

Mature content 18+ Erotica Novel!! Alohi Suarez had learned that her father was dying of leukemia, and if that weren't bad enough, his last wish was for her to marry a man she'd never met, Bram Moreno. But her father just wanted to see her settled before he passed on, so despite her reservations, Alohi moved forward with the wedding. A decision she soon came to regret when she learnt that that Bram already had a girlfriend on the side. Caught up in a whirlwind of lies, passion and betrayal, can Alohi indulge in every of his whims and caprices? or defend her marriage and win her husband's heart once and for all? Still, has she been chained to a man who will never love her back?

Pinky_Julie · Urbain
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11 Chs


The parlour was eerily silent as Alohi sauntered to the couch. Blu who had seen the latter come in, strode to the parlour and stood in front of her.

"What are you still doing here?" Alohi asked having heard her footsteps approaching her.

"Are you that desperate to see me leave? Well, for your information, I'm here to stay and only Bram decides who stays and who leaves. Honey, too bad for you, Bram will never bring himself to love a pauper like you, he pities you." Blu bragged.

"Oh really? At least I'm not the one on the losing end. At least I was brave enough to get him put a ring on my finger. It's not all about love, but who he trusts. For all I know, he's just using you and you're so blinded by the fact that he fucks you every night....that certainly doesn't prove that he loves you. Anyone can have sex with or without emotional strings attached to it."

"What about you? Do you love him?" Blu clapped back at her.

"Why do you want to know?" Alohi smiled fondly at her.

"Get over him, he's mine." She sneered.

"We can both have him, besides it his decision to make. He married me and I'm his wife. But you? Who are you?"

"Name your price. I know money is something you don't have and I'm willing to give you any amount you want so long as you leave Bram."

"You think everything is all about money?" Alohi was stunned.

"Money makes the earth go around, honey. So choose wisely." She whispered.

"No, keep your damn money!" Alohi yelped at her and dashed into the kitchen.

"Bitch! I can't stand you!" Blu growled and pulled Alohi's hair.

"You want us fight, huh?" Alohi jerked forward and pushed the latter down the floor and punched her. "I'm sick and tired of you humiliating me! Why can't you leave my husband alone!"

"You'll never...you'll never have him." Blu laughed out loud.

"You pieces of crap!" Alohi resulted to getting more physical with the weak woman struggling to fight back.


"What the heck!" Mateo hissed when Bram pulled out a gag from his mouth.

"You mess with my wife, and you're dead!" Bram retorted back.

"Your wife huh? You don't even love her, what's this, a child's play? C'mon man, divorce her already because I'm willing to fuck her again, she's mine....she was mine before you brainwashed her to marry you." Mateo groaned bitterly.

"She's my wife now and no one touches her and gets scot-free. Now, you have two choices, I kill you or you forever disappear from the face of the earth." Bram aimed a gun at him.

"You can't threaten me with a gun. I love her and she loves me too. More than you can imagine. She loves it when I make her cum for me, something you'll never ever get!" Mateo struggled to untie his hands and Bram pulled the trigger scaring him.

"Hahaha! You're scared, aren't you? Well, don't be, I have even a better idea." He snapped his fingers and two henchmen carrying a large black trunk marched forward. "A mouthwatering package which Mateo Dela Rosa certainly can't keep his eyes off. You love money besides your company is at the verge of bankruptcy. This is the only chance you go to redeem yourself." Bram ridiculed the latter who was astounded to see a lot of cash in the trunk.

"No, I won't let you blackmail me." Mateo suddenly rejected his offer.

"Oh Mateo, the great seer, a man with dreams...the money is all yours. Trust me you, you'll never lack anything from now on. Take that estranged blonde of yours to Seoul... perhaps build a great family together." Bram chuckled.


"Shh! I have no patience. Kill him!" Bram commanded his henchmen.

"No! Wait, I need....I need the money." Mateo spoke with a stutter.

Bram smiled to himself and inched closer to him. "Your little brains have some sense after all. Make sure you leave Mexico city tonight. Untie him!" He summoned his men before sauntering out of his warehouse.

"Sir, don't forget tomorrow is your old man's birthday." Alejandro reminded him.

"You know what to do," Bram snubbed the latter and hoped into his Rolls-Royce.

"But...." Alejandro's voice trailed off and decided to join him in the backseat. He'd rather keep his silence than get a bitter remark from Bram. He had worked with him for ten years now and he knew better than anyone else in his life. He never liked his grandfather Rodrigo Moreno because he was always standing in his way since he was still in charge of the Moreno Empire. He was the reason why he married Alohi, someone he detested from the moment he saw her walking down the aisle. Someone he avoided seeing or touching in any way now that he had a girlfriend.

Alejandro avoided Bram's sharp gaze and kept his head hung low since the latter was quiet. Sometimes it was hard to read Bram's expressions, whether he was angry or happy, no one could tell.

His convoy entered the Villa and Alejandro alighted first followed by Bram.

"Go see your wife or something." He dismissed him but Alejandro wanted to make it clear that he was still a bachelor but decided against it.

"Goodnight Sir." He muttered and when the latter didn't respond, he left.

Bram's attention was drawn by the cluttering of utensils and he rushed in only to find two women drenched with water pulling each other's hair. The moment Blu saw a tall silhouette leaning against the kitchen door, she scurried to his arms.

"Bram, she wants to kill me." She tugged her hands in his shirts.

"That's what she gets for trying to provoke me. Tell your girlfriend to leave me alone!" Alohi thundered, certainly not afraid of Bram.

"Bram, she attacked me first...please punish her. She's dangerous." Blu clinged onto Bram's torso making his suit damp.

"Alohi! You have crossed the line. Box!"

"Yes Boss." A male hunk rushed to his side.

"Take her home. Make sure the doctor attends to her wounds!" He summoned him.

"Sure Boss." He responded and two other men showed up.

"No, I want to stay with you Bram. Please, don't let them take me." Blu cried.

"Hush now, you'll be fine without her hurting you. I'll see you first thing tomorrow morning." Bram kissed her forehead and she finally obeyed him.

Alohi watched Blu being handled with care out of the villa and floundered towards Bram.

"I don't know what you saw in that feisty woman, if you can't tame her, I'll not think twice about killing her." Alohi warned and tried to march forward when he grabbed her arm suddenly pulling her to his firm chest.

"What now? I'm drenched and I need to change." Alohi tried to retract her hand from his.

"Why do you always like to invite trouble? You chose to break my rules, right? And you know very well what I can do if you defy my rules."

"Of course! You'll lock me in the underground dungeon, right? That's not new. You'll tie me to a chair and starve me to death, that's not new either. You'll freeze me in your cold room...what else! Do it Bram, what are you waiting for? Do..." Her voice trailed off as she tried to fight back tears. Pained to the core of her heart, she let them deluge down her bruised cheek.