
I got reincarnated as the villain and i plan to be the protagonist

A man got reincarnated and became the villain, is it too late to become the protagonist?

West_walker · Fantaisie
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63 Chs


I've woken up in a bedroom, my head hurts... I tried sitting up but it seems that I'm restrained, i can't break free.

"don't even try, those chains are specially made."

I heard her behind me, i asked her "so uhh... Why is my head not facing the wall?"

She replied "so i can be more mysterious" mysterious my ass! But considering there's room around me, it must mean I'm in...

Special chains, guards in my room, wouldn't this mean I'm about to get executed... Then my right arm was released, i looked at the person...

"aren't you the one who saved me from that monster?" she nodded her head, and said "i restrained you just in case you thought of doing something unnecessary while i was asleep!"

Shit i thought i was gonna be in 2 pieces... I observed her movements just in case she did anything funny. But there's one thing that keeps my attention from her hands...

Why does her chest keep on bouncing... After i was unrestrained... I slapped her chest with my hand.

She drew her sword and said "you filthy animal! I knew you were up to no good!" i replied "shut up! Why do your tits keep bouncing!"

"bouncing!?! I'm gonna cut off that little stick of yours!" she said and i replied back "shut up!" we stared at each other...

then i sat while holding my knees and said "you don't even recognise me as a woman..." she looked confused and asked "w-what?"

Then i shouted "I'm a woman!" she was surprised at this and sheathed her sword and sat right next to me, ruffling my head.

She said "it's ok, even if you can't become a woman physically, at least you can become a woman at heart!"

I stared at her and said "I'm an actual woman." and then we both stared at each other, after a moment of awkwardness she asked me "wanna go shopping with me?" i reluctantly nodded.

And then we went around town, bought some clothes, weapons, armor, food, and somehow she still has money.

I'm a bit jealous on how big her pockets are... Like seriously she pulled an entire greatsword that was about 5 meters from her pocket.

We hanged around for about 2 weeks, we had fun, smiling and laughing at each other from the stupid things we do.

But not everything lasts forever... Eventually she had to leave...

At that day we both stared at each other, she looked at me and then looked away "later" she stopped mid way, then she looked at me again and said "would you like to... Come with me?"

She smiled and her face brightened then she said "Hold on a second!" she walked towards me and fiddled with the air, then a window popped up!

"would you like to join party? Yes/no" she was explaining how it works about experience and what not.

I immediately clicked yes, and she said "it even let's me see your occ-" then she stared at me, i blinked then a sword was at my throat...

She looked at me with tears forming in her eyes and she asked "tell me why i shouldn't kill you right... Now!"