
In the end, Zhang Yun did not get to use his fireworks, as the black smoke rolling up from the cliff was very obvious. The sailors on the ships had instantly discovered the island and saw Zhang Yun waving his hands.

They sailed to the beach closest to the ship and then raised their smoke signal to Zhang Yun to have him follow them there.

Zhang Yun made some preparations and had his Murloc Party and Elementals return to the Followers' Pocket Dimension. He let Brother Mikoto remain by his side and hid his weapon.

Zhang Yun did not know much about this world yet. He also did not know if the humans would accept any other creatures as friendlies. If they did not believe in the existence of Summoners as a class or believed that elementals and Murloc did not exist…

Then he would be in a pickle.

Very quickly, Zhang Yun and Brother Mikoto appeared in front of a group of people.

"Friends, were you shipwrecked and ended up on this island?"

Luckily, the game's auto-translation mechanics were not removed. He could understand what he was saying.

Zhang Yun then quickly answered, "Yes. We drifted at sea for a long time, and somehow ended up on the island."

The one leading them was an obese man and he had a very big belly, and his clothing was much more flamboyant than the others. He was protected by two powerfully-built young men. He must be a business owner that specialized in trading by the sea.

He then said, "How unfortunate…"

After stopping for a while, he then continued, "Our Brandy's destination is Pantasona, but we will dock once during our journey to resupply on an island about two days away called Rolo Island. You can board the Brandy to go to Rolo Island, and then wait for other ships there if you wish to go elsewhere.

"If your destination is somewhere near Pantasona, you can also follow us and sail to Pantasona and then disembark there."


'That direct?'

Zhang Yun was suspicious, but he did not show it and pretended to say in an awkward tone, "But sir, because we're shipwreck survivors, we don't have any money on us…"

"Ah, there is no need for that. You simply have to help us on the Brandy."

The obese businessman then said, "Right, you didn't eat anything in the past few days, did you? I still have some bread on my ship, you can have some to cure your hunger.

"Carter, go to the kitchen and get some for our guests."

"Alright, boss. Right away," The man called Carter raised a hand and replied, then jogged back to the ship.

It all happened in less than three seconds. The obese merchant finished what he had to say in one sentence, and Carter ran extremely quickly and did not give Zhang Yun a chance to refuse.

'About that…

'I'm not really that hungry…

'I had just munched on a chicken drumstick…'

The obese man did not see through Zhang Yun's awkwardness, continued to organize and said, "Honored guests, there are quite a few magical beasts on the uninhabited islands nearby. They are all quite powerful.

"We shouldn't stay here long, lest we are attacked. We should board the Brandy where it's safer, and we can talk slowly there."

Zhang Yun, "…"


'This isn't right?!

'On TV, aren't they supposed to interrogate the castaways first?

'Why are they allowing them to board now?

'Aren't they afraid they're spies sent by pirates?

'Or maybe they themselves were pirates…'

However, after they boarded the Brandy, they did not suddenly show any evil intentions. Instead, they all returned to their posts and worked with the other sailors that were on board, unfurled the headsail, and then began to set sail once again.

Before Zhang Yun and Brother Mikoto could understand what was happening, they were already invited to board the obese merchant's ship along with his followers. They had not even explained their origin, and they were already given some sweet bread and warm milk.


'What is happening…?'

Zhang Yun was bewildered, so he used his Legacy skill "Examine" to check everyone on board. According to the summary from the messages, he found out that they were not evil at all.

The obese merchant was called "Robert." He was a merchant that specialized in sea trading. His services covered three main areas. First, he would transport the local specialties from Pantasona to a city called Lent. Then, he would transport the silk from Lent to an island called Triss. Finally, he would transport the fine wine from Triss back to Pantasona.

He had around thirty staff, most of them were basic staff such as sailors, cooks, and repairmen.

A small group of them were fighting men, formed by five level 20 wizards, a level 17 priest, and 3 level 25 melee warriors.

Carter, who gave them bread, was one of the leaders here. His personal level was 27, and his class was Melee Swordsman. His class level and other more specific data were all question marks. But judging from the aura around him, they would not be too low.

Other than them, there were also a few others with random summaries. For example, poor painter and pig raiser.

But if he thought about it, these must be passengers that bought passage on the ship to Pantasona. The sailors could earn a bit more aside from delivering goods, they could also earn from transporting several more people. It was quite normal.

After Zhang Yun had finished taking his meal, he then spoke with Robert and the other sailors in detail.

He got some information from them and a better understanding of this world. He also understood why they would allow him on board.

In truth, this world's background was not that of the "Lost Kingdom." All the countries and location names were different from the game. However, there were many strange creatures of various kinds living in this world, including Murlocs and the light-ball versions of elementals.

If Zhang Yun wanted to summon his followers from the "Lost Kingdoms," there would not be any problems, since no one would find the existence of some unknown monsters weird.

Unless it was something like the Fell Dragon Grima that was hundreds of meters long…

Zhang Yun did not dare ask them for more detailed information about the world. That was because he would look strange since he did not know some things that were common sense in this world.

That was why he had only clarified a few points.

Firstly, he was in the territory of the Kingdom of Alberia. Pantasona, Triss and Lent were all cities under its rule. This sea was also considered part of her territory.

Secondly, people with black hair and black eyes like Zhang Yun were not that rare. Instead, they were everywhere, and they all came from the East. That was why everyone was not curious about Zhang Yun's look.

Thirdly, the ocean was vast and dangerous. Not only were there pirates, but there were also powerful magical beasts hiding under the seas.

While they would not normally attack large vessels headed by humans, they were being careful, so Robert had hired five powerful wizards to act as escorts.

Fourthly, thank goodness he had explored the island. If he did not explore the island, make a raft, and directly set sail, he would certainly be wasting a lot of Resurrection Tokens and Diamonds unnecessarily…

As for why Robert had let Zhang Yun board the ship.

Firstly, Robert was basically someone that worked in maritime logistics. As he spent most of his time on the ocean, he basically had half his head in seawater and he might just die if he encountered a tidal wave one day.

That was why he was very superstitious. Or maybe you can call him a man of faith. He was very faithful to Siren, the Queen of the Sea, and he would obey all the holy laws that she had set on the sea – saving every castaway. That way, he would receive the Goddess of the Sea's protection and he would never be in danger.

Secondly, Robert was a kind-hearted man in nature. He had always helped the homeless, giving them food and a roof over their heads.

And the reason why Carter, the man that gave him bread, would be so loyal to an obese merchant was that he had received Robert's help since he was a child despite his great power at level 27.

If not for Robert's help, Carter would have died on the streets while he was just an orphan. He would not have had the chance to become a swordsman, nor become the captain of the party on this ship.

Therefore, it was normal for Carter to let Zhang Yun board the ship. He would do the same for other castaways as well, to save their lives without hesitation.

Other than that, there was another reason… All the sailors on the ship knew that accidents would happen one day. It was almost impossible for you to always have a smooth journey.

Besides, if you saved a castaway today, maybe when you were in trouble tomorrow, the man that you saved would sail on a ship to find and save you.

Even if it was not him, it might be others that you had saved before and they would save you.

Saving others and saving oneself. That was an idiom that many in the Kingdom of Alberia believed in.

Not to mention that many were willing to repay those that saved them. If you saved those that needed help, maybe the person that was saved would be so touched that he would give you a gold mine as repayment. Then, would that not mean you had earned a lot?

That was why most of the captains would order their sailors to save castaways unless there was really nothing they could do. For example, if there were powerful monsters in the oceans, or the food on the ship was not enough…

As for the pirates, while they were definitely troublesome, they were not the short-sighted type that would simply kill the goose that laid the golden eggs. They would not rob you of everything, but only a part of it, treating it as "tolls'' that the merchant vessels had to pay them.

As they wandered on the sea every day and would kill many of the magical beasts that would attack the ships, many ships chose not to resist and simply pay them the tolls.

Some of them also had a conscience. If you paid them the toll, they would follow you for the whole day as an escort.

In stricter terms, they were not the traditional pirates. They were only mercenaries that were formed by the civilians. However, they were simply special mercenaries that would forcefully protect you.

That was why Robert and the others were not that afraid of the pirates and did not interrogate Zhang Yun. Since what would come to pass, would eventually come…

After understanding the reason, Zhang Yun calmed down and stopped being suspicious of these kind-hearted people, especially Robert, the obese merchant boss that looked quite sneaky…

When it was night, Zhang Yun and Brother Mikoto conformed with Robert's arrangement and stayed in the wet ship hold.

While the environment was not exactly great, it was at least livable. Especially since every available room had already been occupied by sailors and other passengers. They really could not get them in there. But if they did not stay there, then they would have to stay on the deck where they would be blown by the cold, sea breeze.

Zhang Yun had once again slept through another peaceful night in the other world, and nothing extraordinary had happened.

On the second day, Robert had arranged some tasks for Zhang Yun and Brother Mikoto. They were simply sweeping the deck, organizing the dining tables, washing the bowls, and other miscellaneous tasks. It was not difficult at all.

He and Brother Mikoto had completed these tasks accordingly. They even did some extras, such as helping the sailors carry their stuff, such as ropes. That had instantly made them better friends with those on the ships.

When it was time for lunch, the cooks on the ship used the ingredients stored with ice magic and made a wonderful meal. He then gathered up all those that had finished their work to have lunch.

Zhang Yun was among them. As he ate the plain chop, he was listening to all the bluffs that they told each other trying to get some information from them.

Unfortunately, they all talked about their uncles and aunties, as well as the different types of women. There was nothing useful in their conversation.

Zhang Yun gave up on eavesdropping as he realized he would not get anything, so he chose to join the conversation and guide them into talking about the things in this world. For example, those with advanced classes.

When the topic switched to that, all those with classes became interested and joined the conversation.

Their bluffs were getting out of hand. One said that his next-door neighbor was a high ranking archer, and he could shoot the heads of five magical beasts with one arrow…

Or that his uncle was a high-ranking wizard, discovered a secret society's headquarters, and destroyed their secret base on his own…

Another went as far as saying that his ancestor was a super warrior, and had shredded a dragon with his bare hands…

But of course, there were some that had something normal to say.

"There are elites that can fight against a hundred men, but they are very rare.

"Most people with advanced classes aren't as strong as we think. While they are undoubtedly powerful, if surrounded by an organized and disciplined army, they will still be at a disadvantage.

"If they encountered some powerful magical beasts, they also wouldn't be able to defeat them on their own. They still needed to depend on the abilities of their companions and work with each other, only then would they be able to defeat the magical beasts.

"Wizards can easily defeat a few hundred men, but the condition for that to happen is quite stringent. Normally, no one will stand in one big clump waiting for a wizard to attack them using magic.

"Wizards are also physically weaker normally, and their reflexes are comparable with the commoners. If anyone got close to them, even a commoner without any class could finish off a high-ranking wizard in an ambush…"

It was a man sitting on the corner called "Euden". His clothes were plain, had delicate facial features, and a slender physique. He was different and did not look like he belonged here where muscled men were showing their upper body and kept on glugging beer.

After listening to Euden, Zhang Yun became interested in him. He noticed that he was not there yesterday, and he did not see his information.

He quickly used "Examine" and looked at Euden's information.

Name: Euden

Race: Human

Legacy: ???

Class: ???

Title: ???

Level: ???

Health Points (HP): ???

Stamina Points (SP): ???

Attributes: ???

Class: ???

Affiliation: ???

Overall Rating:???

[Summary: A mysterious man.]

'Holy Shit!

'What is this?

'All question marks? Even level and class are question marks? He can't identify them?

'And this strange summary. It was even simpler than his "lonely summoner." Three words. This must be the shortest summary in history…'

Zhang Yun became even more curious and directly sat next to Euden. He grabbed a mug of beer and toasted. At the same time, he asked, "Friend, a drink?"

Euden shook his head apologetically and said, "Sorry, I can't drink. I'm allergic."

Zhang Yun heard him and put down the mug of beer, and asked, "You said even advanced classes wouldn't be able to challenge powerful magical beasts on their own, and needed the help of others to defeat them.

"May I ask,

"Are these two magical beasts, the Twilight Wolves and Storm Eagles, considered to be powerful?"