
I Do Daily Quests In Wizard World

This is a vast and powerful wizarding world community. Powerful wizards willfully capture gods, conquer planes, and transform civilizations. Lin En came to this world and after being exposed to the power of wizards, he gradually realized that knowledge is power and power is truth. On the road of pursuing the truth, I will always be a humble apprentice.

potz4ever · Fantaisie
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70 Chs


"This time on the Wizarding Continent, remember to contact your great-grandfather's great-grandfather." He went to the Wizarding Continent long before you. There have been occasional news reports over the years. It is said that your great-grandfather's great-grandfather has become a legend. "If the time comes, listen carefully to Grandpa Ni's words, and try to become a noble wizard."

Several luxurious carriages stopped in front of the manor, and a graceful and luxurious man in the carriage told his son.

Sitting opposite him was a blond boy with delicate clothes and a fair face. The boy nodded to show his understanding.

Several similarly dressed peers accompany the boy as he exits the carriage.

Judging from their appearance, they were all from the same family. After the carriage left, these young people dressed in extraordinary clothes who didn't look like ordinary people couldn't help talking excitedly. Their words were full of longing for the Wizarding Continent.

"Tomorrow we will go directly to visit the local nobleman." The blonde boy said

"Hans, this Bangor Port is just a Viscount." Should we go? I am really puzzled. We are marquises. "There is no reason for someone from the Marquis family to visit the Viscount."

Hans shook his head. "Even if it's just the viscount, we can't break the rules."

In the evening, the butler drove Hans in a carriage to the pharmacy alone because he wanted to visit Rogge.

"The wizard who lives here is the wizard who is connected with the family." Hans asked, looking at the dungeon in front of him.

   "Yes." The butler said respectfully that he was usually in charge of all contact with Rogge.

Hans nodded. He was going to recruit this common wizard.

Hans had a look of arrogance on his face; he believed that after hearing his background, this lucky pariah would definitely be eager to kiss his boots.

There have been many members of their Golden Wind family with wizard talents in the past, and many of them were sent on the ship to the Wizard Continent.

However, these noble wizards have also gained some experience over the years.

I heard that there is also competition on the ship heading to the Wizarding Continent, and there may be various accidents and competitions along the route.

At this time, if some wizards can hug together to keep warm, the survival rate will be higher.

And it is said that there will be another selection on an island later. This selection is very important. If there is cannon fodder at the critical moment, it can help them get a better ranking.

Hans' eyes flickered, looking at the dungeon with burning eyes.

He was recalling the skills his father taught him and what kind of language should be used to coax these ignorant civilian wizards.

When the door opened, Hans and the butler went into the basement and finally walked all the way in. When they saw the open door, the butler had a bad idea. Finally, the butler and Hans saw the corpses of the stitch monster and the ground in the dungeon. bones.

   "Dead." The butler looked serious.

Hans was a little at a loss. The "followers" prepared by his family had disappeared before he saw them.

"Why did this damned pariah die without my permission?" Hans scolded.


When spring comes to Bangor Port, the weather in this somewhat icy port city seems to warm up in an instant.

There are no pedestrians wearing coats and cotton-padded clothes on the street.

The arrival date of the fleet is getting closer. There have been a lot of nobles in Bangor Port recently. These nobles with high spending power brought a lot of followers, and the spending power of the port has increased a lot.

There is still one day left, and the progress of the Earth Ring Meditation method will reach 100%.

Lynn, standing in front of the mirror, was a little absent-minded.

"This dress looks good, and it fits you just right." Anika commented on Lynn's clothes.

During this period of time, Lynn mentioned to his family that he was going to leave. As the date of his departure approached, although his family didn't say anything, Lynn was aware of the slightly depressing atmosphere. In order to avoid adding to this sad atmosphere, Lynn The matter was never mentioned again.

But every few days, Anika would give Lynn a newly sewn dress, some of which were a little bigger than the current one, and she said that Lynn would grow taller and be able to wear it then.

Before level 20, each level upgrade only required 100 general experience points, but since the level was raised to 20, the required experience value has increased tenfold, and the rate of level improvement has also stagnated.

However, the 20 levels have greatly improved Lynn in all aspects.

Whether it is the talent for meditation or the increase in physical fitness and mental strength, they are all very high.

In the past few months, the biggest improvement for Lynn has been mutation.

Since Variation was raised to level 2 a month ago, Lynn has been filled with a lot of knowledge.

These knowledge bases cover a very wide range, including a lot of mutation knowledge. Lynn can be sure that he has laid a very solid foundation for the knowledge of mutation.

It's just that there is no comparison, so Lynn can't be sure how solid it is.

But what he can be sure of is that the life occupation of level 2 is definitely not the same thing as the life occupation of level 1.

It is not an exaggeration to say that there is a gap between a graduate student and a primary school student.

Many of the previous problems were quickly solved after breaking through to level 2, thanks to Lin En's research.


Level: 20 (0/1000)

Physical fitness: 6.97

Mental power: 17.7


—Earth Ring Meditation (99%)

  Life Occupation:

Level 2 Variation (7.5%) (0/100)

Level 1 Hematology (18%) (0/10)

Level 1 Alchemy (43%) (0/10)

Level 1 Necromancy (55%) (0/10)

General experience value: 1970

Lin En has mastered a lot of the zero-ring spells she harvested from the inheritance. "Dark Energy Rays," "Preserving Organs," "Dark Light," "Light Art," "Prosthetic Art," "Switching Art," and "Communication Art."

Some spells don't do much damage but are functional.

At the same time, Lin En has basically learned all the books in the alchemy laboratory and the inheritance knowledge in the soul orb in the past few months.

In terms of knowledge, Lynn thinks that he is not weaker than many wizard apprentices.

The spells mastered also reached the standard of a second-level wizard apprentice.

At night, Lin En was meditating when, suddenly, a new earth ring was formed in addition to the ninety-nine earth rings in his mind. When it lights up, it is vaguely like a galaxy flowing.

Countless exquisite nodes bloomed with light, and finally these nodes turned into a chain-shaped spell frame.

There are hundreds of nodes densely packed on it, and the information of this spell emerged in Lynn's mind and was fed back to him.

one-ring spell—the earth ring.

Spell Effect: Create a ground ring to imprison the target unit, causing gravity to act on it, while also sealing the magical power within its body.

This is the first one-level spell that I have mastered, and it seems that it is not as simple as simply mastering this spell... Lin En raised his right hand and fingertips, and a golden light shone directly from them.

There will be a new map soon, and my body is finally getting better.