
I don't want to sin !!

Liam is a young Christian boy whogot sent into multiple survivor games made by Nephilims . The goals vary but Liam has one question in hand. Why me Lord ?? He will complete the games in the name of the Lord and convert the lost spirits no matter what , so why is one of them in love with him ?!

Aoi_2351 · Horreur
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3 Chs

Chapter 2

Pov :

The mansion was beautiful and seemed to be in the 1900s , it has a huge chandelier made of glass and it's light shone atound the mansion.

At the door were 2 maids waiting for them.

" Welcome detectives , we waited for your arrival. "

The 6 people look at the maids in question and politely said goodday.

" Follow me to your rooms ."

They were led op the beautiful stairs and noticed that it was recently cleaned.

Then they went to a long hall with 7 doors each had a number on it.

One door was bigger than the other 6 , meaning it must've been where the victim slept.

Each one was given a number on where their appointed rooms are.

" I hope you catch the wretched murderer ."

The maid then left.

I looked at my tag , it had the number 4 on it so he entered his room.

In it was a bed , a table with a plate , cup , pen and an empty book on it .

In the plate was a note , the first clue.

( It is related by blood , yet we aren't family.

It is bound by love , but gives me nothing but anxiety.

It left me behind for some money , and made a fool of me. )

I looked at the riddle for a few seconds before understanding .

' In-laws perhaps ??

Was it one of his in-laws that did it ??

Or was it an abusive lover ??'

I then went outside to see the other 5 in the dining room.

In it was a huge table filled with 20 chairs .

On each chair sat a spirit waiting , the chairs also has each a number on it.

I than sat on the chair with the number 4 on it and the maids came with food .

Each table had a plate filled with mash potatoes, beans and chicken .

" Enjoy your meals. "

I started to pray and so did Muhammed.

Then suddenly I saw the spirits chocking and getting poisoned.

I turn towards Muhammed and we yelled at the same time.

" Don't eat the food !! Its poisoned !!"

The 5 looked at us as if we were crazy, till the spirits revealed their poisoned bodies falling from the chairs .

Their skin was a light shade of blue and green liquid came from the spirits openings.

" Run !!"

Suddenly they all tried to chase them down but they managed to escape in one piece.

They all looked at me as if i was a psychic.

"Liam, Muhammed how did you know ??"

I was about to answer but God told me something beforehand.

" Don't tell them that I blessed you , they will betray you later on if they knew . "


" People used to season their food with lead... I thought they would do that here . "

The group seemed to believe us and they left the diner.

Liam then went to his room to see the victim's spirit in it.

It was crying.

Liam then saw that his empty book now has words in it.

( I am all alone , my they took the throne.

They left me here after a hearty meal .

I am all alone, stuck here because of my curse unknown .

Please free me. )

" Curse ??"

The spirit looked at me and wiped it's tears .

It left my room and left me thinking.

'So his in-laws or abusive lover cursed him and took his right to the throne...'

He then explored around the mansion till the sun went down.

Soon night fell and Liam went to sleep.

Pov :

" Everything seems to be going great sir , the humans accustomed well. "

" Good."

In the whole Multiverse only earthers have vengeful spirits .

So cultivation of evil spirits only can be done on Earth .

Instead of doing it the old and fashion way they made a system where people can die brutal and unfair deaths.

Making the dead vengeful spirits into a never-ending cultivation source .

" Earthers breeds like rabbits after all .

I bet they didn't even noticed. "

Pov :

It was the second day and on his board was the 2nd note .

( I loved them , i really did .

Turned out they were the snitch.

They broke my heart and my home.

They left me al alone )

' Snitch ?? '

Liam went on his knees and prayed for the solution and Liam smiled .

It is one of the servants !!

But Liam only saw 2 maids , where are the others.

So with a new goal in mind he went searching for the culprit.

Soon he found it in a abandoned storage room, in it he saw an old corpse and he frowned and prayed.

Then he got the corps and brought it to the living room .

" I have found out who the murderer is. "

The others looked surprised.

" How ?? All i got was useless poems . "

" Same here . "

The 5 people nodded in agreement.

" The spirit helped me ."


" The youngest master was killed because he betrayed the bloodline by falling in love with this servant . "

He set the corps down and frowned deeply.

" But unlike fairy tales the servant only used him for money and status so she told everyone on how she dated the youngest son of the masters.

The family heard this and paid the servant to kill the youngest son and that's what she did.

The whole mansion is guilty of murder."

Then came a screen that popped up and it showed a happy tune.

[ Congratulations, Liam Light singlehandedly solved the mystery behind the youngest Master's death and exposed the murderer !

He shall gain 10000 coins and a lucky draw .]

It slowly faded to black .

Pov :

He woke up in a white room filled with torture items and tied to the bed was his ex lover.

Her old face looked at him in fear and terror.

" You shall pay. "

His body didn't look human-like , instead it was a skeleton with bloated skin on top of his head.

" Let's begin, my love. "

Screams fill the room.