
C27 °•○● New Flavors Unlocked - Hamburger and Coke

When he woke up in the hospital, Eren had a hard time because of the nurse's questions.

"Did the stray dogs do this to you?" he nodded as soon as he heard the question. He lied saying that the stray dogs had bitten him while he was working in his garden at night.

He had been asked to report aggressive dogs after what had happened to him. Luckily there were so many patients and a small child in the emergency room with a broken arm. The entire health center was taking care of the little boy.

Thanks to his health insurance, which is still active thanks to his family, Eren didn't pay any money. This year he was twenty-five. Next year he had to pay for his own health insurance. It was cheap but having unlimited and free insurance from the family was still better.

After taking some pills and a prescription for if he needs them more, he took Mel and went to a cafe on a side street. With a credit card and some cash with him, Eren bought himself a big hamburger and a coke without any worries and ordered the same things for Mel.

"Is this a place like our restaurant in the village?" The girl looked around with both curiosity and concern.

"Yes. But to buy things here you have to pay in return."

Thank God, Mel knew what money was and what it was for. Although they didn't use money in the village, they knew a little about the general habits of other races.

While they waited for the meal to be made, Mel looked around at the men and women of this world. Eren was still more handsome and impressive in her eyes than the men around.

With his increased stats and the effect of the Evon Universe on his body, he was handsome enough to make an elf like Mel blush with her high standards. He looked at least a few times better than before he lived in Evon.

Mel also compared herself to the women here. She was not the most beautiful girl in the Elf Village. But realizing that she was thousands of times prettier than the average woman here, she wondered why Eren wasn't looking at her like the men next to her.

Eren is a nice guy...

With that thought in mind, she took a sip from the Coke that came to the table. The sugary liquid tasted as good as a drink that the gods in heaven should drink. As she looked around in the next few minutes, she didn't neglect to take a few more sips from her Coke.

She knew, of course, that she was different from humans. She wasn't stupid. That's why she had covered her slightly long and pointed ears with her own green hair.

Her smooth and shiny hair was green, but she had seen other green-haired girls walking around. So for the moment, Mel wasn't very conspicuous in appearance.

At least, she thought so.

Eren noticed that every passerby was staring at Mel the moment they looked into the cafe. Even if her head was down, this innocent girl had caught everyone's attention; male or female. Some people even seemed to dare to take a picture of her.

Eren approached a man at the next table who was innocently holding his phone. He tilted his head toward the man and whispered a few words as he saw the man's open camera.

Mel didn't know what Eren said, but she saw the man get up and leave.

This world was more advanced and technological than she expected, but it was also primitive like a pig farm.


Mel just smiled as they ate their meal.

What she drank was better than the finest wine in her village. What she ate was indescribably delicious. She looked with great admiration at the hamburger, two pieces of bread with meat and various vegetables inside. It was genius.

When it was over, she started looking at Eren like a little puppy.

"Okay, you can have another one."

Eren plugged the charger into the wall socket and started charging his phone. A minute later, his old phone hung up. He didn't see the exaggerated numbers he expected to see, and his face fell.

Missed call - 18

Unread message - 9

He expected 99 missed calls like in the movies. It was a pity that so few people wondered about him. Except for calls from family and work, nearly all of the messages were advertisements and bank statements.

It is a huge bummer to say this, but I think I'm not a very popular person.

He was stunned that his family didn't realize he had disappeared. They thought he didn't call because he was busy. In fact, his mother was still sending him some ridiculous pictures and video posts on Face*ook.

Eren didn't know whether to laugh or cry.

He put his phone down on the table and smiled when he saw the goofy look of Mel painting the corners of her mouth with ketchup and mayonnaise. While looking at this funny image, Eren decided not to care about people who don't value him.

This girl, who jumped into an unknown portal without caring about her own life, was more valuable to Eren than anyone, maybe except his family and Emily.

When she finished the second hamburger, Mel drank her second Coke to the very end. She had a very satisfied expression on her shining face. Eren couldn't help but grab the napkins from the table and move his chair closer to Mel.

He grabbed Mel's face, who was looking happily at him. He wiped her face with the napkins in his hand. When all the leftovers were gone, he grabbed a wet tissue and thoroughly cleaned Mel's face and hands slowly. Now the elf girl looked as cute and adorable as before.

When Eren was done, he smiled at Mel, who was rubbing her legs against his leg like a little kitten.

Elves are very strange.

"Where are we going now Eren?"

"Now we'll buy you something to wear and then we'll go to a friend's place of work. I'll pay for what we ate and come back. You can wait here."

But Mel immediately stood up and began following Eren within inches of his back.

She was in constant contact with Eren and didn't cut herself off from him in the cash register, on the street, and even in the car. The only person she knew and trusted in this foreign world was Eren. She couldn't afford to get lost.

Finally, when they spent half an hour in Istanbul traffic in the car, Eren brought this sweet girl to a very big Mall. They began to tour the shops inside.

They stopped once or twice to get snacks and something to wear, but other than that they just walked. The main goal was not to shop but to have a pleasant time with Mel. And the mission was successful.

All her life, the little girl had seen the threat of monsters and a closed ecosystem in the Elf Village. For the first time, she saw a city where people could roam freely, spend money and do whatever they wanted.

As they walked through the most crowded center of the mall, Mel very calmly took Eren's right hand with hers. As her heart beat so fast, Mel whispered "I don't want to get lost".

But the real reason she held his hand was shocking.

For the last hours, Mel saw the lovers around them doing the same thing. She got jealous when she often saw young people kissing and hugging each other. That's why she wished to copy them.

They went to the cinema on the top floor of the mall, and instead of looking at the movie posters, Eren entered the employees' room.

Those who saw him didn't interfere at all. One of the employees even greeted him. Seeing the beautiful girl holding his hand next to him, he smiled bitterly and shook his head.

"He hasn't been answering the boss's calls for almost a month and now he's come out with another girlfriend. You are an ungrateful bastard!"

Eren didn't know that he was branded a "cheating bastard" before he even entered his girlfriend's office.

He actually cheated on his girlfriend.

But in a different universe...

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