
I got a farmland in apocalyptic

I got a farmland in apocalyptic world

deepak_Joshi · Fantaisie
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41 Chs

Becoming a owner of the country

Deepjoshi was astounded! What?? system, My space domain has a total area of 7000 km2, correct? So, why did it show that it only covered 50 km2? It doesn't even make sense.

System: Your space domain can indeed cover an area of 7000 km2, but there is a catch: you can only cover areas without a ruler or leader.

You have 50 km2 of domain because you killed this area's leader, the spider queen. And if you want to conquer the entire Aroma country, you must assassinate its ten rulers.

Deepjoshi responds: "So you mean there are 10 more S+-class mutants?".

System: That's correct.

Deepjoshi asked, "System, how do you know about that?"

System: It's because of the mutant aura.

Deepjoshi: "Wait, what? You can feel the aura of high-level mutations?"?

System: "Well, you can say that."

Deepjoshi: whatever., it's a pain in the...ss to kill an S+class mutant.. wait system, why can't I completely control the space domain?

System: Because there are 10 Fclass, 10 Dclass, 5 class, 6 Bclass, 4 Aclass, 5 Sclass, and 2 S+class dungeons in your space domain that have yet to be cleared.

Deepjoshi: You mean I can't completely control my domain until I clear all the uncleared dungeons?

System: Yes, and after clearing all the uncleared dungeons, you can control their position, which means you can create a separate area for the dungeons and they won't outbreak, so you don't have to worry about citizens or other dangers, and you can even control the dungeons' entrance.

Deepjoshi: That's great, but clearing every dungeon by myself is going to be a pain in the ...ss

Deepjoshi then cleared all dungeons up to S class and leveled up to level 900.

system: we must clear the final two S+ class dungeons to seize total control of the domain and dungeons.

"In the s+class werewolf dungeons".

After using his void slash to eliminate every werewolf in the nearby areas, Deepjoshi went into the boss room where he encountered the boss werewolf, who appeared to be an extremely skilled fighter because of its armor and sword.

Deepjoshi attempted to use lightning draw, but the boss werewolf stopped it with its sword. Deepjoshi then used a void slash, which activated the space aura passive skill and dealt massive damage to the boss werewolf.

Deepjoshi then took advantage of a good opportunity to use his lightning draw attack and finish it.


Congratulations, host. You have defeated the S+class boss monster, leveled up to 950, and obtained 10 S+crystals, a dungeon core, and a transformation skill book.

After destroying the dungeon core, Deepjoshi teleported back to Aroma City.

He entered another s+class dungeon.

He was once again in the forest in the S+class Dungeon.

After a half-hour search, he discovered a monster's village, but he did not attack hastily. He first observed the monsters, who are orcs 8 feet tall and resemble a buff man (you already know orcs, Readers, so imagine it.) After killing a group of orcs with the lightning draw, he continued and noticed new orcs—warrior monsters, their weapons and armor were flawless.

Deepjoshi attacked them with a void vacuum and secretly killed orc warriors before moving forward to the large tent over there. He saw an old orc inside the tent and immediately attached that orc with a void slash. It caused massive damage, but it did not die. Deepjoshi instantly killed the elderly orc with a lightning draw.

He received a message from the system.


Congratulations, host, on defeating Orc Shaman and reaching level 980.

Deepjoshi asked himself, "If this old orc isn't the boss, then who is the boss of this dungeon?" and set out to find the boss' hiding place. He eventually found the boss's cave after a half-hour search. It appears creepy.

Deepjoshi moved towards the cave and noticed many orc warriors who appeared to be elite troops rather than village orcs.

Deepjoshi paralyzed them with his space aura passive skill before killing all the orcs with the lightning draw. He is currently in front of the orc lord. It appears to be terrifying and intimidating.

With a great explosion, Deepjoshi destroyed the orc lord by calling forth one light particle of Heaven's Drop, pouring 20000 mana into it, and releasing it.



Congratulations, host, to slaying the orc lord and receiving the S+10 crystal, dungeon core, and blood lust skill book. and reached level 1000.

Deepjoshi: system, can I now fully utilize my domain power?

System: "Yes", you can.

"As if it were a part of his own body, Deepjoshi can now feel the entirety of his domain."

He had a brilliant idea to move every dungeon into a single location and turn it into a hunting area.

Deepjoshi: system, can you use your ability here?

System: Well, since this is now your domain, I suppose I can use my skills here.

Deepjoshi: system, can you build larger walls? I mean, we need the walls and ceilings to cover 10km2 of the area.

System: I can do that. It takes one energy crystal to build one wall, and you can build hundreds of them. As long as you have enough energy crystal, you can do the same thing for the ceilings.

Deepjoshi: I see now that I need a perfect location to create a hunting area., well system, can you search for the perfect location for the hunting ground?

System: yes, on the west side of Aroma Country, a dry and barren territory ruled by S+ class mutant scorpion would make a perfect hunting ground.

Deepjoshi, I guess I'll have to kill another mutant today. Ahh.

After moving west, Deepjoshi noticed a vast area of uninhabited land; system is this is the place you told me about, right?

System: Indeed, it is.

Deepjoshi: System, can you find the boss's location?

System: I can, and it's in the southwest region. There's an underground cave where you can find the boss mutant.

Deepjoshi: Since when did you have this feature, and why didn't you tell me about it?

System: It has been with me from the beginning; you didn't even ask me where the mutant was, so I didn't tell you. This ability only worked on mutants; it wasn't functional in the dungeon.