
I Eat Energy To Grow Stronger

The life of humans on earth has always been viewed as boring by Xianth Evander. He wished that his life would be different and more thrilling and fortunately, his wish came true. For a reason unknown to him he suddenly found himself in a completely new different world and the first entity he met was the legendary Golden Lightning Phoenix whose existence brought fear to almost everyone on the Osmeon Continent. This Phoenix was a great help to Xianth from the start and let us watch as our protagonist explore and reach the top of this world by eating all kinds of energy he encounters!

KenceRussel · Fantaisie
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21 Chs

Chapter 6

Once again, the sun shone brightly just like usual. The trees and plants happily absorbed the sunlight for their photosynthesis


The sun was pleasant to most people but one young man groaned as he was awakened by the sunlight that was hitting his face

This young man was completely naked from head to toe, showing off his healthy fair skin

This young man is none other than Xianth that is slowly opening his eyes. As soon as he did so, the sun in the sky hurts his eyes causing him to squint them

It took some time before his eyes adjusted to the sunlight and only then did he start to get up

The first thing that he did was to scan his surroundings and he was surprised. He was actually in a deep crater. It was at least three times as tall as him

"What happened?" He asked himself. The last thing he remembered was Ischyros 'sacrificing' itself for 'his' sake. After that, he sensed a scorching pain in his stomach, and an enormous influx of energy spreads to every corner of his body

Now that he remembers that part, Xianth looked at his own body only to discover that he was naked

He unconsciously covered a particular part of his body out of embarrassment before his attention was grabbed by the tattoo on his stomach

He can sense a high level being hibernating inside his stomach. This creature gave him a very familiar feeling. It was the only companion he had for two months

"Ischyros... he is not dead?" He muttered as he can sense that the Phoenix is alive and is inside of him

This was a strange feeling for Xianth as he can sense that Ischyros is inside of him but not in a physical sense

After a while, he closes his eyes to sense his body clearer and he found out that the aura and energy from Ischyros are leaking

The energy was automatically being absorbed by Xianth, specifically his Divinity to better itself. His Divinity's growth progress was almost the same as his progress for two whole months and this was a pleasant surprise

"Hmm?" Suddenly, Xianth notices something. The leaking energy was being contained by his Divinity as for the aura it was completely leaking out of his body

"Before I passed out, Ischyros' will ask me to descend from the mountain as many strong beings lived there. But even though I am now at the foot of the mountain there should still be some beings that notice me. Am I lucky they just ignored me or is this because of this aura?"

This was a theory of Xianth but that is not important for now. The thing is Ischyros didn't die and was instead sealed inside him!

He can sense Ischyros' presence along with the chains and he doesn't know what this meant

If Ischyros was really inside of him then why is it not waking up? Why doesn't it release itself?

These are the questions that Xianth wants to have an answer but there is no one to answer them for him

"For now... I'm hungry and I don't know how much time has passed. If Ischyros is as great a being as he says then his disappearance from the cave should attract the attention of many people. Even if it doesn't then the current state of the mountain should have done that" Xianth said while raising his head to look at the top of the mountain

The top doesn't look natural and instead looks like a titan just stomped on it. It was artificially caused by none other than Xianth himself

With a desire to finally eat food and not just magic crystals, Xianth activated his gift

Once more a bluish aura of energy covered his entire body and with the physical boost that his Gift provided he leaped into the air

The crater he was in was quite deep but even then it took almost no effort from him to jump above it

He controlled his body while in the air to avoid falling back to the crater and he landed safely

"Eeww, what's that stench..." he complained while pinching his nose with his fingers

Xianth looked around him to discover a scene of wreckage. First of all, the ground near him was scorched black and from the looks of it the nearby trees were also burned. And it wasn't only the ground and the trees that were in a bad condition

The living creatures in the vicinity were also affected. Burned carcasses were left in the area and they were the cause of the horrible scent in the air

"D-did I caused this?" Xianth muttered to himself as he walked to escape this area. The stench was really not something that an earthling human like him can take. Not to mention, the corpses were in horrible condition and they could cause nightmares

Xianth started walking until he was almost running just to escape this area when he suddenly halted

He entered an area that was less affected by his landing and the carcasses here were more recognizable

"Are these goblin corpses?" He asked himself while looking at a corpse with one-half burnt and one-half 'decent'

This creature was humanoid with green skin and long ears and was only as tall as a young kid

Xianth looked around more and he saw a corpse of another being that he only saw in anime and other fictional series

"This one looks like an orc!" He commented while looking at the corpse of a creature at least 2 meters in height

This one was also humanoid and had yellowish-brown skin. Its body was huge and fat and its head was similar to that of a pig

This is definitely the orc from the fiction of Xianth's previous world

He didn't expect that he would first encounter these creatures in this way

"I wonder if I can use and enter that state again. After seeing what kind of power I possessed then I badly want it..."