
I Dominate You

Adelia is a woman who has half-vampire blood but also has a werewolf friend named Farkas. Farkas is an elite group that slaughters vampires because they always drink human blood, but he has never thought of killing Adelia because he loves Adelia. But one day Cedric from the vampire race came to Adelia's life and found that the girl was his younger sister and intended to take Adelia from Farkas to protect the bloodline of the vampire population. Can Cedric appear Farkas when two unions want to dominate one woman to defend, while Farkas has known Adelia since childhood?

RayGenus · Fantaisie
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12 Chs

Chapter 5 – Hi

Chapter 5 – Hi

Adelia, who was pleased with the politeness of the man who accompanied her, felt right at home. They walked out where it was still a place with the restaurant. Adelia saw teenage children having a birthday party with their peers and was happy with the atmosphere.

"Thank you very much, Farkas."

He opened a drink can for Adelia and brought a glass for herself.

"How did you know I was here?" Adelia asked curiously.

"Ehm…yes, I came to your office, and they said you had the center promotion here." Farkas averted his gaze while drinking a beer filled with foam.


They talked about many things while they were there until the awkwardness and discomfort Adelia felt a little less. They even joined the kids who beat the piñata to fight over the sweet stuff inside.

Farkas laughed happily, joining them when he was tired. He returned to where Adelia was and drank the beer in one gulp. The yellow liquid melted out of his mouth, soaking his shirt.

"Seeing you like that, I want to drink it too," Adelia said while gulping.

Farkas restrained Adelia, who was leaving and told her to sit back down.

"What is it?" Adelia asked curiously.

"Do you want to order more or want something else?" repeated her.

After a while, he said, "It's not good to get drunk in your new place."

"I guess what's wrong? It's okay. I can still handle it." Comforting Farkas, who was getting drunk.

"Wait, you get used to living here and find someone you can trust when you're drunk later." Her flushed face was quite cute for someone who was still half-conscious.

Seeing her best friend care about her made Adelia unable to do what she wanted. She appreciated his concern and listened to him.

It was almost midnight, and Adelia had to come back soon. They parted across the apartment, which Farkas delivered. He gave his levis jacket to wear to Adelia. She, who saw that Farkas' clothes were still wet, refused his gift and did not get a good response. Finally, he gave it and pushed her to enter immediately.

"Promise to return it to me soon."

Adelia just smiled, feeling the warmth of the man who had been her best friend since childhood, he waved his hand, and she went inside.

Farkas walked a few steps beside the road, and a red sports car awaited his arrival. The car rang when the alarm came from the owner, and he did not move away from there. Take small objects on the dashboard of the vehicle.

"Hello, butler. Do you know the Westerling apartments in Las Vegas?"

"Find out the people who live there, if any people are looking for. Don't forget to buy the whole building."

He immediately threw the Samsung phone, which was the same color as his hair, and left at full speed.

Extreme fatigue made Adelia immediately collapse when she saw the bed that greeted her. Without waiting a long time, she was already in a very soft and delicious cloud without taking off the jacket that Farkas had given her.

The next day, Adelia was awakened by the sun's glare that entered her face. Her body still aches, and she refuses to move. She was late for work.

She took out her phone to look, which was 8.45 am. Adelia forgot to charge her cellphone, which only left 10% and was red. The sticky feeling forced him to shower quickly and wear the same clothes. Forgetting her breakfast, a place unfamiliar to Adelia, made her unaware.

'How can I be late for work?'

'Please don't cut my salary later. No, don't fire me.' Her mouth didn't stop muttering on the bus. The people next to him noticed her every odd move. Her hungry tummy and messy makeup made a little kid mock her.

"Mom, there's a clown." The mother, who became the guardian, could only cover her son's mouth and apologize, and they went to another seat.

Adelia took the glass into her bag. Not having time to look at her appearance, the intended stop had arrived. She descended as if something had happened to her, seeing the sizeable private gate, which was quite large, closed tightly shut her spirits.

She repeatedly pressed the doorbell to let him in, and it didn't take long for the gate to open. Adelia still has to face a long winding road. The driver says Adelia's body glows.

She didn't want to give up, took off her high heels, and walked to a more shady side of the road overgrown with grass. She didn't want to be caught later by the villa owner if they met.

The spacious place and the dead battery made Adelia learn one thing. She must charge her cell phone no matter how tired she is.

"What are you doing here, miss?" a maid who was more accessible than she had seen before greeted.

He rode an electric motorbike, and in front of him was filled with groceries.

Seeing the grace and help, Adelia explained the situation. She shamelessly wanted to ride with him. Hearing Adelia's story and condition, he laughed happily. She didn't care about fate that laughed at her. All she wanted was to get to her job right now.

They finally boarded the vehicle, and after a while, they arrived.

"Well, isn't it quite far to arrive here," said Adelia questioningly.

The maid put her finger to her lips. "Shh.. this is a path only the master chef knows." Then the man who was stature like a child left him with a million surprises. Without thinking, Adelia walked towards her workplace. she was greeted in front of the courtyard.

"Oh, welcome. What are you doing here?"

"What are you talking about? Of course, for work." Start breathing.

"By the way, where's the bathroom?"

"Oh, it's over there." When she showed the direction she was looking for, Adelia immediately stepped into the desired place.

She found her disorganized and disorganized state to be disgraceful. Rearranging the messy makeup without a long wait, she went into her study and sat ready to wait for the paperwork to be finished.

She had been waiting for someone to deliver work, but some maids were restless outside.