenly felt the weight of the Emperor's and Budo's penetrating gazes upon them.

A complete day had passed since Emperor Makoto entrusted the gathered ministers with the momentous task of selecting a temporary Prime Minister. The weight of exhaustion bore down on their countenances, as not a single minister had managed a moment's respite since their initial meeting.

Within the confines of the room, an atmosphere of trepidation pervaded the air. During their private deliberations prior to entering the revered throne room, each minister fervently rejected the notion of assuming the position themselves. The specter of fear haunted their thoughts, a relentless reminder of the dreadful fate that had befallen Prime Minister Honest, whose lifeless body was presently on display within the fortress walls of the Capital.

The eldest minister, visibly trembling with apprehension, mustered the courage to step forward before the illustrious throne trailing behind him were the other ministers. Tradition within the Empire dictated that in the event of the Prime Minister's demise or absence, the oldest living minister bore the responsibility of conveying the collective decision of the remaining ministers to the Emperor. In that moment, regret washed over the aging minister, resenting the unfortunate circumstance of being the most senior figure in the room. With a swallowed gulp, he steeled himself to address the Emperor, his inner turmoil palpable.

All the ministers bowed simultaneously, as the oldest minister spoke with a shaky voice, "Your Imperial Majesty, at this moment, the ministers have not reached a clear decision regarding the appointment of a temporary Prime Minister. We humbly request that Your Majesty kindly consider granting us more time for further deliberation."

Unseen by the ministers, the Emperor's brow furrowed in annoyance at the minister's request.

After a brief pause, the Emperor replied, "You were given 24 hours and you still can't decide?".

As the beads of sweat in his forehead were threatening to drip down, the oldest minister replied, "Such a decision is not something we could rush, Your Majesty".

Budo let out a dismissive snort upon hearing the minister's response. Makoto cast a questioning gaze towards the general, his tone filled with curiosity, "And what is your opinion on this matter, General Budo?"

Hearing Makoto's question, Budo responded, "Even if they have multiple meetings, none of the ministers here are worthy of the title of Prime Minister".

"I see", Makoto stated in deep thought. As his gaze swept across the room, he couldn't help but find merit in the general's viewpoint. While he held the ultimate power in the Empire, the burden of governing alone would be overwhelming if his Prime Minister lacked the commitment to actively assist him in helping the Empire. The goal of transforming the Empire could still be attained, but the prolonged timeline required to do so would pose a significant challenge.

"Minister, tell me, aside from you and your colleagues, are there any government officials who would make a suitable candidate?" Makoto inquired with a thoughtful expression.

Not wanting to further provoke the Child Emperor, the elderly minister pondered and sifted through various government officials in his mind, carefully considering their qualifications and their lack of association with Prime Minister Honest. The task at hand required nominating someone who was not currently a minister but possessed the necessary talent to assume the role of Prime Minister.

Secretly, the ministers felt relieved by this opportunity. If he could propose a capable candidate, it would save him and his fellow ministers from shouldering the burden themselves.

After a few minutes of contemplation, a particular individual emerged as a viable option. "I believe I have found the right candidate, Your Majesty," the minister declared.

"Who is it?" Makoto inquired promptly, eager for an answer.

"The current Director of Domestic Affairs for the Empire, Director Shoi," the minister responded.

Upon hearing the name, Makoto's memory stirred, recalling a character from the Akame Ga Kill anime who met a swift demise upon their introduction. Based on his recollection, this individual had sought to reveal the true state of the Empire to the previous Makoto but failed miserably.

Nodding his head, the Child Emperor considered that this person might just be a suitable candidate for the position.

"Where can I find him?" Makoto questioned.

"At this moment, I believe he can be found in the Domestic Affairs office," the minister replied.

Upon receiving the response, Makoto directed his gaze toward one of his guards stationed by his side and issued a command. "Fetch me the Director of Domestic Affairs."

The guard promptly bowed and swiftly departed from the throne room, eager to fulfill the Emperor's order.

As one guard swiftly departed from the throne room, another guard hurriedly approached General Budo, delivering a message. The moment the message reached Budo's ears, his previously neutral expression cracked, and a narrowed brow accompanied by an unmistakable look of annoyance etched across his face.

Makoto, intrigued by the sudden change in Budo's countenance, raised an eyebrow in curiosity. He couldn't help but wonder what news could elicit such a reaction from the esteemed General. "What is it?" he inquired, his tone tinged with both intrigue and concern.

Budo, removing the annoyed look on his face, immediately relayed the message, "General Hemi and General Nakaido request an audience with you, Your Majesty."

"I see," Makoto murmured, his fingers tapping lightly on the armrest of his throne as he contemplated the situation.

The names Hemi and Nakaido struck a chord within him, as he recalled their appearances in the Akame Ga Kill manga. However, he was well aware that in the series, they had betrayed the Empire.

Despite this knowledge, Makoto's confidence remained unshaken within the secure walls of the palace. With General Budo as his protector, he harbored no fear for his own safety.

"Grant them entry," he commanded, his decision firm. He was resolved to face whatever intentions the two generals held, trusting in his own position of power and the loyalty of those around him.

As the herald announced the entry of the two generals, the ministers who had previously bowed before the throne positioned themselves in the side-corner of the room. With a newfound sense of relief due to the old minister pushing Director Shoi for the position of Prime Minister, their tension eased, allowing them to watch the scene unfold with curiosity in their eyes.

With an unwavering air of determination, General Hemi and General Nakaido strode into the throne room, their presence commanding attention.

Though concealed from the sight of others, a fleeting expression of anger crossed Budo's face upon seeing his fellow generals.

As they approached the stairs leading to the throne, both generals executed a seamless display of loyalty and reverence. With grace and precision, they gracefully dropped to one knee, ensuring their other foot remained firmly planted on the floor. Their backs slightly bowed.

Observing the two would-be traitors bowing before him, Makoto addressed them with a mix of surprise and curiosity, his voice measured, "May I know the reason for this audience, generals?"

Both generals, relatively young and recently appointed to their positions, were dressed in standard military attire befitting their rank. General Hemi had a mane of curly black hair, while General Nakaido bore a prominent scar over his left eye.

[General Hemi and General Nakaido had no specific appearance in the show. So, I just decided what they should look like. General Hemi - looks like Ace, General Nakaido - looks like Sabo, but a little older, imagine them in their 30s+. They have some changes but fundamentally they look the same]

Keeping his head respectfully bowed, General Nakaido spoke on behalf of both of them, his tone unwavering, "We have come to confess, Your Majesty."

Makoto's eyebrow arched, clearly taken aback by Nakaido's response. He inquired further, his curiosity piqued, "Confess? Confess what?"

Nakaido's voice remained resolute as he made his statement, "Both General Hemi and I were approached by members of the Revolutionary Army in the past, and we felt a strong inclination to join their cause."

The confession sent shockwaves through the ministers, their murmurs of disbelief filling the room. Never had they expected someone to openly admit such treasonous thoughts in the presence of the Emperor, especially after witnessing the fate of the Prime Minister just a day prior. Even Budo, by the Emperor's side, crackled with lightning as his Teigu activated. If it wasn't a formal audience with the Emperor, he would have already struck down these treacherous generals.

Observing the tense situation, Makoto furrowed his brow and swiftly raised his hand, casting a stern gaze toward Budo, and uttered, "Stand down, Budo."

Taking a moment to study the kneeling generals, Makoto's expression turned serious. He understood that openly admitting their desire to join the revolutionary army was akin to sealing their own fate. However, he needed to understand their motives.

"Why are you telling me this? You are aware that such admission is a death sentence," he questioned, his voice tinged with a mix of curiosity and severity.

Nakaido, still displaying no hint of fear, spoke up with a touch of sadness, "General Hemi and I were young men when we joined the Empire. During the reign of the previous Emperor, we genuinely believed that our actions were justified. However, as we gradually climbed the ranks and witnessed the passing of the previous Emperor, we noticed a sudden shift within the Empire. Acts that the previous Emperor would have deemed excessively brutal became a regular occurrence," Nakaido paused briefly, as if carefully considering his next words, "The previous Prime Minister's power and influence had grown to such an extent that we found ourselves unable to defy it. We even witnessed several fellow generals within our ranks being imprisoned due to the Prime Minister's retaliation."

General Hemi, speaking up for the first time, conveyed their perspective, "Despite the Prime Minister's overwhelming authority, we still considered ourselves loyal Generals of the Empire. We firmly believed in the potential to effect change from within. Upon learning of your coma, Your Majesty, General Nakaido and I held a meeting with General Budo to discuss whom he would support in the event of your demise."

Makoto, out of the corner of his eye, noticed Budo frown upon hearing General Hemi's statement.

"However, our discussion was abruptly halted when the Great General refused to entertain the topic any further. When we heard that Your Majesty had awakened from your coma, we assumed that things would remain unchanged. We were even prepared to leave the Empire with our armies as soon as the opportunity presented itself. But all of that changed due to the events that transpired yesterday..."

Makoto interjected, "The execution of the Prime Minister."

"Yes, Your Majesty," both generals replied in unison.

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