
Chapter 4: The Dolls' First Feeling

Minutes after the call, His Highness Hiuh, from his royal duties have arrived. Entering through the back gates in his carriage. Greeted him where dozens of Palace staff vying for his attention. He was expecting the young Lady to meet her as well but her presence wasn't there.

When asked about the lacking attendance or should we say Mary's Absence, It was one palace staff who took a courage to offer an escort to his Grace. But the Charismatic Prime Minister turn down the offer. "I am greatful for everyone's greetings however clearly I prefer to walk alone once a while ."

The breathtaking angel carved face with a white snow skin displays such dignified presence. Enough for the people over flocking in him step back of his way silently. Young and beautiful the Lord may be, He has keen eyes for people with intentions. Sparing the unwanted attention, He continued to walk on the way to the Kings office, Lord Hiuh has been thinking of Marys' absence at the welcoming. It's very unethical for a palace staff not to greet a Royal. Not that Hiuh minds much about Royal Conducts, a small hunch telling him something must've happened.

"Weird.....I thought I mentioned Miss Mary that ill be arriving. maybe something happened or she forgot"

Meanwhile....the troubled damsel,

Oh no! Lord Hiuh has arrived Im late. I cant stand properly....(stands up*) it hurts! but I can't afford to be a burden to both His Highnesses ( nervous* ), What should I do? .....yes the infirmary...waaaah! (Slides*)

//Just in time when the helpless lady suppose to fall hard in the cold floor. She was grabbed by a well built man. She was thankful that she let out a deep sigh. Mary suppose to say thank you but left astonished by the man who catched her.// He was relieved to catch the Lady just in time when his eyes widened by seeing a woman's vulnerability for the first time.

^_^: My Lady.....thank heavens youre fi...ne (shocked*)

>.<: (tear up*) My Lord.....i

// This lady in front of me....so kind and fragile. What is this, I am weak in her tears, somehow, it makes me want to .....//


Regardless of being called a still doll for his expressionless face, he can't stand such a fragile Lady crying that He unconsciously wrapped Mary from his warm shoulders to stop her from crying. The more he heard Marys' heart letting out loud thumping sounds, he more he holds her tightly in his arms. The hug was enough to overthrow the tears down to a surprised expression. The thoughtful gesture was appreciated. Mary was blushing hard and tries to internally think straight.

// Just what is this? Oh my gosh! I certainly do not deserved to be hugged by one of the Empires' desirable man. Surely the pain from earliear magically gone. But I definitely have to do something before I'm gonna get those deathstares from the hungry attention seeking fans of his.

>.<: Um...Your Highness....Please let go ( My poor heart can't take it )

^_^: But you are crying, I am worried, let me take you to the infirmary.

-She lifts Mary with his fine strong arms and carries her to the infirmary. The Speechless young lady tries her hardest to remain her sanity, trying to figure out her way out of the situation.

>.<: // OH MY GOSH!! I just cant believe this is happening.....I'm being Princess carried!! feels like i'm gonna pass out from being held by this angelic beauty. what should I do?//

I...i truly apologize for the inconvenience and tardiness for failing to greet his Highness earlier.

Um...I am alright now please let me walk your Highness.

^_^: I Pay no heed for customs. Plus, your feet is swollen. Please promise to tell me when something is wrong, I want you to be careful too.

>.<: (nods none stop*) Of course your Highness I truly apologize. I will not dare for another inconvenience.

^_^: ( Pouts* ).... Are you sure?

>.<: yy....yyy Yes!

^_^: Very well, Here we are in the infirmary get your injury treated. I will go to His Majesty now.

>.<: Of course.... Your Highness, thank you once again (Bows*)

// Prime Minister Lawford just hugged and escorted me to the infirmary and Woah....To think that My Lord could pout. (*blushes) //

- The barrage of fan service where exclusively kept to Mary's heart. She promised herself that day to avoid possible conflicts.

--In King Zess' Office--

=_=: These reports are enough, Then the additional budget will be released this afternoon. Thank you for your efforts these past weeks Big Brother its been a long day Should you rest in your chambers now?

^_^: I would love to, but on the next 2 days perhaps. Since I must return to my mansion in the city later afternoon to prepare for a conference the next day to the state of affairs. I want you to be there and to listen properly with regards to the Houses appeals to the addressed issues.

=_=: Alright then Big Brother, I shall give my remarks with the on going projects too. I leave the physical transactions to you as always.

^_^: Are you not the one who needs rest? you work a lot that you mostly neglect to sleep. I heard you do not touch much of your food too.

=_=: As long as I do not feel weak then that is no concern.

^_^: But there is nothing much to handle for you to be this workaholic. I am concerned with your wellbeing.

=_=: Brother....Enough! a king shall not cease to make progress and lead it's people to wellness. I am fine, if I do not do this my mind might think elsewhere.

^_^: It seems it still haunts you, Im sorry If only I was earlier that day.

-The conversation awkwardly ended, They deeply understand one another and the pain they individually carry. Mary who happens to accidentally heard the conversation and broke their silence offering a tea time.

After a brief silence The two Highnesses finally began talking. They make use of their moment together as it's the only time where they could be themselves by being together talking, however it can be noticed that young Prime Minister sighs from time to time not that he was tired nor disatisfied but a hint of worry can be seen even to the rare expressioned Royal.

^_^: (sigh*)

=_=: Has it been boring to talking but work when youre alone with me Big Brother?

^_^: For you to say that, the epitome of a workaholic I am quite astonished My King.

=_=: Again that formality? we rarely have been together but I know you Big Brother. Besides, you will only address me formally if your bothered by something you want to keep to yourself.. so tell me, did something happen?

^_^: You are imagining things Zessi

=_=: You are bothered by someone...,The Royal Aide perhaps?

^_^: (Short silence) I....hmmmm

=_=: I may sound offensive but I saw you hugging her earlier. Gladly I dismissed the staffs so there is no one there or else it could cause a stir. For an unmarried famous figure much more a Royal, hugging his staff out of nowhere is a violation to our code of ethics.

^_^: I do know that but I wonder why I did that out of all things.

=_=: Seriously.... it is very rare for such a man like you to do something out of league.

^_^: I apologize for the worry but since I hired Ms. Aide for you, I want you two to get along and trust each other as well.

=_=: I can not promise fully on such things and I will see through it if there is trouble. But that skinship was very unbecoming of a renowned Huih Lawford

^_^: But I did not regret that

=_=: What?..

Before Zess could utter words, a knock was heard from the door. Mary arrived serving them a new batch of tea. She thanked the Young Lord which he later smiles while accepting Marys' gesture. She explained to King Zess everything, believing that was a gesture out of kindness. and finally the suppose misunderstanding ended and While Hiuh and Mary were talking themselves, Zess by observing, noticed the expressions the face Hiuh lightened. He could tell that aside from him, the Prime Minister is rarely opening up to someone. "Just who is this woman that could stir even the expressionless man alive".

Later the night, Zess decided to prolong his working hours to review the agenda for the state meeting the next day ang plans future actions. He wishes to be with his brother but hates going out mingling so he will attend virtually. The midnight breeze was cold just in time Mary knocked at his office door to deliver his late dinner.

=_=: I said you don't need to do this woman. Get out!

>.<: Oh but my master is working hard and it is my job to take care of your health. so for todays' dinner is light consisting of..a lemon tea paired with porridge then....

=_=: What I is I mean staying late, retire to your chamber now you are bothersome to my extra work.

>.<: Alright Your Majesty..Goodnight

=_=: (eats*) At least her food is consumable. no poison too. Come to think of it Brother Hiuh told me to trust her. Well just maybe her cooking a little. Now that I realize it I kinda remember this taste but I dont remember when.

- In her room Mary who cannot sleep worrying, is checking her master. She knows shes gonna get a mouthful but she can't leave him alone.

"Aha I knew it..he fell asleep on his desk again."

Everytime he do this does he know a bad sleeping posture affects his mood the next day? He complains, throws things out anger and glares around I think it's his defence to keep people in check while observing him but a dedicated hardworking person is likable. How can I leave such an inspiring people out. We are of the same age but He is an outstanding respectable Leader.


"Your Majesty surely is a tall man. I have a feet injury so I cannot help you back to your room Please forgive just this once (chuckles*)"

- She placed Zess in the closest sofa removed his shoes and elevated his feet with an extra pillow then made sure he is comfortable with a blanket. Light of the night from the window illuminates his Ethereal features. Any woman would have attacked such a defenseless man yet unlike others....

"King Zess you only made up to your name while sleeping, your face is at refreshing state only when asleep" -She uttered-

"Good night your Majesty, Have Pleasant dreams."

She checks and prepares everything ahead as usual for her master before leaving and retiring for bed. She walks in the wide empty hallway back to her room. She took a glance outside for a beautiful night.

The moon is in bright big full signifying an approaching cold season.

Will this bring a good fortune or an approaching challenge?

- To be Continued -

Emojis used to the Characters:

=_=: King Zess

>.<: Miss Mary

^_^: Prime Minister Lawford

Finally Im back with a new chapter of uprising developments. Whether there are progress, be sure to read till the end since from this point on, revelations will slowly progress.

Marys' worries, Zess' trust and Hiuhs change.

I would be very much happy if you'll keep supporting. I was suppose to submit this earlier but I need to finalize where to drop hints that's where the difficult part for me is.

Anyhow I manage to do it while not rushing their developments. So please do enjoy


Eruruncreators' thoughts
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