
I got a farmland in apocalyptic

I got a farmland in apocalyptic world

deepak_Joshi · Fantaisie
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41 Chs

confessing to Milli choudhary

Time skip...,

Someone emerged from the B-class Dungeon a year later, grinning. He stood 6.1 feet tall, with a white, attractive face and a muscular abdomen.


Potential: s+(....)

Class: space type

Experience percentage: 80/100%






Active Skills: portal, teleportation, void eyes, storage, collector, nebula drops, telekinesis, void vacuum, void slash.

Void Slash (it's creating a black sword aura and cutting through the void with a swing of the sword)

Passive skills: mana regeneration, connect, weapon master, lock eyes., regeneration (heals little injuries)

Deepjoshi: Okay, so after a year, it's time for me to open for business. I did not go home, but for some reason, I am missing Milli. I'll be gone from Voola Street for a year. With the real estate, I purchased a six-story skyscraper on Voola Street. Are you familiar with the content?

Additionally, Milli will be present because this is the day of the Balama universe's awakening ceremony.

The dungeon epidemic caused them to postpone the awakening ceremony for a year last year... Although it did not result in many issues, it was still dangerous, therefore the previous year's awaking ceremony was called off.

I believe it is time for the awakening ceremony. I'll get my B-class hunting license from the hunter organization first, though.

We have to acquire a new license after B-class to increase our privileges as senior hunters.

I have to organize everything well so that I don't get confused about anything because tomorrow is my shop opening day.

Oh, and I neglected to tell you that I can teleport. My teleport power has been enhanced, and I can now teleport objects and other people from my void eyes.

Deepjoshi enters the hunter association after presenting the guards with his hunting license in front of it. There, he meets Mira, the receptionist.

Deepjoshi: Hi, Lady Mira. How are you doing?

Mira: You are it, I see. I haven't seen you in a whole year. Don't tell me you're here to re-examine hunters!

Deepjoshi: Well, yes, I am.

Mira: It's not even surprising anymore. Well, you can put a drop of blood on the crystal, and let's see what level you are at.

Deepjoshi put a drop of blood on the hunter examination machine.

And from the machine, a license card popped out.

[Hunter licence]


Card number: Hu2957

Name: Deepjoshi

Level: 220 (Bclass)

Hunter type: space

Privileges: Business.

Active Ability: portal, teleportation, storage, collect, heaven's drops, space eyes, telekinesis, void's eyes, void vacuum.

Passive skills: lock eyes, weapon master.

Mira: Congratulations on reaching the next level of hunting achievement. You can use the blood drop for your information update instead of having to reevaluate your hunting license.

Deepjoshi: I appreciate Lady Mira's assistance for a year. He smiled at Mira.

For the first time, Mira blushed and said, "Well, it's my honor to help a higher-ranking hunter." In case something goes wrong, kindly support me.

Deepjoshi: You have my word, so don't worry. I'll support you when it's necessary.

Following an hour of conversation, Deepjoshi teleported back to his place to change. He must attempt the awakening ceremony for Milli; it is essential.

Deepjoshi had seen the back of his hunting license before that. The crystal's color was altered to purple this time. Compared to the prior license, this one is different because Cristal is now purple. Hmm.

And put on his brand-new black suit. He pulled out his L125 car, which was the priciest vehicle in Balama City, and he looked more dashing in that suit.

after parking the car in the hunting association.

And he proceeded to the awakening ceremony area.

Milli Choudhary, looking cute from the corner, was looking both ahead and backward for the deepjoshi.

And she gets even more gorgeous than she was before; at 5'8" tall, she exudes beauty.

Milli exhaled deeply in relief as she noticed Deepjoshi in the corner. When Deepjoshi noticed Milli, he gestured with his hand. She gave him a sweet grin upon seeing him.

old man Anand: Here, what am I doing? Good question, Ham. Are you crazy to want to know what I'm doing now? I'm attempting my granddaughter's awakening ceremony; today's youth are arrogant.

Deepjoshi: Do you know what Milli's favorite food is, old man?

Anand Oldman: Why do you need that information, boy with the rolly eyes?

Deepjoshi: I guess you already know that.

elderly man Anand: You can't do something foolish before getting married, even if I know you admire my granddaughter and I appreciate that. Do you get it, boy?

Deepjoshi: Saying, "I like her," he doesn't want to keep anything hidden this time. No, old man, I love her. Even if I take action, I'll be held accountable. I am a responsible man, you know that, old man.

old man Anand: with a hint of rage! What topic are you discussing? I told you to wait for marriage even if you love her. Do you realize that there is a marriageable age (Oldman was speaking indifferently about marriage)? You two are familiar with it, huh?

Deepjoshi: I get that, but how can I approach her about marriage when I haven't even asked her to be my girlfriend? Old man, are you fooling me?

Old man Anand: I am aware, though, that Milli loves you as well. I guess I'll let the youth handle that.

After all of the slander, it's finally time to make an announcement.

Please step forward, Milli Choudhary.

Now that Milli had stepped forward and placed a drop of her blood on the pillar of awakening, there could be a test. The Cristal ball displays the letter S+ when she places her hand on it.

They have now revealed the potential of Milli High Priest S-class.

Milli's face brightened and she smiled at Deepjoshi as she accepted her certificate as an S-class potential high priest. It's a unique class.

Old man: My granddaughter is an adult; Hum she seems getting closer to the Deepjoshi, but she did not even notice me.

Following that, Milli approached Deepjoshi, gave him a firm hug, and asked, "Where have you been for more than a year?" and brought her lips to Deepjoshi's.