

{====Kaltor's domain====}

LOCATION: Awttbuvn Galaxy --- Unnamed Planet

After we agreed on our confrontation and parted ways that day, it wasn't long before Kaltor found out about my conflict with Andhr. I thought he would be upset, but it was quite the opposite, I still remember his words:

[Wow, a duel between you two? I don't object, but let's make this more interesting," Kaltor applauded, and suddenly, the absent newbie gods emerged from a beam of light. "Let's organize a tournament to see how they've grown so far. Let's save the showdown between Sary and Andhr for the end. Whoever wins can ask me for something and I'll grant it].

"Are you sure you still want to face Andhr? It will be a tough battle considering his regenerative ability and his cunning illusionary tricks. I remember how tricky they were during training in the forest.". Calyps, he voiced, concern evident in his tone.

"Calyps, please, that's it. Don't worry," Sary replied calmly. "Besides, there will be Kaltor here just in case Andhr tries anything that might cause me serious harm. "

"Right, Kaltor found out almost within the hour after the agreement of your duel with Andhr, since he found out so quickly, I thought it would at least take a few days for the news to reach him" commented Calyps with some confusion in his tone.

We are on his planet, in his universe, surrounded by who knows how many of his subjects. It doesn't seem so strange to me that he was instantly informed of the issue. Back on topic, this will be good training for when we meet 'him'. where are baltra and Mia? ".

"I saw a while ago that Baltra was training with determination together with other groups, he was motivated by the upcoming visit to Zinclos, but Mia, on the other hand, is still in her usual habit: sleeping."

"You should get that sleeping habit out of her, last time how much sleep did she get, three months?" joked Sary.

"I know, but every time I try to wake her up, she looks so adorable sleeping I can't!" defended Calyps.

"Steady hand, Calyps. If you don't take it away from her, someone else will, even Kaltor," Sary warned.

The two of us walked around the camp while we watched our companions training, we were located on one of the planets of Kaltor's universe, which was, certainly very large, had everything necessary for life, and a very dangerous one, according to what some "servants" of Kaltor told us, this planet was and is the most harmful of all his universe, with its creatures becoming a threat even for the demigods.

Since I and the others were reborn, we were placed in Kaltor's domain. However, once we adapted to this new existence, Kaltor moved us to his universe, where time flowed more quickly.

When he mentioned to us that his universe had an accelerated time fluctuation, I couldn't help but ask him how that was possible if he was supposed to be a god akin to ruin and destruction.

Kaltor laughed and explained to us a fundamental principle in the mastery of abilities: although in essence, a god can do almost anything using E.D., some have a greater affinity for certain areas.

Those more attuned to these "areas" consume little or even no D.E. and even develop new areas of D.E. only accessible by the god who created/discovered them. In addition, he pointed out that time control is one of the most D.E. consuming abilities.

In general, gods tend to use it only at the beginning of the creation of their universes to allow a complete development, reaching a stable point without fluctuations or detrimental variables. Others, like the case of Kaltor, who, being a god in charge of the new generation, received a sponsorship from the Big 10 to train us properly, implementing acceleration in his universe.

"okey, how do you think Kaltor will organize this tournament, honestly I wouldn't want to participate, but being able to ask Kaltor for something is very tempting" mentioned Sary as they headed to the dining room.

"Honestly? I don't know, most likely, he's either evaluating us with individual matchups against each other, or team matchups against some threat. Either way, it's still tedious, why didn't you guys resolve your conflict some other way? I was fine with a vacation, and now I get this," Calyps replied, somewhat annoyed.

"Wow, you really had it bottled up, looks like that's as far as the whole shy and polite attitude went!"

"Urgh, don't mention that to me, because I'm the one with an affectation in my psyche, -STATE- I uttered Calyps somewhat annoyed.

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[Generating table of information from God No. 1024 aka Calyps]


Name: #### (Previously -Unknown-)

Nickname: Calyps (self-imposed)


Race: Newbie God


Title: Newbie God of the God of Ruin [Temporary].


Life: ∞/∞

Divine Energy: 10,000,000/10,000,000,000

Strength: ∞/∞

Agility: ∞/∞

Dexterity: ∞/∞

Endurance: ∞/∞



[Psychoemotional Instability] has been affected by Psychic Chaos, You will experience drastic changes in your emotions, going from bliss to melancholy in the blink of an eye. This mysterious alteration usually arises after facing prolonged periods of stress or critical situations. It is also commonly observed in breeds with extraordinary longevity. There is no known cure, it fades once the source of the conflict is over.



[Longevity] (passive): no matter how much time passes, time will not be able to affect him in any way, physically or mentally.(Ability gained by being reborn as a god).

[Immortality] (passive): You cannot die, no matter what kind of damage you suffer, as long as a part of you remains, you will come back to life.(Ability gained by being reborn as a god).

[Supreme Regeneration] (passive): you have the best regeneration possible, you will take microseconds to heal multiple wounds of imminent death. (Ability gained by being reborn as a god)

[Universal Creation]: Like any god in your prime, you have the majestic ability to create from non-existence, gods use this ability to create universes, which house every type of creature ever seen before.(Ability gained upon rebirth as a god).

[Angelic Seduction] (Passive = Active): You are a divine being, therefore you have an appearance capable of unerringly seducing any being inferior to you, bending their will, making them loyal to you.(Ability gained upon rebirth as a god).

[??????]: Unknown information.

[??????]: Unknown information.

[??????]: Unknown information.

[??????]: Unknown information.

====end of information====

"That Kaltor had not explained to you that this curse sometimes arises due to experiencing extreme changes in your being, and that it is common among young gods like us?"

"He did, but it exasperates me to know that I am the only one in the entire camp to suffer from it, what do you think that means, that I am mentally weaker than everyone else? Yes, it's true that, compared to most of us, my past life was spent peacefully without conflict until my death, but that should express that my mind is not weak!!!

Don't get exasperated, okay? Relax, why don't we go hang out with others instead? Maybe that'll distract you....

No, what I want now is to train, can you be my sparring partner?

Uff, ok, I still wanted to try some new moves I was practicing, let's hurry before they beat us to the Amphitheater.

Hey, wait for me!!!! Mmm? what's all the fuss?

"Greetings, Calyps and Sary. Have you no knowledge of this?" replied a humanoid-looking being, albeit with features evoking the robustness of a steroid-enhanced bull.

His voice resonated calmly as he exhibited an impeccable face and considerably developed musculature, which did not diminish the striking presence of his figure in the slightest. He wore a cloak made from animal skin and carried a helmet with the characteristic shape of a bull.

"Hello Rokar! Do you know what's going on in the Amphitheater?" asked Sary calmly unimpressed by Rokar's appearance.

"It's a squabble between Kaelen and Lyra, It's the same old feud, their racial hatred seems to be ingrained in them. I didn't think it would go this far, but when they drew their weapons, Kaltor teleported them to the Multiconfrontational Amphitheater."